Saudi Arabia



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
I don't think I've ever seen this asked before or mentioned, but does Saudi Arabia have nukes???
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Not as far as I'm aware... directly anyway.
In otherwords, it is uncertain what they have. Interesting that a nuked up SA has rarely (if ever) been discussed with all that is going on in that region.
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Don't think SA has nuclear weapons. In the region it's alleged that Iran, Syria and Israel have nukes, but I don't think any of them are "official". I guess the closest declared weapons would be in India and Pakistan?
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Don't think SA has nuclear weapons. In the region it's alleged that Iran, Syria and Israel have nukes, but I don't think any of them are "official". I guess the closest declared weapons would be in India and Pakistan?

I believe Israel has nukes, as well as Syria. Iran will soon.
Is it beyond the realm of possibility that we could have armed them with nukes?
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I have little doubt that Israel is in possession of a nuke or three with American made technology.
I didn't think Syria had the nuke, but I could be wrong. But would seem that if they had it, they would have been used on Israel before now. If they did get the nukes, who gave it to them? Russia? Turkey?
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I didn't think Syria had the nuke, but I could be wrong. But would seem that if they had it, they would have been used on Israel before now. If they did get the nukes, who gave it to them? Russia? Turkey?
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My guess would be Russia (if they do have one) Turkey is a possibility.

As for the reason they would not use against Israel, they know the response would be swift from the US. I am sure other nations in the region would also urge them not to ensure the destruction of large parts of the area as well.
Yeah, the CIA stated that Israel had nukes in 1974.

The scariest proposition is the DPRK with nukes.
Yeah, the CIA stated that Israel had nukes in 1974.

The scariest proposition is the DPRK with nukes.

Scarry than the Saudi Kingdom being overthrown by these radical Wahabi/Jihadi groups with access to SA's hypothetical nuke arsenal?
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Scarry than the Saudi Kingdom being overthrown by these radical Wahabi/Jihadi groups with access to SA's hypothetical nuke arsenal?
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I'm not saying that scenario is not at all scary, in the least, but the DPRK scenario could pan out to be much worse in the long run.
It is rumored (and believed by some intelligence analysts) that Saudi Arabia may have purchased nuclear weapons from Pakistan, but I find this highly unlikely. It is possible that they purchased nuclear technology, and it is also likely that we were aware of such activity. There are no firm rumors of a Syrian weapon that I've heard. Syria supposedly has some people working on nuclear technology - but nothing at a level of a weapons program (to the extent that I've read/seen).

Israel has the bomb. I'm not sure what the word on Egypt is...but they were close.....
According to Tom Clancy, SA will have nukes by 2012 because of a terrorist takeover which will lead the United States developing a space nuke defense shield.
According to Tom Clancy, SA will have nukes by 2012 because of a terrorist takeover which will lead the United States developing a space nuke defense shield.

Make that Iran (instead of SA) and European-based (instead of space) and now we're talking....Clancy was just taking some literary license to jazz the truth up a bit...
The following countries are recognized to have nuclear weapons:
United States
North Korea*
It is rumored (and believed by some intelligence analysts) that Saudi Arabia may have purchased nuclear weapons from Pakistan, but I find this highly unlikely. It is possible that they purchased nuclear technology, and it is also likely that we were aware of such activity. There are no firm rumors of a Syrian weapon that I've heard. Syria supposedly has some people working on nuclear technology - but nothing at a level of a weapons program (to the extent that I've read/seen).

Israel has the bomb. I'm not sure what the word on Egypt is...but they were close.....

I may just be remembering some report I heard about Syria seeking or acquiring nuclear technology.
From 1973 to 2002, the Saudi government spent some $87 billion to promote Wahhabism in the United States and the Western Hemisphere.

The Saudi regime first came to power via an 18th century alliance between two Muhammads: ibn Saud and ibn al Wahhab. Together, the Al-Saud and the Wahhabis commanded armies that vanquished Arabia.

They pledged to form a nation based on the principles of Islam. In 1932, an Al-Saud warlord, Abdul Aziz, fulfilled his ancestor's dream; he declared himself sovereign of his own newly conquered territories, which he named the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Abdul Aziz adopted the Islamic holy book, the Koran, as his nation's constitution.

To this day, the official constitution of Saudi Arabia remains the Koran. Saudi officials affirm that their government functions "in total adherence to the Islamic religion."

The most malleable minds belong to children. An estimated 30,000 of them attend Saudi-funded Wahhabi day schools. (in 2002)

The Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA) in Northern Virginia forthrightly states that even though it exists on U.S. soil, it is "subject to the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."

Students at ISA are not required to study U.S. history or government. They do, however, receive instruction in Wahhabism.

Outsiders are not permitted to observe Wahhabism lessons or any other classes at ISA.

The Saudi-supplied textbooks at this and other Wahhabi schools state that Muslims are obliged to consider all infidels the enemy.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey told Congress: "One analogue for Wahhabism's political influence today might be the extremely angry form taken by much of German nationalism in the period after World War I."

Eighty percent of American mosques are under Wahhabi control.

The so-called Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has claimed that some 70 percent of American Muslims want Wahhabi teaching in their mosques.

Rather, Wahhabi control over mosques means control of property, buildings, appointment of imams, training of imams, content of preaching — including faxing of Friday sermons from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia — and of literature distributed in mosques and mosque bookstores, notices on bulletin boards, and organizational solicitation. Similar influence extends to prison and military chaplaincies, Islamic elementary and secondary schools (academies), college campus activity, endowment of academic chairs and programs in Middle East studies, and most notoriously, charities ostensibly helping Muslims abroad, many of which have been linked to or designated as sponsors of terrorism.

