Roll call... of uselessness

How has your level of anticipation impacted your level of useless at work today?

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Aerie Vol

Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
I got this thread idea from a ridiculous thread that was just created. The OP said he was sorry for his own silliness and admitted he was simply worthless today. So...

Who's at work today and absolutely useless in anticipation of tomorrow?

AV - present, accounted for, and useless today.
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In sales. "Working from the office" today. Which happens to be headed north on I-65

Go Vols!
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I have been working my butt off today!

Its true, I haven't missed a single post yet! :)

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I would say I'm somewhere in between totally productive and completely useless.
How has your level of anticipation impacted your level of useless at work today?

I attended work but was completely useless!

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Do to security on our computers I dont feel comfortable clicking my answer so unfortunately I cannot participate in this poll. Although i would love to :p
All I can think about is beating the Gators, by how much, and what kind of and how many beers I'm going to 9 A.M. PDT.
Haven't had that problem this week possibly because I was pretty useless ALL last week. Gotta get caught up.
My beer assistant took off today in preparation for the game tomorrow.Shes in for double duty starting at 9am. Id say I was productive just for the simple fact I had to get them myself. :givemebeer: :toast:
I was "in class."

Which in the Army means I did absolutely nothing productive
If say on any given Friday before a big Tennessee game, I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real work.
I've been checked out all week. Plus, I took Monday and Tuesday off to recover from the partying after we stomp on that gator anus! Choooot em!

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