2020 Presidential Race

In your dreams. That's just you crapping your bed again.
Depends, you should invest in some, PottyGuard.

Oh, that reminds me, when is the last time you touched a basketball? Or is that another one of your fantasies?

This morning. Game of horse. You?
You got a daughter? She should have the class and smarts of Vice President elect Kamela Harris who had a great mother as. Role model. Hopefully you daughter if you have one is as lucky as Kamela Harris
I don’t but if I did I would urge her to not sleep her way to the top at her job. I would also raise her to not be a radical communist America hating POS
In what way? Look at the demographics of those bellwether counties. They don't even nearly align with the demographics of the US as a whole. They skew overwhelmingly rural, the majority of them are overwhelmingly white, and they don't typically align with the average income or education of the country as a whole. So, demographics-wise, they're not really a great representation of the country as a whole. So why else might they have had such a great track record over the last 40 years?
Because they represent the political leanings of the country as a whole. Please list the demographics, as to the racial makeup, educational levels, average income , ruralness, etc. of each of those 19 counties, and compare them to the country as a whole for me. You must have those figures at your fingertips, if you know all that.
I don’t but if I did I would urge her to not sleep her way to the top at her job. I would also raise her to not be a radical communist America hating POS

Good for you you don’t have a daughter. She might procreate and create another deplorable like you
Bull crap, you're lying. You can't spell horse.

You couldn't sprint the length of a court if your ass was on fire and there was a bucket of water at the other end.

You have no idea who I am and what I’m capable of. I play one/on-one every morning of the week when I’m in an area where there is a public hoop inside or out

That’s one of your problems. You believe little other than your own bs.
Good for you you don’t have a daughter. She might procreate and create another deplorable like you
You certainly are a sad, angry, bitter, pathetic, cranky old man.

You certainly are a sad, angry, bitter, pathetic, cranky old man.


I actually have the time of my life on this board portraying each of you righties for what you are. I laugh my a$$ off every second I’m on here watching you hypocrites wriggle when you get back what you give

I laugh even harder when you can’t keep up
You have no idea who I am and what I’m capable of. I play one/on-one every morning of the week when I’m in an area where there is a public hoop inside or out

That’s one of your problems. You believe little other than your own bs.
That's rich coming from you.
I actually have the time of my life on this board portraying each of you righties for what you are. I laugh my a$$ off every second I’m on here watching you hypocrites wriggle when you get back what you give

I laugh even harder when you Lori be you can’t keep up
WTF does "when you Lori be you can't keep up" even mean?

You've been Bidening again or what?

Let's us know when you are giving us back what we give because we haven't seen any of that from you. But based upon the expertise , er, delusions, you have shown, I bet you are all giggly thinking "you've got us now!"
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