2024 Presidential Race

‘Buzzer’ you do not provide any stats. Try again.
If you're not familiar with those then you're replies make sense. Not sure how the point can even be argued given the numbers coming out of just Yemen. How's Libya doing these days since Hillary turned it into a gun running op?

You're not making an honest attempt in the "class individual with character" comparisons. You're not alone
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Not even sure why we look at or discuss the national popular vote. 270 is all that matters. When our Vols spank Oklahoma in the SEC opener this year, all the fans are gonna care about is the final score. The CF world is not gonna be like “Yes. The Vols did win 35-18 today. But Oklahoma fans should feel good that they outgained the Big Orange by 14 total yards.”

The strategy is to win the game! Trump’s campaign will develop a strategy to get him to 270. Losing the popular vote only hurts his ego and gives the left something to complain about. I do not care whatsoever about the national popular vote and no one else should either. It’s a secondary stat at best.
Thanks for sharing the obvious. It does matter because (1) it hurts his ego and (2) there is something wrong when, at a national level, popular vote does not matter. IMHO it should. Large metropolitan areas become underrepresented in that situation.
If you're not familiar with those then you're replies make sense. Not sure how the point can even be argued given the numbers coming out of just Yemen. How's Libya doing these days since Hillary turned it into a gun running op?

You're not making an honest attempt in the comparisons. You're not alone
No, you are not making a freaking attempt. I could easily ‘Trump’ your lame stats with a Quick Look at Russia and North Korea and Trump‘s complacency with their stomping on life and human rights.

You are not alone.
No, you are not making a freaking attempt. I could easily ‘Trump’ your lame stats with a Quick Look at Russia and North Korea and Trump‘s complacency with their stomping on life and human rights.

You are not alone.
Gave approval and allowed arms sales to the Saudi genocide committed in Yemen. Hundreds of thousands dead and millions in a state of famine. If you want to claim that Trump did nothing to end it then that's fine but it was absolutely kicked off by Obama. Nothing like that has happened in NK or Russia so that would be at best a push (since Obama did nothing either). Compare real actions

How Libya doing these days? That's direct action. Isis still puttering along? That's direct action

I'm always amazed when I encounter people so ingrained in their beliefs that they can't admit even a little bit that their guys suck too.
No, you are not making a freaking attempt. I could easily ‘Trump’ your lame stats with a Quick Look at Russia and North Korea and Trump‘s complacency with their stomping on life and human rights.

You are not alone.

^^^ they've brainwashed another one.

I voted for Obama and he did all those things mentioned. He was very disappointing.

His presidency gave rise to radical groups like blm and antifa.

He spent has last year in office taking a world tour condemning the US. Why do you think they hired Linda Greenfield who pulls those same tactics? It was the first time an American POTUS had traveled abroad condemning America. Why do you think even China and others have reversed it on us and uses those talking points today?

He cozied with Cuban leadership at baseball games but was ignored by top leadership in a show of disrespect, he let real domestic terrorists out of prison, and more. It's no surprise democrats are using projection with Trump because these are things they actually do.

The Biden Administration is a continuation of those policy positions and many of the same team are back in place.
The party often picks a favorite--but that wasn't the case with Obama. And it wasn't the case with the gangster--and
when we put those two men side by side we can see the difference, in high relief, between left/center left and right. Rubes
may not like some/many of Obama's positions--but he's a class individual with character. Trump is a vile human being at every level--it's not arguable, though MAGA tries--and EXTREMELY corrupt. And character should always be the absolute starting point for a presidential candidate.

Speaking of Romney:

President Obama was straight garbage too. He was so bad that all Trump had to do was ease restrictions and the economy took off.
Exhibit A

Using a radical far left reference point to argue that an alternative less restictive policy is the extremist policy.

Of course this comes from the group that thinks CC is going to end the world in a few years, so anthing less than Zero carbon is going to be extreme. So who are the real programmed extremists?
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Thanks for sharing the obvious. It does matter because (1) it hurts his ego and (2) there is something wrong when, at a national level, popular vote does not matter. IMHO it should. Large metropolitan areas become underrepresented in that situation.
Yes. That’s Americas problem! You have identified it for the rest of humanity!

The large metropolitan areas just aren’t represented well enough within the framework of our government.

Wow. Thanks. You are a hero!
He spent has last year in office taking a world tour condemning the US. Why do you think they hired Linda Greenfield who pulls those same tactics? It was the first time an American POTUS had traveled abroad condemning America. Why do you think even China and others have reversed it on us and uses those talking points today?
The Chinese didn't need Linda Thomas Greenfield or Obama to let them know US crimes across the globe. It was just verboten at the time to call us out on our BS.
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The Chinese didn't need Linda Thomas Greenfield or Obama to let them know US crimes across the globe. It was an just verboten at the time to call us out on our BS.

