90% of Native Americans Not Offended by Redskins Name



Oct 21, 2004
Very interesting findings. But I guess since white people are offended that Native American's might be offended (or should be?) we should still change it.


Nine in 10 Native Americans say they are not offended by the Washington Redskins name, according to a new Washington Post poll that shows how few ordinary Indians have been persuaded by a national movement to change the football team’s moniker.

The survey of 504 people across every state and the District reveals that the minds of Native Americans have remained unchanged since a 2004 poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found the same result. Responses to The Post’s questions about the issue were broadly consistent regardless of age, income, education, political party or proximity to reservations.
I read about this yesterday and meant to post it but apparently I forgot ha. This is awesome. Just the PC crowd trying to be offended by something, pretty much like everything else.
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So-called progressives really are the torchbearers of the white man's burden in modern society. It's like they don't think disadvantaged groups are intelligent enough to think for themselves, and have to be "taught" what should offend them.

It's a travesty that when most people think of native Americans, this is the controversy that comes to mind. Many of those communities are falling apart.
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As we all know it's the very small percent that screams the loudest.

That and a group of people that are trying to tell another group what they should be offended about.

Edit: VNB hit on this with his first comment.
So-called progressives really are the torchbearers of the white man's burden in modern society. It's like they don't think disadvantaged groups are intelligent enough to think for themselves, and have to be "taught" what should offend them.

It's a travesty that when most people think of native Americans, this is the controversy that comes to mind. Many of those communities are falling apart.

Several NA's in the comments echo the sentiment in the first paragraph.
So-called progressives really are the torchbearers of the white man's burden in modern society. It's like they don't think disadvantaged groups are intelligent enough to think for themselves, and have to be "taught" what should offend them.

It's a travesty that when most people think of native Americans, this is the controversy that comes to mind. Many of those communities are falling apart.

I have always thought this very curious. They are the self appointed guardians of minorities and the downtrodden, as if to say these people are too stupid to articulate what offends them or doesn't offend them or what they want or don't want. Like a five year old speaking for his infant sibling. How about letting the people speak for themselves?
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I have always thought this very curious. They are the self appointed guardians of minorities and the downtrodden, as if to say these people are too stupid to articulate what offends them or doesn't offend them or what they want or don't want. Like a five year old speaking for his infant sibling. How about letting the people speak for themselves?

Politicians try to speak for their constituents, no matter what their stance is. 10% is enough to make a stink to put it on their radar. They didn't just come up with it. They don't care what the % is because it's an issue where they can argue from a false position of moral superiority, so it's win or draw, there is nothing to lose.
Is it racist to observe that native Americans are racist af?
Politicians try to speak for their constituents, no matter what their stance is. 10% is enough to make a stink to put it on their radar. They didn't just come up with it. They don't care what the % is because it's an issue where they can argue from a false position of moral superiority, so it's win or draw, there is nothing to lose.

But at least in that case someone spoke for themselves. This is more of a case of YOU ARE BEING OFFENSIVE and those supposedly offended are saying ah um wait a minute.

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