Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Sell them to me then.
I sincerely want them (and our as yet unhired defensive coaches) to succeed.

I won't sell them to you individually, but as a unit. CJH's offenses produced over 500 yards a game at UCF and this was the staff that did that with him. They speak the same language, they know how to coach the techniques, and they know how to deal with one another on the day to day. I wouldn't mess with that chemistry.

He didn't bring them in for budget, he brought them in because he's comfortable with them and they give him the highest probability of success. Personally, I'm excited to see what they can do with these young men.

You know what I want to see? A WR catch a pass in stride in the middle of the field with a chance to score. Don't think I've seen that in a while.
I mean he would likely have the LB coach job at Ohio State the rest of his career waiting on him whenever he wanted. Even if he failed here. And he would have gone back there a rich man.

That's also just assuming he would have failed here. Which you don't know. None of us know. He could have been great and turned it into a head coaching job somewhere for all we know.

I hear the sky is falling and we're gonna suck forever narrative. And I reject the hell out of it. I just don't see it that way. I think the majority of folks see it that way right now because we've had awful press lately and we've been bad on the field. But what matters is what we do in the game of football moving forward and nobody knows what that's gonna look like yet. Narratives can change on a dime. We just won't get many opportunities to change ours for awhile.

Unfortunately perception is reality. So right now it's not a great job. Just takes somebody with a little vision to see what it could be.

Whatever. I'm moving on.

sure he could go back if he failed but why take a job that increases the likelihood of failing

It’s like vandy trying to hire Tony elliot. Under no circumstances should anyone like that take a job they are likely to fail at.
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Volnation when AP or Hubbs comes with a tidbit of info. We be like...

He’s fattened those coons up. Reminds me of my uncle. He would always go to the CO-OP to get corn for squirrels. Those old men ask him one day why in the world do you want to feed those things? He answered, buddy they feed me for years 😂😂😂
How can you ascertain that with as little information as we have been given?
It shouldn't take 4 days. You can only sweeten the pot so much. If he wants on it should have happened. Seems like the ship has sailed, no other way to explain the holdup that I can think of.
It's not like other jobs come with no risk. Oh except Ohio State since they play like 2 good teams.
Of course they do. But like you said, he’s at Osu. He stays there and he can get a raise and promotion and catapult that to a HC job. Or at minimum a DC job at an established place that’s ready to win. If JH doesn’t win, he’s fired in 3 years and likely back to being a position coach.
Fatigue. Plus I need Cliffs notes from the past 500 pages.

Get out of here with this Vandy comparison

You missed the point clearly

DCs aren’t judged on wins and losses. There are judged by their side of the balls stats.

Washington could be our DC and we win 9-10 games in the next few years and with our offensive scheme his stats would still suck and thus he “failed”

that’s why the DC job here being a “success” is about as likely as the vandy HC winning
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