Do you Run?……Walk?….Bike?…..Swim?……..lift weights? What’s your workout plan?

Walked 3+ miles
You’re gadget-less, right?

Try the free app called MapMyWalk from UnderAll. It uses your cellphone instead of a fitness device to track distance and altitude. Amazingly precious precise map.

- and less obsession-inducing than Fitbit and so on. 🤪

Edit: oh iPhone, your cute little autofill function 🙄
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I had an athletic training session today. My trainer was really cool. He helped me a lot with proper lifting technique, lots of little things that I never knew, like leading with your pinky when doing seated rows. That was amazing. Suddenly, I felt all of those back muscles fire off like crazy. Hope to work with him again in the near future.
You’re gadget-less, right?

Try the free app called MapMyWalk from UnderAll. It uses your cellphone instead of a fitness device to track distance and altitude. Amazingly precious precise map.

- and less obsession-inducing than Fitbit and so on. 🤪

Edit: oh iPhone, your cute little autofill function 🙄
One of my cycling old farts uses Strava. I downloaded it, but haven’t used it yet.
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Anybody else doing the Mammoth March at Fall Creek Falls in May? 20 miles in 8 hours. I did it last year in Knoxville. Its an ass kicker.
I had to get new breaks for my car yesterday. While they were working on it, I walked a mile and a half down to Denny’s for breakfast. I hadn’t been to Denny’s in forever. I got their whole wheat pancakes, and they were absolutely delicious. I’m going to have to figure out that recipe. So with that walking, I got my 12,000 steps in easy yesterday.
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Been getting my steps in at the office. 8 flights of stairs at time. Do at least 2x a day. Trying to do 3 or more on "good" days.

Doesnt leave me completely winded.
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Been getting my steps in at the office. 8 flights of stairs at time. Do at least 2x a day. Trying to do 3 or more on "good" days.

Doesnt leave me completely winded.
My knees would explode simultaneously somewhere between the sixth and seventh floors. On the first time up.
My knees would explode simultaneously somewhere between the sixth and seventh floors. On the first time up.
That's why I started with just 3 floors. Worked my way up to 8. I add one floor every month. But I wont be able to keep that up indefinitely. Would take too much time.
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3.4ish run in 35minutes. Got a Spartan run this weekend, so I am prepping for that.

^if I do the spartan run in one hour and thirty five minutes I will be happy.
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I am out of shape. Admittedly, I’m 20-30 lbs overweight and lack the strength, vigor, and stamina that I had in 2019. I seek to remedy that in steady fashion, beginning with daily walks when I don’t ride my bike. One caveat, I don’t do either in the rain.
Do you have one of those gadgets where you can mount your bike to ride indoors?

I had a recumbent stationary bike back in the day. Got a lot of use out of it, but it was an almighty nuisance and space hog.
Been slacking over the past month, as I've been busy with work and my kids' sports, but gonna run a quick 2 miles today. Aiming for 12 minutes
Do you have one of those gadgets where you can mount your bike to ride indoors?

I had a recumbent stationary bike back in the day. Got a lot of use out of it, but it was an almighty nuisance and space hog.
No. One of my cycling pals has one. It wears out his rear tires.
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Do you have one of those gadgets where you can mount your bike to ride indoors?

I had a recumbent stationary bike back in the day. Got a lot of use out of it, but it was an almighty nuisance and space hog.
My buddy has a zwift setup and really likes it. To him, the advantage is riding "against" other actual people.
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