As a Vol fan...

Gators in tourney or out?

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Jul 20, 2007
Do you root for the Gators to win today and make the NCAA's so the SEC has 4 teams or enjoy watching their demise and see them slither into the NIT (Not Invited Tournament) again for the third straight year!:p:)
The more SEC teams in the tourney, the better I feel about being tourney ready. They've already won 2 nat'l titles in football and bball this decade so I'm pretty sure we're through the worst of gator fatigue.
I'd rather root for Billy Donavan to be exposed as a mediocore coach, that happened upon talent a few years back. Its been on going for 3 or 4 years now, and never gets old.
Do you root for the Gators to win today and make the NCAA's so the SEC has 4 teams or enjoy watching their demise and see them slither into the NIT (Not Invited Tournament) again for the third straight year!:p:)
Hell No!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I root against them no matter what,just like those embreds down in bama!!!! Go Vols!!!
If it means them beating the vols then no i hope they fail, but if it doesnt involve that then i could careless what happens.
This one is easy, Gators fail hands down. I truly dislike the U. of Florida sports programs in general.
I always want the gators to fail, and look bad doing it. Screw all gators, and their offspring. GBO!!!!
I hate the Gators as mush as everybody does, but I could see them getting in the NCAA Tourney as a Lower seed regardless of what happens against Auburn today. SEC should def. have 4 teams locked in. And considering how sorry the West is this year, thats a pretty decent showing.
LG = Volnation's homeless gator. Freak took him in when nobody else would, and like the neigborhood cat he just won't go away.
Do you root for the Gators to win today and make the NCAA's so the SEC has 4 teams or enjoy watching their demise and see them slither into the NIT (Not Invited Tournament) again for the third straight year!:p:)

I hate the Gators so bad that Strangely Enough, i am cheering for them. Explanation being that i want Billy boy to stay there for a while because its obvious Pearl is his Daddy. i know he has 2 national championships, but lets face it its not about what have you done for me but what have you done for me lately and who knows if they dont make the dance for a 3rd year in a row, so i hope he makes the tourney and then gets beat. Basically continue to fester in mediocrity is my hope for the reptiles. Also helps bump our RPI which will take a hit today against a horrible LSU team win or lose.
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The two teams whom we may NEVER cheer for are Bama football and Kentucky in basketball. Other than that, it depends on the situation. Since I think Donavon is a nice guy, I hope Florida does well, but it won't bother me if they flame out either.

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