The Ground Zero mosque is a bad idea and shouldn't be permitted.

From where I'm standing the argument seems to be 1 faction is hell bent to stand by the constitution and allow anyone to pursue whatever makes them happy.
Whereas the other faction seems intent on looking at the issue from the standpoint of patriotism. I think the constitution was written as a basis of freedom to give future generations a template from which to use with their common sense or right and wrong no matter what the date of the calendar. IMO we have an outside entity imposing their will upon the American way of life using our own template as a wedge to infiltrate and destroy for the purpose of a changeling, imperialistic religeous agenda and the end result is a conquoring of a people. If you can live with that end result good for you, if not it's time to stop kissing the worlds ass to get along with them.
From where I'm standing the argument seems to be 1 faction is hell bent to stand by the constitution and allow anyone to pursue whatever makes them happy.
Whereas the other faction seems intent on looking at the issue from the standpoint of patriotism. I think the constitution was written as a basis of freedom to give future generations a template from which to use with their common sense or right and wrong no matter what the date of the calendar. IMO we have an outside entity imposing their will upon the American way of life using our own template as a wedge to infiltrate and destroy for the purpose of a changeling, imperialistic religeous agenda and the end result is a conquoring of a people. If you can live with that end result good for you, if not it's time to stop kissing the worlds ass to get along with them.

Are you talking about the Greek Orthidox Church that has been denied rebuilding rights after being destroyed at 9/11 and has been told they can't build higher than the poposed 9/11 memorial no matter what, in keeping with the islamic edict that no one can built higher than as an islamic mosque while the ground zero vitory mosque can build an 18 story edifice????
Yes... actually I am. You're messing this up you know.:whistling:
I agree, this isn't a cut and dried case of religious rights, it also has to do with politics.
And you'll have a much better chance of reaching those with an open mind if you lead them rather than smack them in the face with a shovel.
REALLY?? If you are prepared to discuss islamic sharia law then so am I, let that begin with your first post on that topic!!!!!
I didn't say I wanted or needed a pp contest. I said I knew enough.

Under Sharia law: non-muslims have very restricted legal rights. A Muslim witness' testimony cannot be overturned by the witness of a woman or non-Muslim even if the direct forensic evidence is against them. It is a capital crime to convert from Islam to anything else. Islamic religious "tolerance" amounts to allowing others to live as dhimmi- a second class that in some respects is almost a slave class. Women have virtually no rights. It is legal to kill a woman for adultery or for dishonoring her family in any number of ridiculous things.

Under sharia, a non-muslim girl who is raped by muslims automatically becomes a muslim. Destroyed places of non-muslim worship are illegal to rebuild.

I'm sure I could remember more if I sat for awhile and thought about it... but that is more than sufficient to know that we don't want it... nor do we want someone funded by extremists recruiting people to it in NYC.
One thing I will agree on is that those who don't oppose the mosque are doing it from from a poorly informed position.


How so? If we get people to oppose it for the wrong reasons then we're just as much fearmongers as LG accuses us of being and as the other side is.

People need to understand more than the "emotional insensitivity" in this debate.
And you'll have a much better chance of reaching those with an open mind if you lead them rather than smack them in the face with a shovel.
I didn't say I wanted or needed a pp contest. I said I knew enough.

Under Sharia law: non-muslims have very restricted legal rights. A Muslim witness' testimony cannot be overturned by the witness of a woman or non-Muslim even if the direct forensic evidence is against them. It is a capital crime to convert from Islam to anything else. Islamic religious "tolerance" amounts to allowing others to live as dhimmi- a second class that in some respects is almost a slave class. Women have virtually no rights. It is legal to kill a woman for adultery or for dishonoring her family in any number of ridiculous things.

Under sharia, a non-muslim girl who is raped by muslims automatically becomes a muslim. Destroyed places of non-muslim worship are illegal to rebuild.

I'm sure I could remember more if I sat for awhile and thought about it... but that is more than sufficient to know that we don't want it... nor do we want someone funded by extremists recruiting people to it in NYC.

How so? If we get people to oppose it for the wrong reasons then we're just as much fearmongers as LG accuses us of being and as the other side is.

People need to understand more than the "emotional insensitivity" in this debate.

You're a gentleman and a scholar.

You bring out some of the more important aspects of sharia law, another is that no religious building may be taller than the nearest mosque, yet another signal of their supposed superiority.

Then too are special taxes on non muslims and then they rake off money from all business transactions and call it charity.

