Heupel’s cough

This is year two of "the cough". He gets it at the same time of year. It's allergies. He might need to get allergy shots tbh. I'm sure he's had it looked at. It's allergies.
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I got bad acid flex I don’t know how big Heup is but I’m 268 and take BP pills I do get the occasional dry cough like he has
This is year two of "the cough". He gets it at the same time of year. It's allergies. He might need to get allergy shots tbh. I'm sure he's had it looked at. It's allergies.
Allergies in Knoxville in late November? Maybe to a pet or something but really???? WTF is producing pollen in Knoxville on November 21?
I have allergies year around right know I have a lot of drainage issues.
Get tested. It's probably something in your home, not outside. Heupel's may be also but I'm doubtful it's a pollen problem was my point.

I'll agree it might be the ACE Inhibitor (if he's on one) but docs kick patients to ARBs or other choices all the time because of the ACE Inhibitor cough. Heupel surely gets decent healthcare.
Allergies come twice a year. In the spring, and in the fall. Especially in the south east. If you want to go with acid reflux, go with it (I've never heard of that), but I'm as careful as you can be about illnesses in this day and age, as vaxed and shot up as it comes. It's not covid. I can tell you that.
You can be allergic to things that are not pollen related. Asthma can cause coughing issues also.
He or someone he loves may have been exposed to asbestos, spent time at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987, took Zantac, and had a defective hip replacement.
But did he get his Fauci shots? That is the icing on the cake.... can't wait for those lawyers to start cashing in.
I know this has been talked about before, I don’t know the reason, but I’m not gonna lie, I do find myself worrying about coach’s health at times when he starts coughing again. Hope the guy is fine and the reason is minor.
I am more worried about about his team's performance Saturday.
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