Funny thing is those clowns weren't talking about that.

Also notice the crickets from the poster. The poster must've learned something.
President Obama was straight garbage too. He was so bad that all Trump had to do was ease restrictions and the economy took off.
Sort of true on the economy. Do you have any idea what happened between 2005 and 2008? We had no choice afterwards. Our economic model had to affect stability first and foremost. It's true our growth was slow. That's the only course after massive financial fraud. There isn't an avenue for financial dereg during the aftermath of that sort of financial loss. Trump walked into a great situation to cut regs and shower us with growth. The problem was that he cut taxes for the ultra wealthy and increased spending at the same time. His international trade negotiations were a disaster. The market was already flooded with cash when the pandemic hit. The subsequent payouts from both him and Biden contributed heavily to the initial inflation curve. Trump's economic plan was always a short term height, completely unsustainable in the long term
President Obama was straight garbage too. He was so bad that all Trump had to do was ease restrictions and the economy took off.

You have no idea what you're talking about--usual MAGA.

First three years of gangster presidency, economic growth averaged 2.5 percent
Last three years of Obama presidency, economic growth averaged. 2.3 percent.

Obama inherited a massive recession, which I'm sure you're not aware of.

I'm quite sure no economist has ever used the term "eased restrictions...." Ha, ha, ha.

Also, Obama = man with character and integrity
Gangster---vile, corrupt,, dishonest to his core. A con man. An ex-prez who spends 24/7 conning his dope base--selling tennis shoes to go with his daily mountain of bull$hit. :cool:
Sort of true on the economy. Do you have any idea what happened between 2005 and 2008? We had no choice afterwards. Our economic model had to affect stability first and foremost. It's true our growth was slow. That's the only course after massive financial fraud. There isn't an avenue for financial dereg during the aftermath of that sort of financial loss. Trump walked into a great situation to cut regs and shower us with growth. The problem was that he cut taxes for the ultra wealthy and increased spending at the same time. His international trade negotiations were a disaster. The market was already flooded with cash when the pandemic hit. The subsequent payouts from both him and Biden contributed heavily to the initial inflation curve. Trump's economic plan was always a short term height, completely unsustainable in the long term
No doubt.
Trump is hot garbage.
The point was Obama knew absolutely nothing about running anything and it made Trump look good. Trump is fools gold.
‘Buzzer’ you do not provide any stats. Try again.
In 2010 Obama directed the CIA to assassinate an American citizen in Yemen, Anwar al-Awlaki, despite the fact that he had never been charged with (let alone convicted of) any crime

Two weeks after the killing of Awlaki, a separate CIA drone strike in Yemen killed his 16-year-old American-born son, Abdulrahman, along with the boy’s 17-year-old cousin and several other innocent Yemenis.

Even more chilling from a constitutional perspective is that the Obama administration has — with little to no complaint from the American people or the other two branches of government — deliberately targeted and killed US citizens in drone strikes, without those individuals ever having been given their constitutional right to due process of law.

The 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians. As he reportedly told senior aides in 2011: “Turns out I’m really good at killing people. Didn’t know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.”

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That's not nearly an accurate characterization of the economic environment at that time
Nothing Obama did was his plan. He was a community organizer with little to no oversight experience. He came off of wartime spending and instead of reigning things in he doubled down on spending without any reasonable way of paying for it. His inability to manage financial matters actually made things worse. Every president since Carter has spent like a drunken sailor without any sort of actual plan or budget with the notable exception of Bill Clinton.
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Nothing Obama did was his plan. He was a community organizer with little to no oversight experience. He came off of wartime spending and instead of reigning things in he doubled down on spending without any reasonable way of paying for it. His inability to manage financial matters actually made things worse. Every president since Carter has spent like a drunken sailor without any sort of actual plan or budget with the notable exception of Bill Clinton.
He was good at killing people though…

As he reportedly told senior aides in 2011: Turns out I’m really good at killing people. Didn’t know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.”

Almost 4k drone strike kills credited to Obama, including over 300 citizens. A record that will likely stand the test of time.

Barack Obama, the Iron Man of “targeted killings”.
Nothing Obama did was his plan. He was a community organizer with little to no oversight experience. He came off of wartime spending and instead of reigning things in he doubled down on spending without any reasonable way of paying for it. His inability to manage financial matters actually made things worse. Every president since Carter has spent like a drunken sailor without any sort of actual plan or budget with the notable exception of Bill Clinton.
Yes, I am aware it wasn't "his" economic plan by design. My Goodness, Man. It's apparent you haven't any clue as to financial crisis we were in in 2008. We'll just leave it at that, plus your seemingly lack of interest in detail and nuance.

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