We can't let ourselves be confined to what may be considered politically correct.

I heartily agree that people need to be much more informed on the topic.

I don't think they have been successful in Canada yet in getting areas deemed to be under sharia law but it is happening in Europe.

First they want to settle their own disputes in their own sharia courts, and now if you happen to live in one of the areas where officials have allowed such to happen, if you get into some sort of dispute with a muslim then you have to go to a sharia court, even though you may not be a muslim yourself.

A muslim doesn't have to be a terrorist to be a promoter of the dominance of islam.

The backers of the ground zero victory mosque have close connections with the muslim brotherhood which unabashedly is promoting sharia to be the proposed law of the land in America.
If people want to know where this "could" go then they need to look at England. Their liberal ideals of "tolerance" (which somehow never seems to count for Christians) has resulted in areas being ruled by sharia.
If people want to know where this "could" go then they need to look at England. Their liberal ideals of "tolerance" (which somehow never seems to count for Christians) has resulted in areas being ruled by sharia.

Macy had to change their parade route because it is offensive to muslims for infidel parades to go in front of a mosque.


This is a Friday afternoon at 42nd and Madison as muslims illegally shut down traffic to do their ritualistic prayers in the street. There are other places in NYC where even greater numbers shut off whole blocks.

It is important to understand that in some countries, with well under 100% Muslim populations, such as France, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law.

The national police do not even enter these ghettos.
(These are not true ghettos since the muslims can come and go as they please.)

There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrasses. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death. Therefore, in some areas of certain nations, Muslim Imams and extremists exercise more power than the national average would indicate and exercise more authority than the ligitimate government agencies.

There are over 100 mosques in NYC already.

We are in a permanent war with Islam since they are in a permanent state of war until they own the world.

What part of surrender or die is too hard to understand??

That is the message of islam and anyone who says different is either ignorant or lying.
Some of you exude fear. Why should you be afraid? No one is threatening your way of life. No one is threatening your right to believe whatever it is you believe. On the contrary. The whole issue is with freedom of religion. Once you allow your government to dictate when and where certain religious buildings should be built, you open your own beliefs to the same infringement.

If you want to be left alone, then leave people alone. There are christian churches close to the Murrah federal building locale and Tim McVeigh was a christian. Why no uproar there? The hypocrisy of some in the south is nauseating.
Islam Explained in Layman's Terms:

Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond's book:
"Slavery, Terrorism and Islam:"
The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.

Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest
form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social,
and military components. The religious component
is a beard for all of the other components.

Islamization begins when there are sufficient
Muslims in a country to agitate for their
religious privileges.

When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally
diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for
their religious privileges, some of the other
components tend to creep in as well.

Here's how it works:

As long as the Muslim population remains around
or under 2% in any given country, they will be
for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving
minority, and not as a threat to other citizens.
This is the case in:

United States -- Muslim 0.6%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1.8%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%
Even in Norway there have been epicemics of rapes
because muslim men consider women who wear
revealing clothing to be asking for it.

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other
ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with
major recruiting from the jails and among street
gangs. This is happening in:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Muslims seem especially demanding in Britian.
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%
In Thailand the army is dominated by muslims.

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence
in proportion to their percentage of the population.
For example, they will push for the introduction of
halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby
securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They
will increase pressure on supermarket chains to
feature halal on their shelves -
(Obama introduced a halal food bill while a state
senator in Illinois) - along with threats for failure
to comply. This is occurring in:

France -- Muslim 8%
France has 750+ areas where non muslims may
Philippines -- 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling
government to allow them to rule themselves
(within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic
Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish
Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population,
they tend to increase lawlessness as a means
of complaint about their conditions. In Paris ,
we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-
Muslim action offends Islam and results in uprisings
and threats, such as in Amsterdam , with opposition
to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such
tensions are seen daily, particularly in Muslim
sections in:

Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger
rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and
the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish
synagogues, such as in:

Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%
Hundreds of churches were burned to the gournd,
some full of women and children in Kenya only two
years ago.

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres,
chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare,
such as in:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%
When I was born Lebanon was a Christian majority
nation. In Kosovo muslims have gone from a minority
to 97% of the population and there is widespread
elimination of all signs of any Christian presence
there durint the same amount of time.

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution
of non-believers of all other religions (including non-
conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing
(genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and
Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77..5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%
Sudan had a muslim minority about 60 years ago.
Killing off about two million black African Christians
has helped the arab muslim gain in demographics.

