Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Spain began their “non-essential workers stay home” March 14th and they have just seen the first decline in infections within the last couple of days.

The US is a little behind this timeline, but if it plays out the same, we might see a peak this week, a leveling off, and then decline


I'm not an epidemiologist (goes without saying), but I think it's going to be regional. Different parts will peak at different times. And so much will depend on state-by-state and local mitigation measures.

This won't be "over" for a long time yet. So much depends on resurgence potential, and we just don't know what that looks like. China isn't terribly trustworthy and South Korea seems to have done a much better job than anyone else.

Once a peak happens, does it come back with loosened restrictions? What happens when travel loosens up between cities, between states, and between countries?

We need pharmaceutical intervention in the worst way. It's the only way to be sure.
Spain began their “non-essential workers stay home” March 14th and they have just seen the first decline in infections within the last couple of days.

The US is a little behind this timeline, but if it plays out the same, we might see a peak this week, a leveling off, and then decline

If I’m not mistaking, didn’t we have a decline in cases from Saturday to yesterday? I think around 1000 cases or so?
would just like to point out that story originated from reporting from the epoch times, a media group that's been banned from running ads on facebook for their blatant dishonesty. not saying its inaccurate, but it does require a bit more scrutiny and should be taken with a grain of salt.

ET was banned for running pro-Trump ads through alternate sites, which violated FB rules.
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not just pro-trump ads, but conspiratorial and purposefully misleading pro-trump ads.

They had stories up about the Bidens' activities in the Ukraine, which apparently the tech giants consider something that can't be talked about. Several youtube sites were also shutdown or at the very least, demonetized for also running similar stories.
The Chinese are lying fools.

No fan of the PRC, I believe we are in an economic war with them and do get frustrated that politicians on both sides of the aisle have let them get away with corporate espionage and copyright infringement, not to mention their military espionage. They are our primary geopolitical advisory of the 21st century and people don't want to face that fact if they think they can make money off of them. (If I were the President I would stick it to them by arming Taiwan and Vietnam to the hilt. It would make them crazy.)

But while their food distribution system and their desire to stifle all criticism is to blame for this pandemic, I don't doubt that their extreme isolation methodology has produced positive results. Problem is that you could never use that course of action here. So we're heading down a long road that is going to be economically and emotionally devastating.
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would just like to point out that story originated from reporting from the epoch times, a media group that's been banned from running ads on facebook for their blatant dishonesty. not saying its inaccurate, but it does require a bit more scrutiny and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Seen it reported on reputable sites too, citing the companies' own numbers. Cause believed to be migrant workers no longer working there. Just tells you how many migrant workers there are usually working over there...a lot.
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would just like to point out that story originated from reporting from the epoch times, a media group that's been banned from running ads on facebook for their blatant dishonesty. not saying its inaccurate, but it does require a bit more scrutiny and should be taken with a grain of salt.

The comments section of that article is filled with lunatics. Nobody should trust China but some of the conspiracy theories are way out there.
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Decline in new cases, yes.
I'm sure some of us are using different sources. Worldometer had it as a 500 case increase DoD. They have our last drop on the 21st, right before a large jump.

But if we stay under 21-22k today that would continue some steady leveling off. As of yesterday, we have a 3-day trailing growth rate of 5%. 26% rate overall, which is down bigly from 33% just a week ago. We have already had 7 straight days of decreasing rates. The reported growth rate is slowing, despite more testing.

But I think SS may be right, it could be regional. This explosion was largely in NY. Will there be similar occurrences in other population centers? Maybe so, but likely to a lesser degree. Other large cities are now out ahead of this in a way NY, and the whole country, was previously not a few weeks ago.
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