(Potential) Chicago Riots



God-Emperor of Politics
Jan 3, 2009
Source: Chicago Officer Could Be Indicted In Fatal Shooting On Tuesday « CBS Chicago

A judge ruled that Chicago and CPD has to release the video of the police shooting of 17 year Laquan McDonald by Wednesday. He was shot 16 times, with some in the back. From what I'm seeing this is going to be the worst one yet. The release seems to have everyone spooked and on edge. Plus the family said they don't even want it released because they are afraid of their neighborhood burning.

“The first shot or two seem to spin him on the ground. He falls down. He’s down on the ground, and for the next 30 seconds or so, in this video, the officer just continues to shoot,” Neslund said earlier this month. “What you see are graphic puffs of smoke rising from Laquan and intermittently his body twitching, in reaction to the shots.”
Obviously a tragedy when any life is lost, but why is it always about a black man being killed by police? Don't give a **** if I get bashed, but where are the stories of caucasians, asians, Hispanics and others getting the short end of the stick when law is enforced? This is beyond old...
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Obviously a tragedy when any life is lost, but why is it always about a black man being killed by police? Don't give a **** if I get bashed, but where are the stories of caucasians, asians, Hispanics and others getting the short end of the stick when law is enforced? This is beyond old...

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Obviously a tragedy when any life is lost, but why is it always about a black man being killed by police? Don't give a **** if I get bashed, but where are the stories of caucasians, asians, Hispanics and others getting the short end of the stick when law is enforced? This is beyond old...

Only minorities matter any more.
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Obviously a tragedy when any life is lost, but why is it always about a black man being killed by police? Don't give a **** if I get bashed, but where are the stories of caucasians, asians, Hispanics and others getting the short end of the stick when law is enforced? This is beyond old...

LA Times
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Part of the article.

The muted reaction to the deaths of Latinos in confrontations with police tells a larger story: Black Lives Matter is starkly different from Brown Lives Matter. In contrast to the fatal shootings of African Americans such as Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., and Walter Scott in South Carolina, deaths of Latinos at the hands of law enforcement haven't drawn nearly as much attention.

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the release of a video showing Gardena police officers shooting two men, killing Ricardo Diaz Zeferino, an unarmed Latino. The video has been viewed millions of times on YouTube. It generated national media coverage, but very little protest.

Over the last five years in L.A. County, coroner's data show that Latinos, who make up about half of the county's population, also represent about half the people killed by police. Of the 23 people fatally shot by law enforcement in the county this year, 14 were Latino.
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Whites are a minority in the world, only about 8% and descending fast.

It was 16% five years ago as far as I can tell so I call bs. Whites are third behind East Asian and central Asian people's. African coming up fast and may have surpassed us.
sounds like the Chicago video is terrible. Can't imagine it was a justified shooting based on the description.

OTOH I don't think it should be withheld because it will be detrimental.
It was 16% five years ago as far as I can tell so I call bs. Whites are third behind East Asian and central Asian people's. African coming up fast and may have surpassed us.

Remember that the "authorities" count many "hispanics" as whites, so that skew the count. Regardless, whites are still a minority in this world.
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sounds like the Chicago video is terrible. Can't imagine it was a justified shooting based on the description.

OTOH I don't think it should be withheld because it will be detrimental.

Same here. I think the people have a right to see it but I really worry about the reaction to it.
Didn't read the article but...Good grief. A 17 yo shot 16 times? He must have been a monster that would NOT die.

High on PCP.

The police union said he lunged at the officers with a knife but people who have witnessed the video says it shows him walking away from the group of cops.
Same here. I think the people have a right to see it but I really worry about the reaction to it.

Let them riot. Let them burn it down.

I mean, that's what solves problems. Right? Violence?

How many other black men died the same night this guy did? ( I'm not taking anything away from his death) but if "we" are going to riot and burn a city down, shouldn't "we" do it over all the tragic deaths?
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High on PCP.

The police union said he lunged at the officers with a knife but people who have witnessed the video says it shows him walking away from the group of cops.

Had a knife huh? Shoot the little bastard in both freaking legs. Shooting him 16 times is not the right thing to do here.

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