The Impeachment Thread

No. It’s just not. If you think that, you haven’t been paying attention. It’s simply an exercise in personal responsibility.

The whistleblower alleged an attempt to leverage US foreign policy to the president’s personal political advantage and attempting to cover it up.

Trump/Giuliani admitted to asking Ukraine to investigate Biden.
Trump then asked Ukraine (and China) to investigate Biden from the White House lawn. In front of cameras.
Volker’s text messages suggest that there were active measures being taken to condition make clear that relations between US and Ukraine would improve if Ukraine opened this investigation.
The White House has acknowledged moving the call to the server in question.

We are well beyond the degree of proof needed to justify opening an investigation.

The alleged act involves an abuse of office, which they didn’t have for Clinton or Johnson. At this point, there’s more proof than they had on Nixon at the same point in the process.

IIRC, 210 democrats and Amash have publicly voiced support for an impeachment inquiry. There’s been one Republican who voiced support for an investigation. They stopped coming out when Pelosi opened the inquiry because there was no longer a need to pressure her to open an inquiry. The inquiry was opened before the phone memo was released. It was before the complaint was made public. It was before Trump publicly asked Ukraine to help his campaign, and it was before he announced he would obstruct congressional investigations. They need 219 to pass votes thorough the house, IIRC. So the argument that their failure to hold a vote somehow violates due process hangs on Nancy Pelosi’s ability to use the above to whip 7 votes....

The vote itself, has been used to open past impeachment inquiries to establish rules and convey certain powers to the committee chair conducting the investigation. Those Powers were already conferred to those chairs under the rules this (and previous) congresses. Those rules were approved by majority vote.

Half of the public believes Trump should be impeached.

The only bad “precedent” being set is not allowing him to participate in the investigation, which simply makes it just like any criminal investigation in the nation’s history. You don’t have a right to be adversarial during the investigation process. That’s called obstruction.

Oh and I guess we have the allegation that Schiff drafted the complaint being a disqualifying offense. Funny we don’t hold the police or prosecutors to that standard, either. Who do you think drafts warrants and indictments?

It’s all just scrambling to point the finger and say “unfair!” Which is one side setting bad precedent.

Meanwhile, Trump has publicly accused members of the house and Senate of treason, lying, spying... there was a list of like 15 different accusations he’d made floating around earlier. Setting. Bad. Precedent.

The things Trump has done to justify initiation of these proceedings set their own bad precedent.

Additionally, Trump argued that he is immune from criminal investigation due to the constitutional remedy of impeachment. That was, arguably, correct. Now, impeachment is here and he argues that it is illegal and unconstitutional. Essentially he is setting the precedent that the president is above any form of reproach.

This last bit, alone, more than justifies blaming him over the others.

Oh and Mitch McConnel, who will serve as both the administrator of the impeachment court and the foreman of the jury, has already promised an acquittal. Seems like bad precedent but, oddly, I haven’t seen any of the people who can’t move beyond the lionized criminal “justice” mode of due process calling for his recusal.

Seems like this idea that the process is being abused equally by both sides is wholly a result of misinformation put out by one side to provide a permission structure for their base to support abuse of power. Which, again, is one side setting bad precedent.

But I guess Maxine Waters and her psychotic rambling balances that out.
So if I tell Weezer that you shouldn’t post anymore have I just asked you not to post anymore?
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Remember during all the Benghazi investigations when Obama blocked access to documents and refused to let Hillary testify? Of course you don't. Obama handed over everything and Hillary sat for 11 hours straight, because they had nothing to hide and they aren't immature man babies.

If true then you can answer the question of “why was the ambassador in Benghazi”?
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We are shaking in our boots. Will he revive his dueling banjos hit from Deliverance?

People in the know in DC says Gowdy is one of the best lawyers around and knows how to deal with corruption in Washington. If you'd taken time to read the article posted you'd know that. Instead of trying to poo poo on ppl.
So you can post your silly unimportant pictures of Gowdy & even laugh all you want but that does no good for the out come that Trump will be going scott-free.
People in the know in DC says Gowdy is one of the best lawyers around and knows how to deal with corruption in Washington. If you'd taken time to read the article posted you'd know that. Instead of trying to poo po on ppl.
So you can post your silly unimportant pictures of Gowdy & even laugh all you want but that does no good for the out come that Trump will be going scott-free.
Just like Hillary and the Deep State? Oh wait, those are his failures.
Watch Ukraine On Fire to learn more about the turmoil and American involvement. Anyone ever ask Biden why he made 13 trips there in less than 2 years? They say in the docu that he would say one thing but do another. Watch full docu here 20191009_082438.jpg20191009_082411.jpg
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People in the know in DC says Gowdy is one of the best lawyers around and knows how to deal with corruption in Washington.
So you can post your silly unimportant pictures of Gowdy & even laugh all you want but that does no good for the out come that Trump will be going scott-free.

Interesting... Who are these "people in the know"?

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