Official Jon Gruden Thread 36

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From a very reputable dude on VQ this morning:

“At least 1 agent was contacted today to advance assistant discussions. Have heard at least 1 other was also contacted by a connected “lurker” on this board. Was additionally told that reports would surface over the next two days that he said no, but to not pay attention until otherwise told by specific people.

Obviously only know the first item to be fact, but I have not been told by an individual directly involved that “it’s over”.”

3 Vol_in_CLT, Yesterday at 11:45 PM

“Again, to be perfectly clear, I have the full expectation JG will be our coach next season. Has not changed even an inch. Hope that’s clear enough for you.

Edit: please show me in my original post where I back tracked even an inch. Foolish.”

19 Vol_in_CLT, Yesterday at 11:58 PM
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Gruden would be an absolute homerun hire for everything UT needs.

However, if he truly isn’t considering, we need some closure. Currie has a serious job to do and if he’s just chasing ghosts with Gruden it really hurts our chances of landing a big time coach with being so close to the end of the season and early signing period.
I was watching the PF show yesterday, and Peter Burns(Who I respect much more then PF) was saying that UT should end the Gruden rumor mill. It's not fair to the fans or players. Either they announce it's a done deal or Gruden says he is not interested. There is NO GOOD reason to keep it a secret. Hell, could it be any more distracting to the players or coaches than it already is? Basically, **** or get off the pot! For once, I agree with him.
Again UT administration fails:rock::rock:After being off here for 12 hours, I can't believe we are still were we were yesterday afternoon. GEEEEEZZZZZ.

This whole mess is going to turn into a Grugasterous Grudageddon ... or perhaps it already is.
I was watching the PF show yesterday, and Peter Burns(Who I respect much more then PF) was saying that UT should end the Gruden rumor mill. It's not fair to the fans or players. Either they announce it's a done deal or Gruden says he is not interested. There is NO GOOD reason to keep it a secret. Hell, could it be any more distracting to the players or coaches than it already is? Basically, **** or get off the pot! For once, I agree with him.
Again UT administration fails:rock::rock:After being off here for 12 hours, I can't believe we are still were we were yesterday afternoon. GEEEEEZZZZZ.

Chillax, it's gonna be ok. Just because we don't know what the reason could be for no announcement yet doesn't mean there aren't some good ones. I don't think wanting to antagonize the fan base is one of them.
Gruden would be an absolute homerun hire for everything UT needs.

However, if he truly isn’t considering, we need some closure. Currie has a serious job to do and if he’s just chasing ghosts with Gruden it really hurts our chances of landing a big time coach with being so close to the end of the season and early signing period.

Yes I agree. We are becoming a huge joke nation wide now because of this insanity. Just say it in the next 3 days and move on or party hard.
I keep going back and watching that fat cat save the little orange and white clown fish. I'm mesmerized by the simplicity and specificity of it. I think it says everything...if only people would listen.

And good morning, friends!

Grude morning! I see you still have your phone 😁
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No offense but why are you in the Gruden thread?
You obviously want Mullen.
It just seems like you would be much happier in the Mullen thread or is it just lonely over there?

I’m confused why so many people think this is titled “official pro Jon Gruden thread”.

I’m pro-Grude all day, err day, but it’s only fair that naysayers diversify the board and give us some realistic insight.

On second thought, f*** that. GTFO.
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I look at Meyer going to OSU. He backed out of his weekend game before the day he announced. Gruden is still doing the MNF game in Seattle as far as I can see. I see no way that he is both HC at UT and doing MNF. So, IMO done deal or not, we will not hear an announcement until Tuesday at the earliest.
No offense but why are you in the Gruden thread?
You obviously want Mullen.
It just seems like you would be much happier in the Mullen thread or is it just lonely over there?

Morning Doyle, I had to work a late funeral yesterday for the FH ... they were last short handed

What is this about Gruden saying NO.... It's not true is it?
I want it to happen so badly that I think it’s getting in the way of logical thought. Reports do not look good at all this morning. There is no other way to say it. However, when has logical thought ever been needed here? I do not post much or bring any information that even slightly resembles being helpful. I’m just a Tennessee fan who wants us to land our white whale. And you know what, I refuse to give up now. I’ll continue to lurk here and believe in the Grude. I watched this house be built, and BY GOSH ILL GO DOWN WITH IT!
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If it Gruden.... Then have the press conference. Tell them staff will be announced later. Tell em Gruden what be around much till after NFL season. Keep Hoke so he can start instituting the plan. Otherwise... Have Gruden cone out and say he is 100% not coming
You have to pick a side and commit. You can't ride the roller coaster. You have to go all in and when the trolls and smoke start, put on more steam.

I've done my homework and wisely picked a side. I'm not an insider but I have studied the x's and o's and I'm pressing the kicking game.

That scoreboard doesn't say 00:00, so continue to carry the fight.

This is the NEW Tennessee Vols, get onboard now before it fills up with bandwagon fans. This is about to be the best throwback staff money can buy!!

If that doesn't motivate you...remember the General!!

I'm staying on the train I've been on the last few weeks. I just ready to get to the final destination.
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Ok, I'm back. What's for breakfast?

After all the talk last night of hamburgers, I'm hungry. Instead of chicken minis, I'll get a full on chicken biscuit meal from Chick-fil-A.

I'd go to Waffle House, but I hear that can be dangerous.
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I’m confused why so many people think this is titled “official pro Jon Gruden thread”.

I’m pro-Grude all day, err day, but it’s only fair that naysayers diversify the board and give us some realistic insight.

On second thought, f*** that. GTFO.

You can't read.... This is "Official Jon Gruden thread"

Either get on the train of get de-railed
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Yes I agree. We are becoming a huge joke nation wide now because of this insanity. Just say it in the next 3 days and move on or party hard.

One, it's not true. Most of the nation (real people, not media types) barely know that Tennessee's looking for a coach. They see and hear none of this.

Two, you're far too concerned about what others think of you. Forget seeing through their eyes, and you'll be able to see more clearly through your own.

We're doing fine, just in the quiet period. The announcement will come, in the proper time.
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Trying to hush things down to extend the timeline for announcement. Coaches coming that are currently on other staffs.

You can announce a coach before his staff is in place, in fact there's no real reason for this to be the holdup. Either it's because Gruden has a timeline he needs met, it isn't done yet, or it isn't Gruden.

I think we keep trying make the pieces fit the narrative we want to be believe.

The longer this drags on and plays out on social media and traditional media the worse it looks for us. If the deal has fallen through and the sides can't come to agreement then the traditional media will push a concerted narrative campaign. Until then we can just wait, see and hope.
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Ok so riddle me this. Gruden goes on a Seattle radio station(an ESPN one) and requests for the coaching search not to be brought up. Instead of just staying away from it though he does the whole spill about rocky top be the best song yada yada. Unprompted bringing up of Tennessee. I just don’t get it if he hasn’t accepted the job pretty much. If this is a University, fan base, and team that he loves why would he do that? Especially with his son being here another full year! He will put his son through living hell after doing that if it was simply to troll our fan base! So why would he do that?? That’s my question for everyone here? Would you put your son through hell just to troll? Don’t say he can just transfer either, because I’ve transferred from college and it’s an annoying long process especially if you have only one year left. My answer is he is probably taking the job, because he wouldn’t do that if he hadn’t. Especially if he truly loves Tennessee. What say you Grudenites?
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