The Impeachment Thread

I don't do ideology. George H.W. Bush and Jack Kemp would be the closest to my general lean, but I think there are good ideas across the political spectrum.

I can also perceive the painfully obvious: that Donald Trump is a dangerous, authoritarian buffoon who wants to use the power of his office for his own power and enrichment, not the country's. He breaks his vows to the Constitution with the same rapidity and callous disregard as he breaks his marriage vows.

George Bush was an idiot.

His sons are even more so.
The right leaning make up most of the posters and they post some stupid things. If someone in the left side the same I also say something. You simply don't pay attention when I do that. Confirmation bias
You seem surprised that there would be a right wing bias in a heavily right wing state like Tennessee. If I want to hang out with people that share the left wing bias like CNN or MSNBC I would find a message board in California or NY City to hang out in.
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Gary Johnson was my last vote as I've told you before. There's not a single person running now that I would vote for. Maybe that changes if someone like Amash enters the race

Gary Johnson’s views are ok with me on most issues but he is not a strong enough force to combat the looney left.

And the reminder....

Yes. That's been the question, now, hasn't it? Is information considered a "donation" or a "thing of value", as that's not defined.

As opposed to posting a tweet, let's just go to the code.

[USC02] 52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

ETA: This is the chapter and subchapter...


Straight from the code.

We're discussing contributions and donations of money and "things of value" in the DISCLOSURE OF CAMPAIGN FUNDS sub-chapter of campaign finance law. And now everyone is an expert that this meant "information" when it's never said that, and isn;t classified as such.
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I think we're all adults here & can laugh with each other or we can insult each other and still get along just fine.

I agree, although sometimes I think the mods would do people a solid by editing/deleting some ill-conceived posts. But erring on the side of liberty is fine by me.
You seem surprised that there would be a right wing bias in a heavily right wing state like Tennessee. If I want to hang out with people that share the left wing bias like CNN or MSNBC I would find a message board in California or NY City to hang out in.

So what you really want is an echo chamber where all of your biases are confirmed?
George Bush was an idiot.

His sons are even more so.

George H.W. Bush was not an idiot, he just didn't think the American voter would be so easily fooled by an amoral vulgarian like Clinton.

W and Jeb, sure.

Would you say you are smarter, or dumber, than Donald Trump?
You seem surprised that there would be a right wing bias in a heavily right wing state like Tennessee. If I want to hang out with people that share the left wing bias like CNN or MSNBC I would find a message board in California or NY City to hang out in.
I'm not surprised but you seem oblivious to why more criticism would be directed at Trump supporters (note I did not say conservatives) than lefties. It's simply about numbers

I'm from TN and went to UT. This board is just fine thanks
Yes. That's been the question, now, hasn't it? Is information considered a "donation" or a "thing of value", as that's not defined.

As opposed to posting a tweet, let's just go to the code.

[USC02] 52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

The Chair of the Federal Elections Commision would probably have a better grasp of this than you and I, agreed?

The tweet contained a letter, the letter contained the answer to your question. It's disingenuous to suggest information on a political opponent isn't a 'thing of value', but you know that.

Gary Johnson’s views are ok with me on most issues but he is not a strong enough force to combat the looney left.
He didn't need to be. He just needs to get the right to actually put traction behind what they used to claim to care about. He wouldn't be running trillion dollar deficits that's for damn sure
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Matt Gaetz is a neo-nazi punk b*tch.

These bungling GOP lackeys are only shooting themselves in the foot.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the "cross-section of American society" now represented by the GOP. Notice anything awry here?

View attachment 233289
Are these the buttery males we’ve been hearing about since 2016? Glad somebody found them.
This is bush league stuff

The Republicans barging in were designed to perpetuate the entirely false narrative that they are being excluded from the hearings and cannot ask questions. That is completely untrue. There are Republicans on the committees doing this and they are allowed to ask questions.

This is just a complete bullshiite tactic by Trump and his minions left in Congress. I have to think, or at least hope, that even Fox is going to call them out for this.
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The Chair of the Federal Elections Commision would probably have a better grasp of this than you and I, agreed?

The tweet contained a letter, the letter contained the answer to your question.

I'm sure she has her opinion, whether it's politically motivated or not. But, tweets aside, I repeat myself.

I posted the code, which is the code on DISCLOSURE OF FEDERAL CAMPAIGN FUNDS lol. You'll need a bit more explicit codes and a bit less appeal to authority to prove your point.

And what's funny is that her letter never came out and said that accepting information is illegal. She just posted that accepting foreign donations is illegal, and doing so... how was she put it... "risks being on the wrong end of a federal investigation."

It seems to me, she never called information a donation. She just said that accepting something that is illegal is illegal. lol

The entire debate is whether information is a donation/contribution/thing of vlaue, and whether information falls under what the legislators envisioned when writing the code in the campaign FUNDS subchapter of the campaign FUNDS law.

It seems to me, it gets pretty convenient to go back and reinterpret that now with such assurance.
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He didn't need to be. He just needs to get the right to actually put traction behind what they used to claim to care about. He wouldn't be running trillion dollar deficits that's for damn sure

The deficit shark was jumped along time ago. Neither party is going to cut enough social programs to fix it. President can only sign a budget that congress approves, not write it, and no President is willing to shut down the gov long enough to make anyone flinch.

He wouldn’t have either.
The deficit shark was jumped along time ago. Neither party is going to cut enough social programs to fix it. President can only sign a budget that congress approves, not write it, and no President is willing to shut down the gov long enough to make anyone flinch.

He wouldn’t have either.
He did it in NM. So if none of these reps are going to do what they claim why am I the bad guy for calling them out? Trump promised to eliminate the national debt in his term yet I'm some far left liberal for asking what happened? At least the left is more honest about their spending goals
The deficit shark was jumped along time ago. Neither party is going to cut enough social programs to fix it. President can only sign a budget that congress approves, not write it, and no President is willing to shut down the gov long enough to make anyone flinch.

He wouldn’t have either.

Has Trump increased the deficit or reduced the deficit?

In general, are conservatives pro-deficit or do they want to reduce the deficit?

What exactly makes Trump a conservative? Is it the millions he spent on Hillary's Senate bids?
Hannity's Conservative Sparkle Rainbow Pony Hour is very real and actual news. Totally well-sourced.

Don't let them tell you otherwise.

Besides, the Deep State's Day of Reckoning #17 will be the death knell for the Deep State, because the Deep State is a totally real thing. The Deep State is not a phrase work-shopped by Fox programmers to make you feel anxiety about the Deep State so you ask your doctor about all the pills they are hocking during the commercial break that might help with your deep state of fear.

I myself, can't wait to see them go down (and of course to just actually see them).

All news media is trash
The Republicans barging in were designed to perpetuate the entirely false narrative that they are being excluded from the hearings and cannot ask questions. That is completely untrue. There are Republicans on the committees doing this and they are allowed to ask questions.

This is just a complete bullshiite tactic by Trump and his minions left in Congress. I have to think, or at least hope, that even Fox is going to call them out for this.

Like I said, bush league stuff.

Even Graham agrees.

George H.W. Bush was not an idiot, he just didn't think the American voter would be so easily fooled by an amoral vulgarian like Clinton.

W and Jeb, sure.

Would you say you are smarter, or dumber, than Donald Trump?

I consider myself smarter than everyone so that’s a loaded question lol.

I do think he is smarter than bush though.

Bush would have signed nafta himself ole Ross hasn’t of given the election to Clinton. Bush also raised taxes when it wasn’t necessary.

And his whole beacon of lights thing.

Holy crap.

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