Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Glazier has said publicly that schools don't always get credit for being upfront and the NCAA doesn't always agree with the school's suggestions to self-impose. Some schools skate and some are used as examples. UT wanted to dig deep and put it all there as a means to an end. UT provided the rope, so we'll see what the NCAA does with it. UT may have stopped investigating, but the NCAA is still sniffing around.
Well if i was Glazier, i would make sure that if i told my client to admit to wrong doing, it was going to lead to the best result possible for the client. Im sure UT followed his recommendation on whether to bury this stuff or dig it all up and turn it over.
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Guys I know yall are probably going to disown me and send me off to the football forum , but after much thought on this I am in Steeles corner. I mean the 2 coaches we all want is Freeze or Kiffin. In my opinion the only route to being able to hire either one of these guys is still 2 or 3 years down the road. Steele rights the ship for a few years and navigates us through the sanctions and all. He probably goes 500 over that time span then steps down and we go get our big name. I think we will be fine in recruiting also Steele will recruit at the same level or maybe even better than we have been doing over the last decade. I think this is our best play. Not to panic and take a step back. OK I know yall hate me
100 pages behind.
what’s the latest on the AD Search?

@Ron Swanson
@Kingston Vol
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After talking to some people, I'm not ruling out end of this week/weekend. I know earlier in this thread I thought that was too fast, now I'm not so fast.

I think White could certainly be a candidate. I don't know where the Chancellor is going with this hire right now. She's keeping things very quiet and close. His resume is good. Now, do they want to hire a guy with no UT connections and no SEC or Power 5 experience even as an assistant? I don't know.

I think it's pretty evident she's wanting to run her search.
The NCAA likely will only do anything if you tell them what you've done. Which we're gonna do.

The NCAA has Will Wade discussing paying players on audiotape and he also told LSU officials to eff off when they asked him what happened. Their punishment? He was suspended for a few games, had his contract re-worded where he gets no buyout if found guilty of a future Level I or II violation, and is still coaching like nothing happened.

"Deny deny deny" works.
Is he responsible for this mess? Yes.

Does that mean this is forever his lasting UT legacy? No.

Fulmer’s legacy can, and will, be that he both took this program to its highest AND lowest points over the past 30 years. He was given a job as AD that should have never been given to him, and he failed miserably. He’s responsible for that. But so is the administration who thought it’d be a good idea to hire a “feel good redemption story” to run a multimillion dollar operation.
Phil's legacy is not and should not be only "he nuked the program." However, his legacy is not and should be only "national title winner" either.

IMO, this Pruitt debacle moved his legacy from "national title winner, but with a rocky exit" to "it's really complicated." I think it's now really hard to adequately sum up his legacy in just a few words.
I don’t think he is. But until Steele is hired, there’s hope
FU money coaches do not want half their coaching staff put together with no say so.... Steele was brought in by Fulmer and Pruitt
Steele was not brought in by “the new coach”
They are waiting for the new AD to rubber stamp Steele for HC
It’s still Steele
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I really can't see any of the old staff being retained.. especially anyone involved in the least bit with recruiting...I mean...why would you risk that, for something else to come out later on.... if Pruitt and Neids were doing money bags ,find it hard to believe every staff member wasn't aware... clean the slate
What type of violations are fake classes for athletes and payments to players in the hundreds of thousands of dollars?
In UNC's case, as long as you make those classes available to the entire student body, it isn't a violation at all.

You make it an accreditation issue instead of an NCAA issue.
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