Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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DANG! Just received a breaking news update.

Maurer is a no go. JG gets the start tomorrow.

I jest....did that change anyone's thoughts on the game? šŸ˜ I feel good about it, as long as Maurer plays.
If the university had dismissed him, it would have been automatic. But in this situation, I think Pruitt made a preemptive call. If UTPD or Student Conduct thought the first incident was that egregious, everybody would have been all over it back in the summer. My guess is, Pruitt would play it differently if he had a do-over. Nobody likes or excuses that sort of behavior, but it happens at every program and is generally handled internally, without a media spotlight. But... Tennessee.
Knoxville media is uniquely hostile in all of sports. :(
neighborhood chili cookoff next saturday night here. actually looking forward to it. won't have to watch the light show or see butch smoke a cigar. mfr. i think next week is the only game i'm going to willfully miss. i just hate alabama and can't stomach watching knowing whats going to happen. i think the last time i made it thru a whole game 2015....
IDC how bad it gets, I'll always have the cigar ready, just in case.

FYI I've never got to smoke one, wasn't of age the last time we beat them šŸ˜”
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Rule changes are coming next year to address this issue. Pitchers will now have to face at least 3 batters when they enter the game. This is gonna drive some managers nuts. MLB is attempting to speed up the game.
I had not heard this. It got so bad last night that I turned it off. I hope that happens. It would help some. Either that or a bunch of relievers will be taught how to fake an injury.
Looks like a great place to drink next Saturday night. Fire it up, pass the bottle and chug every time the camera shows Butch.

What did you use for the patio-- cut flagstone or pavers?
I'll do better than that. I have a large (like 10') projection screen outside next to the pit that I'll watch the game, life size.

We did stamped concrete.
DANG! Just received a breaking news update.

Maurer is a no go. JG gets the start tomorrow.

I jest....did that change anyone's thoughts on the game? šŸ˜ I feel good about it, as long as Maurer plays.
Ha thatā€™s almost identical to our experience.

They had he nerve to ask my wife to hold the baby in until the doctor could get there. Some reason she started laughing and he almost came out, they said donā€™t laugh!

For my wife the nurses didnā€™t notify the doctor when he told them he wanted to be notified. My wifeā€™s doctor only lived 5 mins away.

They called him and the baby was coming and another doctor stepped in to deliver the baby he got there right as that doctor got the gown on and everything. His words as he walked in were ā€œmove, move, get out of the way to the other doctor then immediately, gloves (they had to find a new pair since the other doctor had already taken them, and then gown (they were like we donā€™t have anymore gowns) he goes fine Iā€™m delivering without it. Now get out of the room (to the nurse who said there were no more gowns.....)ā€ Iā€™m pretty sure there were some curse words in there he was not happy.

Pretty funny to watch.... then he made me cut the umbilical cord.... wasnā€™t expecting that one.
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