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent
jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even
some genocide, as these nations drive out the
infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as
has been experienced and in some ways is on-
going in:

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%
In these countries it is very common that Christian
girls are subject to abduction, rape, forced marriage
and then considered muslim.

100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' --
the Islamic House of Peace. Here there's supposed
to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the
Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is
the only word, such as in:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 100%

Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these
100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and
spew hatred, and satisfy their blood lust by killing less
radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.

"Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of
Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my
brother against our father; my family against my
cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe;
the tribe against the world, and all of us against
the infidel." -- Leon Uris, 'The Haj'
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Some of you exude fear. Why should you be afraid? No one is threatening your way of life. No one is threatening your right to believe whatever it is you believe. On the contrary. The whole issue is with freedom of religion. Once you allow your government to dictate when and where certain religious buildings should be built, you open your own beliefs to the same infringement.

If you want to be left alone, then leave people alone. There are christian churches close to the Murrah federal building locale and Tim McVeigh was a christian. Why no uproar there? The hypocrisy of some in the south is nauseating.

I'm talking not about fear but about being unafraid
to speak the truth.

Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian, he was an
atheist and he was aided and abetted by muslims
who took credit for the OKC bombing!!!

Terry Nichols learned his bomb making skills from
muslim jihadists.

The whole issue is the continued freeddom of the
American people vs domination by islam.

To say that no one is theatening our right to believe
as we wish is just too stupid for words.

What is it about convert of die that you don't

Try to explain your damned lie to 10 million slaughtered
Christians during the last century all done in the name
of pseudo-righteous islamic jihad.





Talk about nauseating, every time I read one of your
post I have a strong urge to barf!!

Some of you exude fear. Why should you be afraid? No one is threatening your way of life. No one is threatening your right to believe whatever it is you believe. On the contrary. The whole issue is with freedom of religion. Once you allow your government to dictate when and where certain religious buildings should be built, you open your own beliefs to the same infringement.

If you want to be left alone, then leave people alone. There are christian churches close to the Murrah federal building locale and Tim McVeigh was a christian. Why no uproar there? The hypocrisy of some in the south is nauseating.

You , sir, exude ignorance.
No one is telling them they can not build a religious building. They are just asking them not to build it so close to what amounts to a tomb for so many Americans.
The South would welcome your exit.
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You , sir, exude ignorance.
No one is telling them they can not build a religious building. They are just asking them not to build it so close to what amounts to a tomb for so many Americans.
The South would welcome your exit.

Yes, but if it were a Subway being built in the exact same spot, everyone would shut up.

Better yet, if it were a Christian church of any denomination, everyone would shut up.
Yes, but if it were a Subway being built in the exact same spot, everyone would shut up.

Better yet, if it were a Christian church of any denomination, everyone would shut up.

If it were Christian extremists who destroyed that area I imagine there would be a similar outcry against it, maybe not the same level of opposition but there would be a very vocal objection to it.
If it were Christian extremists who destroyed that area I imagine there would be a similar outcry against it, maybe not the same level of opposition but there would be a very vocal objection to it.

You'd think so, but it probably wouldn't be the case, since Christian terrorism doesn't ''exist.''
You'd think so, but it probably wouldn't be the case, since Christian terrorism doesn't ''exist.''

I wouldn't say that Christian terrorists don't exist but there haven't been any widespread or mass casualty Christian extremists attacks like we've seen with muslim extremists.
Yes, but if it were a Subway being built in the exact same spot, everyone would shut up.

Better yet, if it were a Christian church of any denomination, everyone would shut up.

It is not a sub way though is it...that makes your comment stupid.
What, are you channeling LG? You know what other people think now. Classic.
Yes, but if it were a Subway being built in the exact same spot, everyone would shut up.

Better yet, if it were a Christian church of any denomination, everyone would shut up.

What does a subway have to do with muslim terrorists in planes?

So you are separating muslims from christians?
Yes, but if it were a Subway being built in the exact same spot, everyone would shut up.

Better yet, if it were a Christian church of any denomination, everyone would shut up.

What about the Christian Church that they have not allowed to be rebuilt?
I am interested to know myself, you have any info?

no clue. I've seen it referenced a couple times but don't care enough to search it out

They have never stated any reason. It is a Greek Orthodox church that they will not give permits to to rebuild.

why were the permits denied? Seriously if you're going to post examples like they're equal at least have some facts

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