Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

never happened before.
Now can you see those dark clouds gathering up ahead?
They're going to wash this planet clean like the Bible said
Now you can hold on steady and try to be ready
But everybody's gonna get wet
Don't think it won't happen just because it hasn't happened yet
- Jackson Browne
I wasn't on the plan. I was on my wife's plan. I was covered but after your savior screwed everything up the plan hurt the very people it was supposed to help. All it did was give insurance to the deadbeats paid for by the working man.

So you got to keep your insurance and Doctor and quit subsidizing your employees. You're a great man.
So you got to keep your insurance and Doctor and quit subsidizing your employees. You're a great man.
My wife has a policy that I stayed on. It was less expensive and easier for me stay on it. You can thank your almighty Obama for my guys losing theirs. He's the one that screwed it for everyone else. Libererals are pieces of excrement in the bottom cage in the Wuhan wet markets.
My wife has a policy that I stayed on. It was less expensive and easier for me stay on it. You can thank your almighty Obama for my guys losing theirs. He's the one that screwed it for everyone else. Libererals are pieces of excrement in the bottom cage in the Wuhan wet markets.
Please, just stop trying to pretend you care about your employees. It really makes you look pathetic to blame Obama.
One of these expert doctors who’s recommending to shut everything down literally said this morning that being happy can help you not get the virus. Maybe everyone making fun of Pence for his beliefs and following these experts blindly should rethink doing so. I didn’t catch the doc’s name but they were on Fox and Friends this morning. If that were true Dems would be screwed.
It's a pretty wide spread belief, not sure if a fact, that attitude has a lot to do with outcome. Not saying being positive makes you immune to anything, but your physiology responds at some level to your emotions. So your system may handle it better if you get it.

It's a reason they encourage you to stay active for the obvious health benefits as well as the endorphins. Again not a cure for anything, but if we are to the point of quarantine, anything helps.
Please, just stop trying to pretend you care about your employees. It really makes you look pathetic to blame Obama.
Mighty big personal assumption you are making about him.

I would argue pretty much any small to medium sized employer cares more about their people than the government ever could. 1 of 30 vs 1 of 330,000,000.
How many of those 1 million beds do you think are available?
Who said anything about a million beds? I said IF it got to a million 95% of cases are mild so 50k beds The worst outbreak in the world is Italy 462 per million if it somehow got that bad here despite warmer would equal 150k with 7,500 of those being serious enough for hospital beds
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WTH is wrong w/these idiot they really think by acting this way we will be changing our vote from a Republican vote for a Democrat vote?? They have nobody that can/will do a better job than Trump right now !!
These loony left-wing radicals actually think that someone different can do a better job is insane & crazy stupid.
Also, who here is making fun of Pence? I looked back and all I see is a bunch of comments about him covering Trump’s ass and kissing it. If they had 25th’d Trump in mid-February and locked him in the residence with no cell service until this whole thing was over, people would probably feel a lot better about the response. Pence has seemed to know what’s going on. May have over promised and under delivered on the testing but otherwise he’s done okay. The late start and the ignorant statements by Trump have been my only real beef with how this has been handled.
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