Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Catching up on these scrimmage notes.

What do y’all think of the first wrs? (Palmer, Gibbs, and Hyatt). I was hoping Ramel would be up there.

Also, talked about how well Banks is doing and he may be beside Toot. So I’m assuming Crouch stays outside

Also kind of sucks that DW was in the background, but good for Jahmir so far at LT.
Catching up on these scrimmage notes.

What do y’all think of the first wrs? (Palmer, Gibbs, and Hyatt). I was hoping Ramel would be up there.

Also, talked about how well Banks is doing and he may be beside Toot. So I’m assuming Crouch stays outside

Also kind of sucks that DW was in the background, but good for Jahmir so far at LT.
Ramel is Palmer next year. So he will easily be in the rotation just like Tillman this year.
Catching up on these scrimmage notes.

What do y’all think of the first wrs? (Palmer, Gibbs, and Hyatt). I was hoping Ramel would be up there.

Also, talked about how well Banks is doing and he may be beside Toot. So I’m assuming Crouch stays outside

Also kind of sucks that DW was in the background, but good for Jahmir so far at LT.
Ramel! That's who I was trying to think of that I was shocked they were saying Hyatt was ahead of already. Good to know that Gibbs seems to be doing well. Wild to have this many good receivers after losing JJ and MC. Just got to get them the ball....whoever it is!
Meh, so did nearly 150 other kids. This feels surreal as I have both defended Ty, and kinda bagged on him in the past month in separate discussions. 700 yds is nothing to sneeze at, certainly, but it isn't special or something worth celebrating, especially for a kid with such high expectations. Ty sorta feels like the football equivalent of Robert Hubbs. Hyped in-state player, great offer luster and big expectations, but only average production, which leads people to believe he just sucks because he didn't match their expectations.

But yet we all praised Bryce Browns freshman year👀😂😭 700 yards splitting carries depending on how many is pretty impressive just saying.
I’m gonna disagree on Hurd. You don’t put yourself in position to become UT’s all-time leading rusher in 3 years without having good vision. Especially behind those bad OLines.

Dobbs had good vision as a runner, but awful as a passer. He didn’t see open receivers more often than any QB I reminder at UT.

Without Dobbs there’s no “DobbNailBoot” or ending the losing streak against to Florida.Dobbs won us some really big games down the stretch and brought some relevance to the university.He was labeled a “dual threat” not a pro style even with horrible accuracy he served his purpose with his legs.JG can’t seem to do any of those things The 4 years he’s been here so what exactly am I missing here.👀

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I’m not sure you can read a lot into the quote about Jahmir Johnson with DW in the background. There’s no context for the video and it could easily be a situational or just them wanting to cross train players or DW taking a breather.

Johnson may start and play all year, but I don’t think we can draw that conclusion from the video.
Ramel! That's who I was trying to think of that I was shocked they were saying Hyatt was ahead of already. Good to know that Gibbs seems to be doing well. Wild to have this many good receivers after losing JJ and MC. Just got to get them the ball....whoever it is!

Re: Receivers

I like Ramel Keyton too and I think he’ll be okay. In recent years I’ve raised questions about the quality of our wide receivers, particularly as it regards to consistency of play, and more specifically in their ability to consistently get separation from the defensive backs against some of the elite teams we face year in and year out that are routinely sending defensive backs to the draft.

Take Jalin Hyatt, Malachi Wideman, or Deangelo Gibbs. I don’t think they’ve really learned much of anything here yet. What? They had 3 acclimation practices and one scrimmage. Whatever they have they brought with them. I don’t think they learned it here. jmo.

Sean Payton last week when talking about Marquez Callaway said he wasn’t coming in with the normal foundation they’d expect from receivers coming out of college. Now he could have meant something different by that but I took it as possibly a slight to his college preparation. jmo.

There are said to be a number of “critical factors” to consider when evaluating wide receivers. Obviously being able to consistently catch the ball is first and foremost. So good hands and part of that I think is also having a large catch radius, and this I think goes beyond length, meaning being able to catch high throws, low throws, throws behind you, and throws in front of you.

The second quality found in an elite wide receiver is route running ability. This is a skill set and can mostly be taught and obviously is. My complaint about our receivers of late had everything to do with their route running ability. It is claimed that in a high-level route-runner, we'll see things like quick feet, great balance, the flexibility in their lower body to change direction and the speed to accelerate away from defenders. Agility plays a big factor in arguably every position on the football field and especially so with the skill positions on offense. What types of cuts are they making? Are they sharp or round? Do they demonstrate body flexibility, quickness off break? Do they show the ability to gather and cut?

