The Stop Being Negative Thread (merged)

Don't worry. After we win next weekend, many of the same people will be talking about beating Florida, UGA and Bama. Then when we lose to Florida, they will be back melting down. This is the Circle of Volnation.

So can we still go 4 - 0?
I don't disagree, but we do not know yet if we have a great coach or not. Time will tell.

When we lose, we will use the excuse of Jones bad recruiting. If we continue to lose, we will blame lack of depth. If we continue to lose, then we finally blame the coach and start looking for his replacement
It is just vicious cycle
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I was telling a friend today that there is no objective, measurable evidence that Tennessee is any better this year. Today proved it. Most, if not all, of our hopes were on subjective observations...the team gave up last year, practices look better with new staff, we Weren’t as bad as the 4-8 record said.

This whole program is in shambles. I hope today was just “growing pains” and that Pruitt is indeed the answer, but hope is all we have. Because the evidence that we’re better sure isn’t there.
A lot of talk about the viscous cycle of volnation and it’s all true. Positivity abounds and it’s all win-win and when a loss happens, it’s time to think about our next coach. I predicted a domination by West Virginia because their greatest strength went against our worst weakness, imo. There will certainly be growing pains, but I think we’re on a positive trajectory here. This season will not tell the tale with regards to this coaching staff, because I think there is growth occurring here. We have talent, but it will take some seasons of growing to get where Tennessee is supposed to be. I feel as negative as the whole bunch out there, but I see some hope in the coaching. This will look like a bad loss for Pruitt, but it’s their strength against our weakness, and it will go up from here. It will yet be an abysmal season, but we have comepetent coaches bring in competent players. I’m preaching to myself here but, “patience is a virtue”.
Don't worry. After we win next weekend, many of the same people will be talking about beating Florida, UGA and Bama. Then when we lose to Florida, they will be back melting down. This is the Circle of Volnation.

You're mental if you think people are going to just be all positive if we beat ETSU. More and more are finally getting to the point where a coach will actually have to prove themselves before they buy into anything.
Instant gratification? We've been waiting 10 years. Some would argue longer. This is a dead program until proven otherwise.
I have to agree. I would say that Tennessee is the worse team in the SEC. I don't know what the answer is. I never thought I would see the day where Tennessee would be the Vanderbilt of the SEC. Hopefully we will see some improvement during the season.
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Chastising a fan base that has lived through nearly two decades of ineptness is never a good decision. Lane Kiffin was supposed to be the savior, he wasn't and neither were Derek Dooley or Butch Jones. We have been told to be patient and we have. Patience can only be a fall back when actual good results can be pointed to at some point after being patient. Patience cannot be eternal.
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CJP doesnt get my faith. He must prove he is great. So far, so bad.

He's proven his coaching ability everywhere he's been. This was a massive smack of reality that we were a train wreck and have a lot of work to do before we will resemble a competent football team.
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Instant gratification? We've been waiting 10 years. Some would argue longer. This is a dead program until proven otherwise.

This period. I’ve seen this thread on repeat for the past DECADE. Our only highlights have been beating UF ONCE. AND winning on a Hail Mary against a 7-5 UGA team. You grow up and realize we’re sick of the garbage.
After supporting UT for over 45 years now it is hard to believe we are really this bad and make no bones about it we are that bad!...I have seen some bad UT teams in the past but we have always rose back up and hit em back in the face a year or so later....Now in this time and age we are not doing that, We look helpless...Not sure CJP is the answer but believe me Fulmer is going to have to answer for it if he isn't...Fans are abandoning the program now...Tickets are expensive and nobody wants to pay to see a team that can't do anything right on the field and just get demolished everytime they play a game...Breaks my heart, I'll never waiver from my loyalty to UT but I do not have to be happy about what is happening to it...The admins at UT think just hiring whoever to coach the team is going to bite them in the rear end and the pocket books if this continues...In fact it already is...It would shock me if Neyland isfull for the 1st home game of the year after todays game.
screw Horgerson his OC makes that team - UT got another lemon in that dept
A lot of talk about the viscous cycle of volnation and it’s all true. Positivity abounds and it’s all win-win and when a loss happens, it’s time to think about our next coach. I predicted a domination by West Virginia because their greatest strength went against our worst weakness, imo. There will certainly be growing pains, but I think we’re on a positive trajectory here. This season will not tell the tale with regards to this coaching staff, because I think there is growth occurring here. We have talent, but it will take some seasons of growing to get where Tennessee is supposed to be. I feel as negative as the whole bunch out there, but I see some hope in the coaching. This will look like a bad loss for Pruitt, but it’s their strength against our weakness, and it will go up from here. It will yet be an abysmal season, but we have comepetent coaches bring in competent players. I’m preaching to myself here but, “patience is a virtue”.
Amen, well said. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Give our team a chance! The season just started. We have along way to go and a great coach to get us there! Rome wasn't built in a day! We as TN fans have lived through season after season of crapy coaching don't you guys think it will take a little bit to turn it all around. Give coach Pruitt a chance and the team sometime, or as usual the big mouth, instant gratification, football wanna-bes will run off a guy who truly wants to get TN back to our football tradition! Watch and see!

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Nobody expects a miracle, but evidence of improvement would be nice to propel optimism.

I will tip my cap to WV, they are better than I thought. If you didn't see improvement from this team, you weren't paying attention. The online sucked in the beginning, but played better as the game went on. JG looked much better. Defense needs to improve, but they switched schemes and had several freshman playing. I thought with our talent Pruitt would get it turned around faster, but we looked better than at any point last year.

Grier threw the ball perfectly in a lot of cases and I don't care who they were playing, you can't stop that. We were out of position at times, but all and all we looked ok. We need to get more pressure on QBs to help out the secondary and the online needs to get better.

No one likes a list, but it's a process and I expect to get better with each game
CJP doesnt get my faith. He must prove he is great. So far, so bad.
Then I guess you'll just have to live out your sentence as the fan of a losing football team if you don't believe that it is a process to get better
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screw Horgerson his OC makes that team - UT got another lemon in that dept

Turning over the offense to his OC last season and being the HC is what makes him a good HC. He came up as an OC and thought he do both. It took 6 years, but he finally figured out that he was hurting the team. Grier is benefitting from that decision, and so is WVU. There are a lot of WVU fans who want CDH gone and were probably hoping for loss today to make his seat hotter, but most WVU fans realize that recruiting a coach to come to West Virginia may be harder than recruiting players to come to West Virginia, which makes most fans more patient.
I will tip my cap to WV, they are better than I thought. If you didn't see improvement from this team, you weren't paying attention. The online sucked in the beginning, but played better as the game went on. JG looked much better. Defense needs to improve, but they switched schemes and had several freshman playing. I thought with our talent Pruitt would get it turned around faster, but we looked better than at any point last year.

Grier threw the ball perfectly in a lot of cases and I don't care who they were playing, you can't stop that. We were out of position at times, but all and all we looked ok. We need to get more pressure on QBs to help out the secondary and the online needs to get better.

No one likes a list, but it's a process and I expect to get better with each game
You are delusional if you thought that was an improvement over what was typically seen the last couple of years. It was more of the same. That offense achieved less than FCS teams against a porous WV D.
Can you imagine how bad this would have been had we had Schiano as our HC and a bunch of no names from Maine and Vermont as his assistants?
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Don't worry. After we win next weekend, many of the same people will be talking about beating Florida, UGA and Bama. Then when we lose to Florida, they will be back melting down. This is the Circle of Volnation.
Not with this team. 🤦‍♂️

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