Candace Parker on CKC

My biggest concern when they announced her hire was whether she could be able to recruit. Well, damn she sure can! Love her attitude and her competitive spirit! We gotta a winner folks!
Sure seems like a winner ! Lots of young ladies are wanting to play for CKC and Love her style. She can build herself a great legacy at Tennessee . GLV 💥
Emphasis on "she got". Pat had Mickie DeMoss, among others, who had reps as excellent recruiters. Head coaches are like CEOs. Their ability to get the right people in the right places is a key factor to their success.
and we all know the head coach closes the deal. CKC is loved by recruits. clearly.
and we all know the head coach closes the deal. CKC is loved by recruits. clearly.
Kim appears to possess juiuust the right mix of magnetic personality AND appealing physical traits that makes her attract not only recruits, but lots of other people as well. Even some people who normally hate everything to do with Tennessee find her appealing and maybe even kinda-sorta secretly pulling for her.

Whatever “it” is, Kim’s got it.
Kim appears to possess juiuust the right mix of magnetic personality AND appealing physical traits that makes her attract not only recruits, but lots of other people as well. Even some people who normally hate everything to do with Tennessee find her appealing and maybe even kinda-sorta secretly pulling for her.

Whatever “it” is, Kim’s got it.
So you're saying she's hot and that's part of her formula for success? Just making sure I'm reading between the lines accurately.
So you're saying she's hot and that's part of her formula for success? Just making sure I'm reading between the lines accurately.

People in general tend naturally to gravitate more readily to people they find attractive, either physically or because of an attractive personality. When a person has both, like Caldwell, it's more likely that people will be drawn to them.

I'm not being gross here. It's just human nature.
People in general tend naturally to gravitate more readily to people they find attractive, either physically or because of an attractive personality. When a person has both, like Caldwell, it's more likely that people will be drawn to them.

I'm not being gross here. It's just human nature.
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People in general tend naturally to gravitate more readily to people they find attractive, either physically or because of an attractive personality. When a person has both, like Caldwell, it's more likely that people will be drawn to them.

I'm not being gross here. It's just human nature.
I would pay you $500 to go to one of her press conferences and ask if she thinks physical attractiveness plays a role in her success.

Does this mean Kellie and Holly were lacking in this regard?
I would pay you $500 to go to one of her press conferences and ask if she thinks physical attractiveness plays a role in her success.

Does this mean Kellie and Holly were lacking in this regard?

Relax, man.

For you to be trying so hard to make what I wrote into me saying that Kim is only successful because she's pretty is laughable, and says a lot about you.

That said, take a look around the world for a moment. It's full of examples of people who are unfairly put into positions of being successful ONLY because they are beautiful/handsome.

But this is NOT the case with Caldwell. She is attractive in a way that her personality makes her adorable, but the woman is also tough as nails and can flat-out COACH. This is why she is successful. Have you never actually been drawn to anyone like that to understand this concept?

Anyway, you can stop trying to turn this into something it's NOT.
Relax, man.

For you to be trying so hard to make what I wrote into me saying that Kim is only successful because she's pretty is laughable, and says a lot about you.

That said, take a look around the world for a moment. It's full of examples of people who are unfairly put into positions of being successful ONLY because they are beautiful/handsome.

But this is NOT the case with Caldwell. She is attractive in a way that her personality makes her adorable. Have you never actually been drawn to anyone like that to understand this concept?

Anyway, you can stop trying to turn this into something it's NOT.
I never said "is only successful because she's pretty," brotatochip. The post you're quoting clearly says "plays a role in her success." Do I need to explain the difference? Either way, I maintain that Coach Caldwell would probably be thrilled to learn that men chalk some of her success up to looks or the fact that she's "adorable." That's not patronizing in the least.

The tenor of your comments got personal pretty quick, though, so I tend to file that under the "hit dog's gonna holler" column. 😉
People in general tend naturally to gravitate more readily to people they find attractive, either physically or because of an attractive personality. When a person has both, like Caldwell, it's more likely that people will be drawn to them.

I'm not being gross here. It's just human nature.
In general, being "attractive" is an asset in human relations so sure in regard to CKC- that is also an asset.

But you can create a long list of physically attractive coaches who did not get the job done - let's start with a few in the LV orbit -- Kellie (personality + looks), Niki Caldwell (could have been a supermodel + personal charisma).

So, lets not be reductionistic about it all

Competitive NIL packages also make a coach more "attractive."

A pitch that resonates with players makes a coach more attractive. From what I understand, KJH put a heavy emphasis on the LV tradition and the CPS legacy and that just may not ring the bells of 17 year old high schoolers.

A contemporary offense also makes a coach more attractive-- the 1990 ball the LVs had been playing under KJH was a recruiting liability.

And so on....,

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