Let's talk Yemen



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
U.S. Suspends Some Counterterrorism Efforts Against Al Qaeda In Yemen: Officials

This is just a microcosm of what kind of debacle we have gotten ourselves into in the Middle East...

WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) - The United States has halted some counter-terrorism operations against al Qaeda militants in Yemen following a takeover of the country by Iran-backed Houthi rebels, U.S. officials said on Friday.

The collapse of the U.S.-backed government of Yemen on Thursday has left America's counter-terrorism campaign "paralyzed," two U.S. security officials said, dealing a major setback to Washington's fight against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), a potent wing of the militant network.

Three U.S. officials said the halt in operations included drone strikes, at least temporarily, following the abrupt resignation of the president, prime minister and cabinet amid mounting fears the Arab world's poorest country was veering toward civil war.

OK, so we had an Obama backed puppet overthrown by a group of (allegedly) Iranian back militants, which in turn limits the amount of counter terrorism operations that the US is able to conduct against a 3rd group (AQAP).

So basically in Yemen, you have the US fighting a battle on two fronts between Al Qaeda (supported by The Saudis) and The Houthi rebels (supported by Iran).

Do you all see the snake pit and madness that we are constantly putting ourselves into?
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Someone with more knowledge about Yemen could probably answer this.

Why wouldn't The Houthi rebels (Shiite) not want to help us with Al-Qaeda (Sunni)? I get they philosophically are opposed to the US, but wouldn't it be an enemy of my enemy type of situation?

I guess this should be my cue to go read/research more on Yemen.
Someone with more knowledge about Yemen could probably answer this.

Why wouldn't The Houthi rebels (Shiite) not want to help us with Al-Qaeda (Sunni)? I get they philosophically are opposed to the US, but wouldn't it be an enemy of my enemy type of situation?

I guess this should be my cue to go read/research more on Yemen.

Possibly goes back to the fact that Al Qaeda (at least the branches of Al Qaeda in Iraq and Syria) have been funded and supported by the Saudis and the US. This group of Al Qaeda in Yemen is mostly Saudi supported, but the general belief is that if you are fighting Al Qaeda, you are fighting US by extension.

People laugh at the phrase Al CIA-da, but as time goes on, the truth about our convoluted foreign policy will become clear. No one else can afford to play the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" game because they don't have the resources to play both sides against each other. This is exactly what we have been doing in Syria. You have Assad fighting the Free Syrian Army (Al Qaeda) and ISIS... both of whom have been supported by the US at some point or another.

This is the US playbook in the Middle East.
It's a revolving door of self contradiction, betrayal, and switching sides. A cauldron of mistrust. The only thing you can count on is that your friends and your enemies will one day reverse positions. And then reverse back.
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He does not clearly see the enemy that is all over the world.. Or aligns with the new Middle East which is even more frightening
Obama is handling these matters FAR better than Bush did. Enormously more sophisticated approach.

I do not expect you to understand, obviously, since it does not involve just randomly blowing up stuff and killing Arabs.
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Obama is handling these matters FAR better than Bush did. Enormously more sophisticated approach.

I do not expect you to understand, obviously, since it does not involve just randomly blowing up stuff and killing Arabs.

In that world.:. Killing is the only method.. They are like roaches
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Obama is handling these matters FAR better than Bush did. Enormously more sophisticated approach.

I do not expect you to understand, obviously, since it does not involve just randomly blowing up stuff and killing Arabs.

:loco: Would Bush remove Mabarek and install the Muslims of Brotherhood?
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Our Preident has basically cut off any relations with Isreal .. Our only true friend.. Another brilliant more by the community organizer
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Our Preident has basically cut off any relations with Isreal .. Our only true friend.. Another brilliant more by the community organizer

On Thursday, GOPers publicly proclaim on the floor of the House, or on Fox News, their allegiance to Israel so as to demonstrate to the base their hatred for all Arabs.

Those same GOPers then tell anti-Semitic jokes at the country club on Saturday.

You know its true.
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On Thursday, GOPers publicly proclaim on the floor of the House, or on Fox News, their allegiance to Israel so as to demonstrate to the base their hatred for all Arabs.

Those same GOPers then tell anti-Semitic jokes at the country club on Saturday.

You know its true.

You know if the US all jokes are only allowed towards middle aged white men right??? All others are considered racist or insensitive
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Obama is handling these matters FAR better than Bush did. Enormously more sophisticated approach.

I do not expect you to understand, obviously, since it does not involve just randomly blowing up stuff and killing Arabs.

Does "more sophisticated approach" mean allowing unfettered expansion of terrorism?
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Obama is handling these matters FAR better than Bush did. Enormously more sophisticated approach.

I do not expect you to understand, obviously, since it does not involve just randomly blowing up stuff and killing Arabs.

Yeah, his foreign policy is the greatest of any president, ever.
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On Thursday, GOPers publicly proclaim on the floor of the House, or on Fox News, their allegiance to Israel so as to demonstrate to the base their hatred for all Arabs.

Those same GOPers then tell anti-Semitic jokes at the country club on Saturday.

You know its true.

Some of the best anit-Semitic jokes I've heard were from Jews.
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Obama is handling these matters FAR better than Bush did. Enormously more sophisticated approach.

I do not expect you to understand, obviously, since it does not involve just randomly blowing up stuff and killing Arabs.

:eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol: laugh out loud funny what this clown president has done to make things all better. Anybody that believes that he's doing a better job is beyond being sane & staying in touch w/reality.
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Obama is handling these matters FAR better than Bush did. Enormously more sophisticated approach.

I do not expect you to understand, obviously, since it does not involve just randomly blowing up stuff and killing Arabs.

Bush could have ended the war if the dems did not get on the TV every night and call him a war monger and tourture king By the likes of Dick Durbin and the other libs
Obama is handling these matters FAR better than Bush did. Enormously more sophisticated approach.

I do not expect you to understand, obviously, since it does not involve just randomly blowing up stuff and killing Arabs.

Your homie already declared he was good at killing people.
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