Autograph Line



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
i am guessing folks will start lining up around 6am. Considering there should be 100,000 people at the game this seems logical.
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My anonymous source guesses that folks will start lining up around 6am.
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Last year we got there at 7 30 am and were about 300 people back. We missed the cutoff on getting butch autograph by 3 people. They did multiple cutoffs as time got shorter and the last one was us by 3. :( I snagged Marquez North autograph as he was walking in street clothes cause he wasn't an early enrollee
It was nice when you could go to the O&W game and there were only 15,000 or so people there. You could get on the field, get autographs, take pics, sit wherever you want, hang with the smoke dog during the game...

Stupid momentum.

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So.....who wants to wager a guess as to who has the longest line for their autograph???

My guess: Butch.

And if anyone on here is within the first 10K people in, and you get the "I Will Give My All" sign......if you don't need it (you already have one).....I'd like to purchase it from you if possible.
In all seriousness, I have 2 young kids (5 and 3), and I'd love to try to get them an autograph. It will be tough for me to have them there super early, but at the same time I don't want to stand in line for a really long time and not have anything to show for it.

What do y'all think is the latest you can show up to Fan Day without getting turned away because of long lines?

If anybody with young kids can provide any insights into past Fan Days (as far as timing, logistics, etc.), that would be greatly appreciated..

A friend told me yesterday that we can no longer bring in items to get signed, they have to provide us with something. Is this true?
A friend told me yesterday that we can no longer bring in items to get signed, they have to provide us with something. Is this true?

I can't confirm that because I don't remember where I heard it at all but I did hear that they would only be signing photos that will be provided
Go to the shorter lines & get as many autographs as you can of the players. If u don't get Butch's, u can send a request to the UTAD & they'll have him sign whatever you send & send it back to u. I did this with Dooley (MY BAD!!!)
i have sent an email asking about if we can get things we bring signed by the players on fan day. to my contact. will post reply when i get it.
There won't be more than 50000 actual heads at this game..propaganda will say 75k though
In all seriousness, I have 2 young kids (5 and 3), and I'd love to try to get them an autograph. It will be tough for me to have them there super early, but at the same time I don't want to stand in line for a really long time and not have anything to show for it.

What do y'all think is the latest you can show up to Fan Day without getting turned away because of long lines?

If anybody with young kids can provide any insights into past Fan Days (as far as timing, logistics, etc.), that would be greatly appreciated..


This is a great event for the kids, but it's tough to keep them in a long line. If you are OK with not getting Butch's or some of the other long line autographs, you can get there an hour before gate opening and get a fair amount of autographs and pics.
Sounds like it might be.

I would really like to be there for the autograph session, but I can't bring myself to drive 1.5 hours at the break of dawn.

You'll be able to get some autographs from players, but they probably won't be Jalen, Marquez, Josh Malone or other high demand guys.
My anonymous source guesses that folks will start lining up around 6am.

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It should be strictly for kids

The last time I was in line, me and Bubba had a brief discussion about what happens to people that break line
They where signing one item per person regardless of the item. Actually I didn't show up until around 12 and got in to fan day. They had two lines funneling in. One went from the gate down by TB Arena and the other wrapped from 7 back around the stadium (it was not even a third as long). Fans where getting In The TB line not knowing the other was much much shorter
They where signing one item per person regardless of the item. Actually I didn't show up until around 12 and got in to fan day. They had two lines funneling in. One went from the gate down by TB Arena and the other wrapped from 7 back around the stadium (it was not even a third as long). Fans where getting In The TB line not knowing the other was much much shorter

we got there around 9-930am, and the gate 7 line was already to TBA...we knew there was no way with a 1 yr old and a 3 yr old we would be able to stand in line that long,with only 1 hr to sign,we figured we would never make it to the field... there wasn't another line then...I imagine it was started by rude people who just decided to make their own line,just like they did outside the gates to get seats...

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