Want to buy a gaming system



Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2008
Need some advice. I’m 41 and the last system I had was a PS2. My daughter is almost 6 and I want to buy a system for both of us. I’d like to play Madden etc and get kid games for her.

I’m looking at PS4 and Xbox One. Currently they have some pretty good deals on Amazon.

PS4 1TB with Star Wars game $249.99.

XBox One 500 gb with Hot Wheels game $199.99, but this has 4K blue ray

I’m leaning toward the XBox. What do you guys have and prefer?
I have a PS4 and it is a great system. The xbone is also a great system plus it interacts with your whole entertainment setup. It is more important to find out what your friends have so you can play together. Also look in the gaming section of the forums it had been debated thoroughly.
I have a PS4 and it is a great system. The xbone is also a great system plus it interacts with your whole entertainment setup. It is more important to find out what your friends have so you can play together. Also look in the gaming section of the forums it had been debated thoroughly.

Thanks for the info. I didn’t see a thread in gaming
One newbie note: plan on getting an inexpensive external hard drive, as a ton of game data is downloaded onto your console. We filled up the XBox memory in no time.
Thanks. Why is it better?

This is like an iPhone/Android debate.

More of my friends play XBox, and I love mine. Bottom line: they are both going to blow you away, compared to what you've played before. Look at the game options, see which controller feels better to you, and find out what your friends have, if you are interested in online play.

If you really want to appreciate the graphics driver, try to find videos from Steep or night racing on Forza.
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I have both the Xbox One and the PS4. If I had to choose one, I'd probably pick the PS4 because it has better exclusives IMO, but really you can have pretty much the same experience because they are about the same power and have most of the same games.
This is like an iPhone/Android debate.

More of my friends play XBox, and I love mine. Bottom line: they are both going to blow you away, compared to what you've played before. Look at the game options, see which controller feels better to you, and find out what your friends have, if you are interested in online play.

If you really want to appreciate the graphics driver, try to find videos from Steep or night racing on Forza.

This makes sense. I prefer PS, as I had them before, however I like the 4k with Xbox
Thanks. Why is it better?

It’s not.

I’ve had both and stuck with the Xbox (after being a Sony “fanboy”)

It comes down to prefeance really, but the 4K movie thing is what swung it for me. I actually had more friends with PS4, but I find myself playing mostly alone or with the kiddo anyway so that wasn’t a huge factor.
I have both the Xbox One and the PS4. If I had to choose one, I'd probably pick the PS4 because it has better exclusives IMO, but really you can have pretty much the same experience because they are about the same power and have most of the same games.

Cool thanks. I don't know many people my age, at least that I know, who play with either, so I guess either one will suit our needs
I’ll sell ya my 1TB Xbox S :)

*i just want the X (for no real reason other than just because)
I had to buy a PS4 after my 360 because 2K stopped making MLB games. I was not happy about that.
I don’t know if I want to spend that much.

They’ll last forever. I’ve had the initial xbone since launch day and it’s still trucking along. Only annoying thing is deleting games when you’re low on storage.

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