Really good article about Cheyenne Labruzza.



Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2009
The article is supposed to be about Charlton "Warren focused on improving secondary’s discipline" But it goes on to talk more about CL. Really good kid. And if it's true about how much he watches film and studys, we could see another Sutton type player here.

“He has off the charts intangibles. He’s almost never made a B in high school. Super high football junky. He’s always watching tape. If I called him right now, he’s probably watching some NFL film. He’s the guy that’s going to bring a lot of intangibles to the table, especially as a long corner with a skill-set. To be a 6-foot corner. You really covet these guys.”
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The more I hear about this young man, the more I like him. I hope he drags several other players into the film study room. Guys like this take a position group that has often been a liability, and turn it into a strength.
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6. The starting CB opposite Byrd is someone who isn't on campus yet. I have a feeling that Labruzza has a lot of Cam Sutton in him and has the potential to slide into this spot and we become lock down on the corners.

The more I hear about this kid the more and more I like my prediction #6 for team 121. This kid has the ability, the technique and more importantly the mindset to be elite on the outside.
Tn was smart in recognizing his talent and commitment. They had him number one on board ahead of Wade. They also know they got a steal in Shamburger and by the end of recruiting GA and other power schools were wanting his commitment. This is our best CB class in a while. Excited for this group and our newcoach who works well with Shoop and they are on the same page.
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The article is supposed to be about Charlton "Warren focused on improving secondary’s discipline" But it goes on to talk more about CL. Really good kid. And if it's true about how much he watches film and studys, we could see another Sutton type player here.

“He has off the charts intangibles. He’s almost never made a B in high school. Super high football junky. He’s always watching tape. If I called him right now, he’s probably watching some NFL film. He’s the guy that’s going to bring a lot of intangibles to the table, especially as a long corner with a skill-set. To be a 6-foot corner. You really covet these guys.”

Smarts! Something we seem to have had in limited supply of over the last several years at d-back. It's not enough to be a great athlete at corner, you must be smart too. I have noticed over the past years that our d-backs don't seem to recognize plays coming until really late, then go like hell, as good athletes do. But just weren't smart enough to recognize soon enough.
Shamburger and Labruzza are going to be so freaking good!! I actually think Shamburger plays better than Labruzza. Shawn is going to be the best tackling CB we've had in a while.. he gets across the body very well. I do love the praise for labruzza from Coach warren though! Hopefully Warren can really do some things differently and turn our secondary around.. Hes got a lot of talented guys to work with
The Shoop D is very detailed and there's lots to learn.

Shoop had so many injuries last season on our D that he couldn't keep teaching and advancing our kids along like he wanted because he was always forced by injuries to go back to the basic 1, 2 3 teaching just to keep kids on the field.

If our D players can stay healthy then Shoop can keep teaching and progressing them along all through the season.

After a player knows everything well enough that he can play relaxed and respond much faster then that will also open up the D playbook so Shoop can call more exotic blitzes and do other things to keep the other team more confused.

It still may take another year or 2 for all our kids to get everything down pat so they can play much faster but I honestly believe that if we can keep Shoop and our coaching staff together and keep recruiting good, smart players that we'll end up with a top 10 D that every team will fear playing against.

I sure hope all our DT's are back healthy, strong, in shape and ready to rock by game 1.

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I agree on CL and Shamburger, but I think people are sleeping on Bailey. Go watch this kids fillmore again. He is as scrappy as they come. I could see all 3 guys being part of the best secondary in the SEC by their junior year. Two at corner and one at nickel. CL could possibly even move to FS eventually.
Cheyenne Labruzza was my favorite player this class. Even ahead of Trey Smith. I think he's another Cam Sutton. He'll be a 3-star who becomes a superstar CB.
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What I like the most is the passion for learning. Even if he isn't an elite athlete, but being a technically gifted/high football IQ player can be better.

Take CP for example. Gifted athlete but because he can't learn routes and study defenders, he has limited his ability to become an all-star(more than a KR).
The more I hear about this kid the more and more I like my prediction #6 for team 121. This kid has the ability, the technique and more importantly the mindset to be elite on the outside.

Where did that quote come from saying Byrd is the starting corner?

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