The Official Tennessee @ South Carolina Game Thread, 7:30 PM ET, SEC Network

I keep hearing and reading that we need to have patience as fans. I agree with this sentiment. I am not at all trying to say we have the wrong coach. However it is time to simply accept that we are a 2nd tier program. We haven't won the SEC in 20 yrs. We aren't relevant nationally and haven't been in a long time. This isn't horrible simply a reality check. If you consider the conference we realistically won't be a major player for at least another 5 years if we are lucky. It is what it is unfortunately.

We'll be fine once Kiffin Dooley Butch Pruitt gets at least three recruiting cycles to get players for his system and we get rid of Fulmer's Kiffin's Dooley's Butch's failed attempts at recruiting.
No because I’m sure Bama thought the same damn thing prior to Saba, USC prior to Carroll, Oklahoma before stoops, UGA prior to Richt....the list goes on and on. I can’t judge Pruiits or predict Pruitt’s future based on a weak roster leftover from Butch. Until he has a full two recruiting cycles under his belt then let’s go from there.

Well first off the university and some fans made a complete embarrassing mess of finding a coach. And when we finally get Leech the school fires the AD drops the contract with Leech and brings in Fulmer. Now I like coach Fulmer but his pick was a hurried one with few choices because the fans lost their minds and crucified a coach that did not deserve it so the nuber of coaches that wanted to be considered went way down.

Now Pruitt is probably an outstanding defensive coordinator but he had never been a head coach at this level, and the shape our program was and is in required a head coach that has experience as a head coach.

And for those that feel offended by my remarks or believe the school and fans were justified in their behavior let me just say that when people in other states talk about TN Football we are never considered anything more than a joke because they still remember the clusterf... that went in our quest for a coach.

With all that said ... here's hopping Pruitt is way better than I think.

Here is what I think, Fulmer is gonna give Pruitt 3-5, more like 5. Because he is Fulmer. Won't matter if the writing is on the wall, it'll happen. Right now, because the writing is NOT on the wall, I'll agree with CPF because that'd be what it's gonna take. I just hope CJP is up to the task. Right now I'm a yes. Holly........ nope. That ship seems to have sailed. But that is who CPF is at this point from my view.
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I'm sick and tired of losing. This game tonight made me as mad as I've been in a while. But... I am seeing some fight and a want to win in some of these players. I'm seeing much improvement over last year. JG is night and day different from last year. He may not be the best in the conference, but the kid don't quit. I believe another year with these coaches will make him at least good enough to win games that we should win. That's the next step in my mind -winning games we should win. When we can consistently do that , then we can look to win a few games that we might not be favored to win. Only then will Tennessee football start to get the respect that these jackass coaches so easily lost.
I thought we were showing progress tonight until that fiasco of a 2nd half.

Another 4-8 season is now not only on the table, but likely.

I've always been of the opinion that we should see at least some improvement in the W/L column this season for CJP to be the right guy for this program. As of right now, I'm not convinced CJP is any better than Butch Jones.
We'll be fine once Kiffin Dooley Butch Pruitt gets at least three recruiting cycles to get players for his system and we get rid of Fulmer's Kiffin's Dooley's Butch's failed attempts at recruiting.

