President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Yeah, MAGA people wouldn’t like her then.

I’d like to know what percentage of the GOP voter base are actually hardcore MAGA types.

Based on the latest poll not as high as it should be to continue on with the storylines, but is sucks people in to continue the butism of Trump. The press/left need MAGA/Trump because their base if blinded by the wolf in sheep's clothing.
What did Obama say that was so egregious? I understand he pushed an agenda that was not something everybody approved, but I don't specifically remember instances of him being extremely uncouth/uncivil.
One can come off as polite and still not be civil or cause division.

Most of the racial rioting started under Obama. And it didnt help that he always took one side, made comments, all before the facts came out. Even when he was directly commenting he had comments like "If I had a son". He was pretty much LG in making predictions, seems like everytime he publically sided with the "victim" they turned out to be the problem. And yet he never offered consilatory comments after it came out he was wrong.

His "i have a pen and a phone" comment was divisive. Nothing like telling Congress you are going to work around their whole branch to bring the nation together.

He signed a secret law into effect with ACA. No way to argue that a bill the nation didnt even know the contents of was unifying.

Bombed Americans without warrant. How he didnt get impeached for that I will never understand.

He weaponized the IRS against his political foes. Obviously divisive. Gave money to Iran, going to tick people off. Opened up communication with Cuba. I think it was a good thing but clearly going to piss off some people with good reason.

IIRC something happened while he was down in Cuba at a baseball game, and he refused to address it or take any action until he was done. A natural disaster or another riot. That's not going to be considered unifying if you are putting a 50/60 year enemy over the people.
One can come off as polite and still not be civil or cause division.

Most of the racial rioting started under Obama. And it didnt help that he always took one side, made comments, all before the facts came out. Even when he was directly commenting he had comments like "If I had a son". He was pretty much LG in making predictions, seems like everytime he publically sided with the "victim" they turned out to be the problem. And yet he never offered consilatory comments after it came out he was wrong.

His "i have a pen and a phone" comment was divisive. Nothing like telling Congress you are going to work around their whole branch to bring the nation together.

He signed a secret law into effect with ACA. No way to argue that a bill the nation didnt even know the contents of was unifying.

Bombed Americans without warrant. How he didnt get impeached for that I will never understand.

He weaponized the IRS against his political foes. Obviously divisive. Gave money to Iran, going to tick people off. Opened up communication with Cuba. I think it was a good thing but clearly going to piss off some people with good reason.

IIRC something happened while he was down in Cuba at a baseball game, and he refused to address it or take any action until he was done. A natural disaster or another riot. That's not going to be considered unifying if you are putting a 50/60 year enemy over the people.
Haha. Sound like Hannity talking points. In other words, he was a black guy.
One can come off as polite and still not be civil or cause division.

Most of the racial rioting started under Obama. And it didnt help that he always took one side, made comments, all before the facts came out. Even when he was directly commenting he had comments like "If I had a son". He was pretty much LG in making predictions, seems like everytime he publically sided with the "victim" they turned out to be the problem. And yet he never offered consilatory comments after it came out he was wrong.

His "i have a pen and a phone" comment was divisive. Nothing like telling Congress you are going to work around their whole branch to bring the nation together.

He signed a secret law into effect with ACA. No way to argue that a bill the nation didnt even know the contents of was unifying.

Bombed Americans without warrant. How he didnt get impeached for that I will never understand.

He weaponized the IRS against his political foes. Obviously divisive. Gave money to Iran, going to tick people off. Opened up communication with Cuba. I think it was a good thing but clearly going to piss off some people with good reason.

IIRC something happened while he was down in Cuba at a baseball game, and he refused to address it or take any action until he was done. A natural disaster or another riot. That's not going to be considered unifying if you are putting a 50/60 year enemy over the people.
Believe the term is "wolf in sheep's clothing"
One can come off as polite and still not be civil or cause division.

Most of the racial rioting started under Obama. And it didnt help that he always took one side, made comments, all before the facts came out. Even when he was directly commenting he had comments like "If I had a son". He was pretty much LG in making predictions, seems like everytime he publically sided with the "victim" they turned out to be the problem. And yet he never offered consilatory comments after it came out he was wrong.

His "i have a pen and a phone" comment was divisive. Nothing like telling Congress you are going to work around their whole branch to bring the nation together.

He signed a secret law into effect with ACA. No way to argue that a bill the nation didnt even know the contents of was unifying.

Bombed Americans without warrant. How he didnt get impeached for that I will never understand.

He weaponized the IRS against his political foes. Obviously divisive. Gave money to Iran, going to tick people off. Opened up communication with Cuba. I think it was a good thing but clearly going to piss off some people with good reason.

