RumorMill - - Travis Henry

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VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
I heard some rumors floating around the internet that Travis Henry could be traded to the Titans. Apparently the Bills think McGahee is their future "money" player and the Titans are looking for someone to replace Eddie George. Anyone else hear this?
No I didn't hear that. I think that would be a good fit. You could hit Eddie in there for power and Henry as your scat back. Maybe someone will upgrade him to an Escalade instead of a Ford Expedition if he comes back to Tennessee!
I agree. I think the Titans really need to sign a good back this offseason. George has proven that he is not the same runner he used to be. I think Travis would do well with the Titans if they got that deal worked out.
Wow, you've got me drooling on my desk with that idea. If the Titans are so lucky to have a shot at the Cheese, they'd be foolish not to pursue it. He's BAD ASS and Eddie just hasn't been himself the last year-year and a half...
I HOPE that rumor is TRUE, TRUE, TRUE!!! I'm gonna put that on my Christmas list!!
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