AnotherFox News sex harrassment suit: End of O'Reilly?



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
Fox News faces another sexual harassment lawsuit - Aug. 23, 2016

"Fox News masquerades as a defender of traditional family values, but behind the scenes, it operates like a sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult, steeped in intimidation, indecency and misogyny," Tantaros claims in the lawsuit, first obtained by The New York Times.
Tantaros' suit comes nearly seven weeks after former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson accused Ailes of sexual harassment, prompting at least 20 women to come forward with their own stories of harassment at the hands of Ailes. Ailes has denied all the allegations.
It also comes after a months-long dispute between Tantaros and Fox News regarding the termination of her employment at the network. Fox News has claimed that Tantaros invented sexual harassment claims when in fact she was in breach of contract for publishing a book without approval. Tantaros's lawyers have accused Fox News of using the book as an excuse for her termination.
Tantaros's specific charges against Ailes echo those of other accusers who have come forward in recent weeks. In one instance, she says, Ailes invited her into his office and told her to turn around so he could "get a good look" at her. When she refused, the suit states, she was moved off the well-rated 5 p.m. show to a lower-rated midday show.
Related: Rupert Murdoch names Ailes' successors at embattled Fox
After several such interactions, Tantaros says she met with Shine about her complaints. Shine told her she needed "to let this one go," according to the lawsuit. Shine, who could not immediately be reached, told the Times that Tantaros never approached him with any harassment claims about Ailes.
Tantaros also claims that she was also subject to unwanted advances by O'Reilly, one of the network's most popular primetime hosts.
"Ailes did not act alone," the lawsuit states. "He may have been the primary culprit, but his actions were condoned by his most senior lieutenants, who engaged in a concerted effort to silence Tantaros by threats, humiliation and retaliation."
Only slightly related, but I was talking with my wife just last night about Adorno's and Horkheimer's criticism of American popular/mass culture. While largely a self-aggrandizing, anti-American jack fest, they did bring up a great point many decades ago about the fact that our popular culture is largely premised upon keeping the consumer constantly tantalized rather than fulfilled - as fulfilling him or her would mean consumer dissatisfaction and retaliation.

To prove this point, they cited the example of the "girl" with the "tight college sweater" framing closely her "large breasts." (Hey, it was the 1940s, afterall.) We all know what's there. We know what's underneath. It tantalizes us, and we love it. We want more. But the second that that sweater comes off and her breasts are exposed, we will freak out like a bunch of Puritans who've not been aware of tits until just then. We'll demand blood, and we'll boycott the producer, but we don't do this for moral principles (afterall, we were enjoying the tease), we do it because the producer decided to make it too real for us, forcing us to wet the bed like a four-year-old.

This also has a lot to do with Fiedler's great thesis on American literature, why "Huck Finn" or "Moby Dick" - where men escape from social responsibility - is our masterpieces, as opposed to "War and Peace" and "Bleak House."

This is all to say that Fox News essentially does the same crap. This is nothing new. I love this country, as I have made amply clear, but there is a Puritan escapism that we possess which I will always disdain. I'd have some respect for it if it actually had any integrity, but it does not. It's just as horny and "touchy" as any other; it's just dishonest with itself.
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Bill O'Reilly : sexual harassment
Result : LG hates him

Bill Clinton : Serial Rapist
Result : LG loves him

How do you reconcile your views, LG?
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I do not doubt that lechery is alive and well at Fox News. Let the plaintiffs have their day in court. Let the judgements be made. The consequences will be what they will be. If Fox News becomes a better organization because of this, great. If not, let 'em die and be replaced.

Anyone watch OAN?
Bill O'Reilly : sexual harassment
Result : LG hates him

Bill Clinton : Serial Rapist
Result : LG loves him

How do you reconcile your views, LG?

Since you're a big transparency guy, in your opinion, what proof do you have that Clinton is a rapist, beyond your opinion and fringe sites?

I'll remind you that Donald Trump is involved in the Epstein case, so you best be careful where you tread. Probably explains why the media hasn't gotten involved here.
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Since you're a big transparency guy, in your opinion, what proof do you have that Clinton is a rapist, beyond your opinion and fringe sites?

I'll remind you that Donald Trump is involved in the Epstein case, so you best be careful where you tread. Probably explains why the media hasn't gotten involved here.

He has had women accuse him of rape, harassment and groping.
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He has had women accuse him of rape, harassment and groping.

You know what, he probably is. But, you know what else, so is Donald Trump. If you think Donald Trump has never raped a woman, but Bill Clinton has, then you're either biased or ignore all available facts.

Again, the Epstein case is the big factor here. That it involves the Clintons too is probably the reason why it hasn't come out yet in the media. Probably never will, unless Russia decides doing so is favorable. There's circumstantial evidence there that both Bill and Donald are pedophiles, which they probably are.

Hey, I just want to keep things fair, like you.
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Since you're a big transparency guy, in your opinion, what proof do you have that Clinton is a rapist, beyond your opinion and fringe sites?

I'll remind you that Donald Trump is involved in the Epstein case, so you best be careful where you tread. Probably explains why the media hasn't gotten involved here.

Sworn testimony by Juanita Broaddrrick. Have you read her statement? Paula Jones? Kathleen Willey? There's a hell of a lot more from just these three victims than anything against Bill O'Reilly.
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Sworn testimony by Juanita Broaddrrick. Have you read her statement? Paula Jones? Kathleen Willey? There's a hell of a lot more from just these three victims than anything against Bill O'Reilly.

You researched at all about Donald Trump and rape?

Probably not.

But, you're a transparency guy, so I have no doubt you soon will.
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You know what, he probably is. But, you know what else, so is Donald Trump. If you think Donald Trump has never raped a woman, but Bill Clinton has, then you're either biased or ignore all available facts.

Again, the Epstein case is the big factor here. That it involves the Clintons too is probably the reason why it hasn't come out yet in the media. Probably never will, unless Russia decides doing so is favorable. There's circumstantial evidence there that both Bill and Donald are pedophiles, which they probably are.

Hey, I just want to keep things fair, like you.

I'm good with that. If they are pedos I hope they go to prison to rot.

You just asked if there was any proof. And to that it is proven Bill got a blowy from a subordinate intern, most jobs that would be classified as sexual harassment and lead to termination.
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