IIRC something happened while he was down in Cuba at a baseball game, and he refused to address it or take any action until he was done. A natural disaster or another riot. That's not going to be considered unifying if you are putting a 50/60 year enemy over the people.

Spot on, as Looth would say.

Not to mention he flat out lied to our nations Grandparents about being able to keep their Doctor. Which had real consequences.

He promoted “see something say something”. Well, A teacher saw and said, was mistaken, and rather than let it go, he made a national spectacle of it for political gain, and she was labeled as a racist. However, it turned out clockboy played Obama like most Foreign leaders did.

I tell you. I was naive enough to buy into his crap in 08. I was in my early 20s and drank too much. But I do not miss him at all! He was a terrible president. He’s a terrible human being. He is the poster boy for hypocrisy and watching the media still protect him to this day makes me sick.

Get this. He was such a bad president. So bad that America went completely away from politicians to replace him. Think about that!

Thanks for nothing Obummer.
lol.....People cared what gender they were for the first 240 years. Just call it making up for lost time in an effort to achieve what should have been the proper balance long ago.
Scratch everything on my list but judicial appointments.
Orange Tsar and I agreed that that alone can make a presidential term worth it.

Democrats look for political correctness. Republicans look for the best. Sometimes when you go after the best you land the minority. Most of the time when you choose political correctness you get Kamala Harris or that troll Sonia Sotomayor.
Democrats look for political correctness. Republicans look for the best. Sometimes when you go after the best you land the minority. Most of the time when you choose political correctness you get Kamala Harris or that troll Sonia Sotomayor.

Can’t wait for President Pete.
Sure he is woefully unqualified. Doing a terrible job now. Takes months off of work during a crisis.

But hey, He’s gay. It’s more important to have our first gay president than just about anything for any reason, ever! Like guys, it has to happen! Plus, look at the way he talks. Gives me the warm and fuzzies.

Being better than one alternative in no way means it's the best. That's ridiculous
Trump was bottom of the barrel

Where in my post did I mention Trump? Trump wasn't politically correct. I voted for Cruz in the primary. By the time the general came around, I understood the attraction to Trump. He had a passion for America. I will never vote for the person condeming everything about America while they are running to govern America.
If bottom of the barrel was Trump, in reality what does that say for those he defeated on both sides?
It says a few things.
1. Some people intentionally picked the bottom of the barrel.
2. Some people aren't able to discern what is the bottom of the barrel.
3. Some people have different criteria on what constitutes the bottom of the barrel.
One can come off as polite and still not be civil or cause division.

Most of the racial rioting started under Obama. And it didnt help that he always took one side, made comments, all before the facts came out. Even when he was directly commenting he had comments like "If I had a son". He was pretty much LG in making predictions, seems like everytime he publically sided with the "victim" they turned out to be the problem. And yet he never offered consilatory comments after it came out he was wrong.

His "i have a pen and a phone" comment was divisive. Nothing like telling Congress you are going to work around their whole branch to bring the nation together.

He signed a secret law into effect with ACA. No way to argue that a bill the nation didnt even know the contents of was unifying.

Bombed Americans without warrant. How he didnt get impeached for that I will never understand.

He weaponized the IRS against his political foes. Obviously divisive. Gave money to Iran, going to tick people off. Opened up communication with Cuba. I think it was a good thing but clearly going to piss off some people with good reason.

IIRC something happened while he was down in Cuba at a baseball game, and he refused to address it or take any action until he was done. A natural disaster or another riot. That's not going to be considered unifying if you are putting a 50/60 year enemy over the people.

Obama poured the gasoline on the division we see today. Blm, Antifa, etc started under Obama. Obama also normalized condemning the US overseas. Now all the democrat party politicians do it.
Where in my post did I mention Trump? Trump wasn't politically correct. I voted for Cruz in the primary. By the time the general came around, I understood the attraction to Trump. He had a passion for America. I will never vote for the person condeming everything about America while they are running to govern America.
You said republicans look for the best. That is in no way true given who represents them
Obama poured the gasoline on the division we see today. Blm, Antifa, etc started under Obama. Obama also normalized condemning the US overseas. Now all the democrat party politicians do it.

Which is sad considering he had the greatest opportunity to make things better. Making people feel like victims… him…..the “president”….. just shows how racism is the root cause of all the failures of black people.
They suck ass too. Doesn't mean the GOP choice is the best

Just as a baseline who would be a good nominee in your opinion? Would it be for the policies they support, because they appear “presidential, or both. Just wondering who fits that bill in your eye.
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