Elite wide receivers are able to change direction without slowing down, and are shifty enough when there is room to run that they can create separation from defenders and then accelerate away from tacklers. Images of Alvin Kamara or Eric Gray doing this has to be burned in to most of our brains by now. In fact I have read from some scouts that being an elite wide receiver is equal parts being a good pass catcher and being a good running back (see Jauan Jennings, ultimate power back), thanks to their open-field ability and penchant for picking up yards post-catch.

Their speed doesn’t have to be elite, but with elite acceleration, quickness and vision they become extremely dangerous in the open field. Speed alone may not make them elite in anything except being able to run fast. It wasn’t lost on me that recently in this very thread someone posted that the Chicago Bears were considering giving Cordarrelle Patterson a look at running back. It’s my understanding that his weakness as a receiver has always been learning the routes/playbook so the challenge has been, how do you get the dang ball into his hands, which is what you desperately want to do and as often as possible.

There are a number of other critical factors that various scouts look at. Perhaps surprisingly enough most don’t seem to care all that much about the receiver’s blocking ability. Most seem to focus on athletic ability. Things like quickness off LOS, release, ability to escape the jam and gain separation, quickness in and out of cuts and separation quickness. What about their agility? Do they run fluid routes with sharp cuts as opposed to rounding them out? Do they have the ability/flexibility to turn & adjust their bodies to keep in balance, stay in control?

Jauan Jennings strongest asset in my opinion was his ball skills, his strength, and his competitiveness, all critical factors for a wide receiver. Whether it was the acrobatic catch he made in the 2016 game against Florida or the Hail Mary catch against Georgia that same year, Jauan was tremendous. He had the ability to play the ball and fight for the ball in air. Throughout his entire time here he demonstrated elite physical and mental toughness and intensity. He was clutch, win at all costs, wanted to be the best, played with confidence & aggressiveness, wanted to be the man in charge with the game on line. Those are the characteristics that made him exceptional. jmo.

I thought Brandon Johnson had some flashes in 2017 and Tyler Byrd has some moments in his time with us but for whatever reason we’ve yet to see that much of Brandon of late (I know he redshirted last year) and really never saw all that much playing time for Tyler. I’ve seen Palmer make some amazing catches but other than Jennings I’ve not thought we had guys that had that much of an overall skill set that was on consistent display. jmo.

Which is why I’m excited about our receivers this year, in particular the guys we haven’t seen yet. I think we have some experience with Palmer, Brandon, Ramel, and Cedric. Obviously, Velus is a senior but I’m really talking about Gibbs, Wideman, Hyatt, Calloway, and Holiday, and to some extent Beckwith, though I’m thinking Dee may get some work at TE. We’ll see. Anyway, the common thread of all those guys is exceptional athletic ability. Last year one of the local writers claimed that it was clear to see that Gibbs was the best athlete on our team, on both sides of the ball, which given some of the guys we have I thought was pretty high praise. All of the new guys are loaded with extreme athletic talent. jmo.

Maybe in the past we haven’t had a ton of success recruiting a lot of guys with the athletic talent that can consistently compete with the DBs at Florida, Georgia, and/or the Alabama’s we face year after year but that in my opinion has now changed dramatically. I don’t know how good of a coach Tee Martin is but I know if you recruit 5-star receivers to USC or most anywhere else it’s more likely they’re going to get drafted than not regardless of whether you add anything to their development or not. jmo.

From my observations I think it’s obvious that Pruitt is on a mission to upgrade all of the position groups on our football team. So far he’s had the most success arguably with the offensive line but he’s really having success across the board and I and obviously others think that with the 2020 class of receivers we’re in for a huge upgrade in the on-field performance of our receiving group. jmo.

Our quarterbacks typically grade out on average far far better against teams with lesser secondary talent than they do against teams with superior (NFL caliber) secondary talent. That goes for most quarterbacks everywhere. It takes all position groups possessing the talent and operating at a high level to compete against the best and I think we’re making tremendous progress getting to that point. jmo.
Also, I put the frozen 2 soundtrack on at my daughter’s request, and she said “let me go get my crown!” If you’re on the fence about having kids, for the love of God do it.
“Daddy, dance with me” always gets a “yes” from me.

Now, pardon me while I go have a cry over them growing up.

Also, I put the frozen 2 soundtrack on at my daughter’s request, and she said “let me go get my crown!” If you’re on the fence about having kids, for the love of God do it.
Oh man, my daughter wears her Elsa dresses everyday. Almost have to pry them off of her to wash them. Walks around the house freezing everyone with her “powers”. So beautiful
Ramel! That's who I was trying to think of that I was shocked they were saying Hyatt was ahead of already. Good to know that Gibbs seems to be doing well. Wild to have this many good receivers after losing JJ and MC. Just got to get them the ball....whoever it is!
I wonder if Hyatt is a different style WR so that is why he is ahead of Keyton. I would guess Keyton would play one of the receiver spots that Gibbs or Palmer plays. Hyatt probably passed Brandon Johnson.
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