Recruiting Football Talk VII

How many Buddhists does it take to screw in a light bulb? There is no light bulb.

Why did the Buddhist coroner get fired? He kept marking the cause of death as “birth.”

A monk asked the Dalai Lama if it was ok to use email. "Yes, but with no attachments."

A student is on one side of a raging river. There are no bridges. He has no boat. He shouts out to the Zen master on the opposite bank. “How do I get to the other side?” The master: “You are on the other side.”

A serious young man found the conflicts of mid 20th Century America confusing. He went to many people seeking a way of resolving within himself the discords that troubled him, but he remained troubled.
One night in a coffee house, a self-ordained Zen Master said to him, "go to the dilapidated mansion you will find at this address which I have written down for you. Do not speak to those who live there; you must remain silent until the moon rises tomorrow night. Go to the large room on the right of the main hallway, sit in the lotus position on top of the rubble in the northeast corner, face the corner, and meditate."
He did just as the Zen Master instructed. His meditation was frequently interrupted by worries. He worried whether or not the rest of the plumbing fixtures would fall from the second floor bathroom to join the pipes and other trash he was sitting on. He worried how would he know when the moon rose on the next night. He worried about what the people who walked through the room said about him.
His worrying and meditation were disturbed when, as if in a test of his faith, ordure fell from the second floor onto him. At that time two people walked into the room. The first asked the second who the man was sitting there was. The second replied "Some say he is a holy man. Others say he is a shithead."
Hearing this, the man was enlightened.
Sorry McGill.

It was an old VN FF thread that started sideways and over corrected.


*Good reading for anyone else interested
Lol...that's funny.
You want the yearly Powerball winning ticket salary?...then YOU take the chance of getting hurt..nobody puts a f'n gun to anybodies head and makes them play the sport.

DUDE the players were literally against this rule 😅🤣

At least read about it first before spouting your emojis my good man!
Quit justifying this stupid 🦬💩 is total 🦬💩...period.

Why even have a damn defense out on the field...just pretending to stand in the way of your worshipped "Offense" if you are not going to let them play is total f'n 🦬💩.

Stop the 🦬💩...if people don't want to take a chance on getting hurt...don't play the f'n about oeople take accountability for their own dang decisions for once?

You want the yearly Powerball winning ticket salary?...then YOU take the chance of getting hurt..nobody puts a f'n gun to anybodies head and makes them play the sport.

Milquetoast generations ruining the freakin world
McGill Post of the Year. Bringing out the heavy artillery.
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I think he was an extremely talented, very young NFL player that died tragically at a very young age. I think that anybody that is making that statement is exhibiting little to no class and is likely a little-known member of the media trying desperately to make a name for him or herself.
Just because he died you can't question people diefying him? No one ever says he's bad.

I dont know if you've noticed, but any talk of Sean Taylor has entered a mythical category. Popular opinion online had him better than any safety ever except for Ed Reed.
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They are definitely big d bags
If you can get past them acting like they are gods gift to evaluating talent and acting like they are the best radio guys it’s not a bad listen
I do get tired of them *****ing on fans who ask questions though also
Idk they get some dumb questions and I think they have some fatigue from the same questions on the volquest board.
Just because he died you can't question people diefying him? No one ever says he's bad.

I dont know if you've noticed, but any talk of Sean Taylor has entered a mythical category. Popular opinion online had him better than any safety ever except for Ed Reed.
You actually want to continue this ridiculous conversation? Nobody is deifying Sean Taylor. However, saying that he is the most overrated player ever (which was your original assertion) is ridiculous. There are TONS of players that were more overrated than Sean Taylor.
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I am probably in the minority but I think the SS is the best week of the tournament. If you've won two games your legit and the games are usually even matches. The madness is fun but I like this week best.
I tend to agree. So many times, the first round and/or sweet 16 have the best games. Just hope our game vs Creighton is competitive. If we go down, at least go down swinging and make a game of it.
How many Buddhists does it take to screw in a light bulb? There is no light bulb.

Why did the Buddhist coroner get fired? He kept marking the cause of death as “birth.”

A monk asked the Dalai Lama if it was ok to use email. "Yes, but with no attachments."

A student is on one side of a raging river. There are no bridges. He has no boat. He shouts out to the Zen master on the opposite bank. “How do I get to the other side?” The master: “You are on the other side.”
I really like that last one a lot.
I have been around for a lot of great moments in Tennessee history but this story is near the top, probably on Rushmore. Also it infuriates me how all these news people around the country call us the Voles, can't the read VAWLS.
To me, this story ranks up there with the one about the kid in FL who got made fun of because he had to home-make his t-shirt about something important to him. And his was of UT.
He is correct to have ought with Weezer. The hundreds of possums you see hit in the road are not just slow and stupid, there's more to it than that. The Motor Vehicle Safety Commision data shows that over 50% of the the possum killed in the road are actually thrown into oncoming traffic by mysterious ape-like creatures.
They do it so the cars can tenderize them real's easier to eat them that way.

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