The Impeachment Thread

Yeah it's common core math lol...No the Chinese trade deal was the other adds 10-30 billion per year in agriculture exports which should help with Iowa and Wisconsin

Does that replace the exports those states lost under Trump's embargo?

So, it’s a “fake” impeachment, but doing oppo research on the government’s dime is a removable offense?

You realize these are mutually exclusive, contradictory conclusions? Only one can be true.

Also, the house still sets the rules on an impeachment inquiry, that’s the whole point of holding the vote. Absolutely nothing requiring them to give subpoena power to the ranking members.

This guy is literally wrong about everything. Totally shocked (not at all shocked) that you’re buying what he’s selling.
Which part is inaccurate?
All of it?
He checks some of the boxes but so do you:
How to Spot a Sociopath

In The Mask of Sanity, published in 1941, Cleckley distilled what he believed to be the 16 key behavioral characteristics that defined psychopathy. Most of these factors are still used today to diagnose sociopaths/psychopaths and others with antisocial disorders. (Psychopathy and sociopathy are terms with an intertwined clinical history, and they are now largely used interchangeably. The DSM excludes both, in favor of antisocial personality disorder.)

  • Superficial charm and good intelligence
  • Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking
  • Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations
  • Unreliability
  • Untruthfulness and insincerity
  • Lack of remorse and shame
  • Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
  • Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
  • Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
  • General poverty in major affective reactions
  • Specific loss of insight
  • Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
  • Fantastic and uninviting behavior with alcohol and sometimes without
  • Suicide threats rarely carried out
  • Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated
  • Failure to follow any life plan

So, it’s a “fake” impeachment, but doing oppo research on the government’s dime is a removable offense?

You realize these are mutually exclusive, contradictory conclusions? Only one can be true.

Also, the house still sets the rules on an impeachment inquiry, that’s the whole point of holding the vote. Absolutely nothing requiring them to give subpoena power to the ranking members.

This guy is literally wrong about everything. Totally shocked (not at all shocked) that you’re buying what he’s selling.

They are not mutually exclusive, counselor. One can be guilty of a crime, and the prosecution can still be guilty of investigating and trying it illegally. That's why due process is so important. It would be scary if an attorney didn't know that.

And that didn't read, specifically, that she should be removed from office for doing oppo research. It read as though she and the gang should be removed from office for heading up a "fake" impeachment...also called a government coup.

I'm willing to wait and see how legal this turns out to be, so I'm willing to hold my opinion on her removal. But both of your points to make that tweet wrong were...wrong.
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They are not mutually exclusive, counselor. One can be guilty of a crime, and the prosecution can still be guilty of investigating and trying it illegally. That's why due process is so important. It would be scary if an attorney didn't know that.

And that didn't read, specifically, that she should be removed from office for doing oppo research. It read as though she and the gang should be removed from office for heading up a "fake" impeachment...also called a government coup.

I'm willing to wait and see how legal this turns out to be, so I'm willing to hold my opinion on her removal. But both of your points to make that tweet wrong were...wrong.
Government coup? LOL
Fighting the current has to be exhausting.
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Government coup? LOL
Fighting the current has to be exhausting.
You should know.

Little luther
Government coup? LOL
Fighting the current has to be exhausting.
What would you call a fake impeachment?

Abusing the office of Congress to create a crime from nothing in an effort to unseat a duly elected president?

Like I said, I'm holding my opinion on whether that's what's actually happening (learn to read), but if this is a "fake impeachment"--as the referenced tweet believes--being held behind closed doors, with unnamed accusers that turn out to be coached, lying Congressional aides, then what would you call it?

I'll repeat myself again for those too dim to read and comprehend the first two times I said it... I'm not saying that's what's happening, but it's what the tweet in question is claiming. And if it were what the tweet accuses, it would, indeed, be a coup.

They are not mutually exclusive, counselor. One can be guilty of a crime, and the prosecution can still be guilty of investigating and trying it illegally. That's why due process is so important. It would be scary if an attorney didn't know that.

And that didn't read, specifically, that she should be removed from office for doing oppo research. It read as though she and the gang should be removed from office for heading up a "fake" impeachment...also called a government coup.

I'm willing to wait and see how legal this turns out to be, so I'm willing to hold my opinion on her removal. But both of your points to make that tweet wrong were...wrong.
Going to be great when the shoe turns around & fits on the other foot & this same thing happens to the next Democratic president.........being treated just like they are doing to Trump. Loony trigger happy left-wing boys & girls will holler & scream throw fits of rage & burn towns down to the ground worst then than now about how their president is being treated so unfairly and damn those republicans.

The old saying what goes around comes back around....
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Going to be great when the shoe turns around & fits on the other foot & this same thing happens to the next Democratic president.........being treated just like they are doing to Trump. Loony trigger happy left-wing boys & girls will holler & scream throw fits of rage worst then than now about how their president is being treated so unfairly and damn those republicans.

I would hope the electorate on both sides would care enough about the republic to repudiate it and make it political suicide to try.
I would hope the electorate on both sides would care enough about the republic to repudiate it and make it political suicide to try.
It's another attempt to manufacture something against Trump. They know their only hope little over a year from now is to try and throw something against the wall and hope it sticks. It's literally the only hope they've got. The biggest flaw in their plan is they've started it too early. When this continues and nothing becomes of it the sensible voters will again realize this is nothing more than a modern day Salem witch trial, as was all the other made up stuff they've tried since he was elected. I would laugh but it's too sad to think about how gullible the average American voter really is. I really thought the Kavenaugh frame up would make people realize how destructive and country hating the Democratic party really is but nothing surprises me anymore.
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Going to be great when the shoe turns around & fits on the other foot & this same thing happens to the next Democratic president.........being treated just like they are doing to Trump. Loony trigger happy left-wing boys & girls will holler & scream throw fits of rage & burn towns down to the ground worst then than now about how their president is being treated so unfairly and damn those republicans.

The old saying what goes around comes back around....
You referring to the Clinton impeachment again?

Do you guys still fail to grasp that it has nothing to do with the fact that he is a republican or that he beat Hillary?
None of the other 17 republican candidates would have received the same reaction. Not even close.
It is ALL about Trump. 100%
He is, and always has been, unfit for office; on multiple levels.
Try to process that.

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