The main organizations that have carried out this campaign are the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which originated in the Muslim Students' Association of the U.S. and Canada (MSA), and CAIR. Support activities have been provided by the American Muslim Council (AMC), the American Muslim Alliance (AMA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences, its sister body the International Institute of Islamic Thought, and a number of related groups that have been called "the Wahhabi lobby." ISNA operates at least 324 mosques in the U.S. through the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). These groups operate as an interlocking directorate.

Both ISNA and CAIR, in particular, maintain open and close relations with the Saudi government — a unique situation, in that no other foreign government directly uses religion as a cover for its political activities in the U.S.

The number of mosques under Wahhabi control actually totals at least 600 out of the official total of 1,200, while, as noted, Shia community leaders endorse the figure of 80 percent Wahhabi control. There were a number of 4-6,000 mosques overall, including small and diverse congregations of many kinds as of 2003.

It should also be noted that Wahhabi mosques in the U.S. have worked in close coordination with the Muslim World League (MWL) and the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Saudi state entities identified as participants in the funding of al Qaeda.

Wahhabi ideological control within Saudi Arabia is based on the historic compact of intermarriage between the family of the sect's originator, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, and the family of the founding ruler, Ibn Saud. To this day, these families divide governance of the kingdom, with the descendants of Ibn al-Wahhab, known as ahl al-Shaykh, responsible for religious life, and the Saudi royal family, or ahl al-Saud, running the state. The two families also continue to marry their descendants to one another. The supreme religious leader of Saudi Arabia is a member of the family of Ibn al-Wahhab.

Their aim is to derange people, to separate them from reality completely, in preparation for massacres.

(the above is garnered from various sources, leaning heavily toward testimony before the US Congress.)gs

Sarah Stern - Dec 17, 2008 is worth a read!!


From Harvard Yard to kindergarten classrooms, Saudi extremists have launched a sustained campaign to influence young American minds. These proponents of Wahhabism, a radical Islamist ideology, understand that wars are not fought on the battlefield alone. Indeed, sometimes the most powerful weapon is the idea.

For years, while other philanthropists were busy endowing buildings, the Saudis have been working assiduously to influence the content of what is taught.

This includes endowing chairs and creating textbooks. Armed with petrodollars, the Saudis, as well as the United Arab Emirates and other oil-rich Arab nations, have been flooding U.S. schools with approximately $100 billion per year.

The ultimate goal, it appears, is to convince young Americans of the inherent merits of the Arabist perspective regarding Israel and the Palestinians, and the post-Colonial and post-Zionist agenda.

If America is not careful, an entire generation will graduate with American degrees harboring a sense of moral ambiguity, relativism and guilt concerning the role of America and Israel in the world.

Apologists for the Saudis might argue that the patrons from this Gulf kingdom are simply interested in education. However, if this is the case, why not bankroll more educational institutions on their own soil? Indeed, Saudi Arabia is a country with a literacy rate of only 40 to 50 percent.

Rather than Saudi students, American students have been showered with huge gifts of Saudi largess. Prince Alaweed bin Talal has provided gifts of $20 million to Georgetown and Harvard Universities, and millions more to the universities at Arkansas, Colorado, Maryland, California-Berkeley, Cornell, Michigan, Texas A&M, California-Santa Barbara, and others.

(Of particular interest is how our own legislation has been perverted to serve sinister purposes, in particular
the "Title VI of the Higher Education Act of 1965" )gs

Title VI programs have yielded graduate students and professors who, rather than undertake research in search of truth, peddle one-sided ideological propaganda against the United States, and Israel.

Much of the moral relativism and anti-Americanism seen in Middle Eastern studies across the United States can be traced back to the late professor of English and Comparative Literature, Edward Said. In 1978, he penned a polemical treatise, Orientalism, which challenged the scholarship of anyone who was not a Middle Eastern native.

"Every European," Said insisted, "was a racist, and almost totally ethnocentric." Indeed, he held a post-Colonial view of America as a force of evil in the region. He cast Israel as America's puppet in the Middle East. He enshrined the Palestinian cause at the top of the hierarchy of wrongs that must be righted.

(what Said doesn't mention is the fact that Turkish and Arab Muslims took around 4 million white Europeans as slaves at various times and they took many times the number of black African slaves as were sent to the western hemisphere and even then they sold many of those slaves to slave traders based in England, Boston, Rhode Island and other locations who delivered those black African slaves to the Americas, and as they now heavily recruit young African Americans to Islam, particularly those who have already been indoctrinated by the hateful rhetoric of the 'Nation of Islam', does he mention there are today over a million black slaves under Muslim rule or that they still practice the capturing of even more black Africans to serve as their slaves of that the Arabic word "abed" has two meanings; "black" and "slave?" Consider the demographics of Sudan over the last fifty years. What has happened in Kosovo is about the same as what has happened in Sudan. Arab and other Muslims have gone from 20% to about 80% and this has been accomplished through murder, terror and outright mass genocides.)gs

more excerpts:

The problems of Title VI go even deeper. For universities to receive federal funding, they are required to offer teacher-training workshops for teachers of kindergarten through twelfth grade. Through this requirement, the Saudis now fund several foundations that supplement these workshops.

One such foundation is Dar al-Islam, a sprawling campus in New Mexico. On this campus sits a mosque, a madrassa, a summer camp, a teacher training workshop, and a publishing house. This publishing house produces both Wahabbi Qurans and curriculum guides for Title VI workshops.

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