We'll be fine once Dubose Franchione Price Shula Saban gets at least three recruiting cycles to get players for his system and we get rid of Dubose Frianchione Price Shula's failed attempts at recruiting. - Some sarcastic Alabama fan after Saban's loss to LA Monroe in 2007
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I keep hearing and reading that we need to have patience as fans. I agree with this sentiment. I am not at all trying to say we have the wrong coach. However it is time to simply accept that we are a 2nd tier program. We haven't won the SEC in 20 yrs. We aren't relevant nationally and haven't been in a long time. This isn't horrible simply a reality check. If you consider the conference we realistically won't be a major player for at least another 5 years if we are lucky. It is what it is unfortunately.
Can we each and every one at least pledge to send $100 to the academic programs so our university can be distinguished in some way? Heck, academics are better than sports anyway, right? Or, crap, let's become a basketball school! We definitely have the right guy in place for that.
You are absolutely correct. Pruitt is not to blame for the state of the football program. Tennessee’s football program is at the bottom of the conference because of decades of poor decisions by the administrators and boosters in charge. An unproven first time head coach from Alabama would have never gotten a sniff for the Tennessee job in my day but the program is but a shadow of it’s former self.
I beg to differ. Pruitt is to blame for this night's performance. He talks the talk like CBJ but I posted prior to this game if JG kept acting indecisive in the pocket that Pruitt should give Chryst a chance. I felt it would be only a matter of time. Pruitt in pressers gives you the impression he's doing his best but on game night like tonight he failed big-time. The players weren't supreme top of the line and made some mistakes. Hell we all know that's gonna happen. However the coach made horrible mistakes especially on 4th down calls. They're not adapting to a scheme to fit players athletic ability rather forcing players to to fit the scheme they want. Leach woulda won this game by +20. Miss St. chose not to hire Pruitt and went with Morehead instead. Pruitt isn't flexible nor is he fluid. He's hard-headed and stubborn and set in his ways and he's in his 1st year. Thus the question: Why did Nick Saban start Hurts in the last title game? "He felt" Hurts gave him the best chance to win? Why? Because of practices or previous games? Why then did Saban "roll the dice" and go with Tua in 2nd half of the title game? Why can't Pruitt see what Vol nation sees and give Chryst a chance? Is he really trying to win or does he know he's got a free ride for a year or two so it really won't matter. 1 MILLION a year is steep for an Offensive Coordinator and hardly any production is being shown. I'm sure DC's in the SEC are picking on us but for a million bucks your paid to know that. How much is Grantham or Shoop making a year in comparison? Pruitt pushes this guy. I've checked his background. He like Pruitt has potential. If they can't fool me on the couch be assured they're not gonna fool high paid coordinators. They simply know your tendencies and play off of it and repetitiveness proves to be your worse enemy. That's why the play to CFA worked so well. Do the unexpected. Oh well my 3rd long post tonight mostly bitching. If CJP is gonna bring us a champion thru his hard driving ways we're in for a long wait. Have fun and play ball like the old ball coach use to do.
I’ve said it all year, all your hining little cry babies that are still upset we didn’t get gruden just need to turn in your fan card and go cheer for Bama.
I wouldn’t be shocked if most on here whining and crying aren’t just a bunch of band wagon fans that hopped on when butch won 9 games or even after he was fired and jumped on when they thought we were gonna hire gruden just so they could try to claim they’ve been fans and could say they were fans before we started winning again. It’s that childish saying “first” in a thread just so they can say they were first but add nothing to thread mentality.

Stop crying how bad the coaches are or how bad whoever but you are and go cheer for Bama or Clemson or if you just want to be part of the new”first” generation maybe you can get on Florida and hope Mullen works out for them.

I’m so tired of hearing so called fans do nothing but bash the coaches and players and wonder where the “we are so bad” “we’re losers” mentality comes from that has infested the team for so long. It comes from crappy fans telling them that all the time just because we aren’t winning as much as Bama.

So for all you whiny little cry baby fans, the qb doesn’t suck, the coaches don’t suck, it’s YOU that sucks and YOU need to quit saying you are a Vols fan and go find another teams band wagon to jump on. Sorry the Vols didn’t hire GOD and he didn’t turn the crap roster left from Lyle into a national title winner in a season just so your sorry little whiny self could say you were “first” as a fan. Learn what it takes to be a true fan and learn more about the game of football before you start crying about the QB or the coaches.
I thought we were showing progress tonight until that fiasco of a 2nd half.

Another 4-8 season is now not only on the table, but likely.

I've always been of the opinion that we should see at least some improvement in the W/L column this season for CJP to be the right guy for this program. As of right now, I'm not convinced CJP is any better than Butch Jones.

Anyone that knows anything about football knew a 4-8 season was on the table before we played a game this year. Before the season started it was clear to anyone that’s atched us last year and knows anything about football that getting to 5 wins would be quiet an accomplishment. Honesty he had a very realistic shot at being 3-9 to most regardless of who was coach simply because we all knew what we were returning, what we really didn’t get in the new class and the difficulty of our schedule.

Then we beat auburn and suddenly all the idiots start acting like we were gonna beat Bama and run the table to end the season and make the sugar bowl.

Anyone that’s watched football knew us making a bowl game this year would take some seriously impressive coaching and development and the fact that we won a single game suddenly turned most from knowing 5 wins would be an accomplishment to thinking 5 wins means we had a horrible season.

Sorry people but GOD himself couldn’t take the joke Lyle left and the poor recruiting class and turn us into a contender in one season.

It’s gonna take time and people need to quit comparing and just pay attention to the details this year. Anyone that has been watching has seen the improvement in this team and would know that as long as we get a solid recruiting class this coming year, next year will be much better and by year 3 we could be back competing for the East and by year 5 be a serious threat again.
It’s obvious they are playing him for the future, I’m just not sure it’s going to matter. The lack of awareness he displays in the pocket is utterly ridiculous at times.
They seem unusually worried about KC. I still don't understand why after his completions against Alabama, they went all in on the run. KC can hit the same screens JG did, and against SC I'm sure he could've hit more long passes. JG looked like Worley tonight.
Find it hard to believe it took this long, the SC game, for people to realize this team is terrible.

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