The lights are blinking red

why does Trump need to meet with Putin alone?

Move along Dems... nothing for you to see here.
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Remember when this investigation started and it was supposed to be about whether or not there was collusion between Russia and Trump to rig the election? Now, taking away this indictment of Russian officials that will never see the inside of an American courtroom, and tell me how many of Mueller's indictments actually have something to do with what he was originally tasked to investigate? Let's be honest, Luth. The whole thing is about trying to find something, ANYTHING, whether it's collusion or something else, to take down Trump.

The investigation should be about whether or not Trump was complicit with the actions of a foreign state in interfering with our lawful elections and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. But Mueller is obviously looking for more. Like it or not, Trump has rights, and Mueller is attempting to trample them.

It was to look at Trump AND his campaign associates. I feel Mueller has stayed much more on point, been more efficient, and much less biased than Starr.

Let the Mueller investigation proceed to its natural conclusion. Anything short of that will forever be seen as Trump getting away with guilt.
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One day I'll be as enlightened as you.

A grown man who supported a socialist. :no:

Keep hope alive.

But I'm guilty, I do support public education, the interstate system, the criminal justice system, our military, and I love a good national park. Health care is long overdue but on the way.
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Every time the left mentions Starr, I keep asking myself where is BB screaming "whataboutism"?
This should have been a red light situation:

Protester paraglides over Trump, gets away - CNNPolitics

A paragliding protester hovered within surprising proximity of President Donald Trump on Friday night as the president admired the view from Trump Turnberry, his golf resort in Scotland.

As he floated by, the Greenpeace activist held a banner that read "TRUMP, WELL BELOW PAR #RESIST."

Greenpeace tweeted an image with the caption, "We've just delivered a message to @RealDonaldTrump as he was standing outside his hotel in Turnberry watching. #Resist #StopTrump."

Police Scotland's assistant chief constable, Mark Williams, revealed that the paraglider managed to escape after the incident.

Sorry, but someone should have been lit the eff up by the Secret Service or the outer perimeter of British security well before they got that close. This is how you lose a President to extremists.
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The US Secret Service released a statement saying it "is working with our foreign law enforcement partners as they investigate the circumstances surrounding an aircraft (paraglider) that flew into unauthorized airspace in Scotland."

It's ok cowboy...I'm sure you woulda made the correct decision ..but maybe?...let's let the professionals do their know extra-judicially killing someone in another country just cause gv gets a feelin or the itchy fanger's too bad bout the age thing though..I know the SS could use your varied expertise on other matters---we've all seen it displayed so eloquently and forthrightly almost every day..and hell for Free!-on this here board...shame really ..such a waste
The US Secret Service released a statement saying it "is working with our foreign law enforcement partners as they investigate the circumstances surrounding an aircraft (paraglider) that flew into unauthorized airspace in Scotland."

It's ok cowboy...I'm sure you woulda made the correct decision ..but maybe?...let's let the professionals do their know extra-judicially killing someone in another country just cause gv gets a feelin or the itchy fanger's too bad bout the age thing though..I know the SS could use your varied expertise on other matters---we've all seen it displayed so eloquently and forthrightly almost every day..and hell for Free!-on this here board...shame really ..such a waste

I see you missed this important piece of the post:

Sorry, but someone should have been lit the eff up by the Secret Service or the outer perimeter of British security well before they got that close. This is how you lose a President to extremists.

I'd probably be saying the same thing about Obama or any other President as well. How hard would it have been for such an individual to have been carrying explosives such as a suicide vest and come right in on top of the POTUS?

I get it, you want to be a douche canoe and not focus on the story and would rather try to attack me. It's okay, some people are just insecure like that.
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I see you missed this important piece of the post:

This important piece?...

I'd probably be saying the same thing about Obama or any other President as well. How hard would it have been for such an individual to have been carrying explosives such as a suicide vest and come right in on top of the POTUS?

Which is it ? probably or definitely? Why just "probably"?---Ya know..I am now reconsidering you're fitness/character as a secret service applicant --maybe you should just stick to VN--- some people on here need your wisdom and insight---continually explaining what gv would do in any given situation..

or this important piece...?

"but someone should have been lit the eff up"
oh.. oops...put away the bullet barney..get back to that keyboard..
"On this occasion we could assess the situation and we realised there was no direct threat to the president however it's absolutely something that is very serious."

Trump paraglider was in 'grave danger' - BBC News
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I see you missed this important piece of the post:

This important piece?...

I'd probably be saying the same thing about Obama or any other President as well. How hard would it have been for such an individual to have been carrying explosives such as a suicide vest and come right in on top of the POTUS?

Which is it ? probably or definitely? Why just "probably"?---Ya know..I am now reconsidering you're fitness/character as a secret service applicant --maybe you should just stick to VN--- some people on here need your wisdom and insight---continually explaining what gv would do in any given situation..

or this important piece...?

"but someone should have been lit the eff up"
oh.. oops...put away the bullet barney..get back to that keyboard..
"On this occasion we could assess the situation and we realised there was no direct threat to the president however it's absolutely something that is very serious."

Trump paraglider was in 'grave danger' - BBC News

You suck at quoting, maybe VN is too complicated for you.

And yes "probably" meaning "it didn't happen, but if it had, I'd probably be saying the same thing."

You got a bug up your ass for a reason? Did I sleep with your wife again?
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I see you missed this important piece of the post:

This important piece?...

I'd probably be saying the same thing about Obama or any other President as well. How hard would it have been for such an individual to have been carrying explosives such as a suicide vest and come right in on top of the POTUS?

Which is it ? probably or definitely? Why just "probably"?---Ya know..I am now reconsidering you're fitness/character as a secret service applicant --maybe you should just stick to VN--- some people on here need your wisdom and insight---continually explaining what gv would do in any given situation..

or this important piece...?

"but someone should have been lit the eff up"
oh.. oops...put away the bullet barney..get back to that keyboard..
"On this occasion we could assess the situation and we realised there was no direct threat to the president however it's absolutely something that is very serious."

Trump paraglider was in 'grave danger' - BBC News

Your Troll abilities lack gravitas.
Your Troll abilities lack gravitas.

I wasn't really going for "gravitas"-- keep up! -- ...anyway, in parsing gv's posts i began to wonder why gv used the qualifier "probably" --when referring to secret service protocols --specifically referring to "Obama or any other president..." ---his explanation: "probably" meaning "it didn't happen, but if it had, I'd probably be saying the same thing."---is both unsatisfying and unclear. Still trying to ascertain why grandvol would mention obama's name in this particular incident .. puzzling
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Let the Mueller investigation proceed to its natural conclusion. Anything short of that will forever be seen as Trump getting away with guilt.

And anything much longer than what we have had now will forever look like a fishing expedition and a witch hunt.
Kind of blows some holes in those right wing conspiracy theories.

The evidence that Russians were attempting to help trump and hurt Clinton is already irrefutable and still growing. Why would Russia prefer Trump?

Their goal was to create doubt and discord within the American electorate. Hilllary challenged the credibility of Putin’s last election. It was a big f you to her. I doubt Putin thought Trump would win.

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