Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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I sold most at $3 and it’s still going! Was hoping for a pullback so I could load the dip.
Thanks for the info yesterday. I’m at home with the virus and bought into it. Too bad I slept in and it was at 2.25 before I got it. Almost sold at the closing bell but thought I would roll the dice and keep it.
I think the philosophy is different with JH. Steele is a good DC but he wants a DC that takes more risks and is more aggressive. Also think Steele JH and DW are in an awkward position. Probably uncomfortable

You are correct there --- on paper it just makes perfect sense, but we are not there reading the room... the optics are probably different...
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He's just happy where he is. He's gotten more in the back-and-forth, and Columbus is home. He hasn't even visited UT or met key personnel. UT has continued to search.
If we are offering what has been said (and probably some things not discussed) to a position coach up and comer that most sitting DCs don’t get, and he still has to think on it...he’s already made up his mind to stay. At this point it’s part flattery, part extortion to see what OSU will do to “keep” him.
I’d love to have a guy that appears well respected and is a proven recruiter and developer, but we need to get this show on the road. I’m all for persistence but there’s a fork in every road. We need to choose a direction and go.
If OSU would have ponied up to keep him, that news would of hit with an extension most likely.
Not really. It’s in house and he already works there. They will draw up the paperwork and announce it later. Louisville just announced the DCs new agreement yesterday.
Not really. It’s in house and he already works there. They will draw up the paperwork and announce it later. Louisville just announced the DCs new agreement yesterday.

But there was report last week saying brown was staying at Louisville.
no such report for Washington
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