Memo to the GOP: Kill the IRS


Herman Hickman

Sullen, but not mutinous.
Nov 28, 2008
With every passing day, evidence of conspiracy, corruption, and outright refusal to completely cooperate with investigative authorities underlines the reason why the Internal Revenue Service and the 16th Amendment must go. The Executive Branch has been playing their usual games with the truth. Problem is that they appear to have messed with the wrong judge:

Judge Sullivan Demands Answers from the IRS by Month’s End | Observer

The above was Judge Sullivan's response to the continued refusal of the Internal Revenue Service to turn over all of Lerner's emails. This even after the fact they had been caught lying repeatedly about their existence:

Stunner: Shameless IRS is STILL Withholding Lois Lerner Emails | Observer

Who is in on the stonewalling? Your Department of Justice, the most transparent in American history. From the 2nd linked article:

Judicial Watch has kept the pressure on the IRS, and Judge Sullivan strives to apply the same rules to the government as the government seeks to apply to everyone else. Thanks to Judge Sullivan, despite disingenuous—and perhaps deliberately deceptive—affidavits filed by the Department of Justice attorneys in his court, we learned that the IRS deliberately destroyed Lois Lerner’s Blackberry after it knew the computers had “crashed” and after the Congressional inquiry was well underway. And more computers crashed.

Remember what we've been told?

This was limited solely to employees from Cincinnati. Lie.

Liberal groups were targeted by the IRS just as much as conservative groups. Lie.

Private tax information regarding American citizens was not shared or exposed to other Executive Office branches. Lie.

Most of Mrs. Lerner's emails were lost. Lie.

The Internal Revenue Service has fully complied with all requests for information. As evidenced above, a blatant lie.

At some point, it must be recognized that the Internal Revenue Service cannot be trusted to simply do its job in a non-partisan manner. As long as a President is in office who desires income information about his political enemies, he will find it easily at his grasp from willing political hires at the IRS.

It is beyond time for more than reform. The tax code of this nation needs an enema, the organization collecting our taxes must be destroyed, and those who have taken part in violating the civil and political rights of those they deemed enemies must be brought to justice for their crimes.

Someone amongst these GOP candidates needs to take a stand on this. If you don't kill the IRS, then it will help destroy the very concept of Constitutional government. It will be a vital arm that kills opposition and gives assistance to a one-party, dictatorial state.
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Unfortunately, nothing is going to happen. The USA as we knew it is dead. I'm sure the NSA data collection is already being used against people in power that could do something in a situation like this. The fact that nothing is happening is criminal.
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Unfortunately, nothing is going to happen. The USA as we knew it is dead. I'm sure the NSA data collection is already being used against people in power that could do something in a situation like this. The fact that nothing is happening is criminal.

This activity warranted an article of impeachment against Nixon.

And it has gotten worse since the age of LBJ and Nixon.

I'm surprised Rand Paul hasn't been hitting it heavily, as it represents exactly the sort of surveillance state abuse he's railed against in the Senate.
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The GOP is nothing more than a mouthpiece group of gutless pansies..... They remind me of some piss itself lap dog..... Yap yap yap and then runs away with it's tail between it's legs
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The GOP is nothing more than a mouthpiece group of gutless pansies..... They remind me of some piss itself lap dog..... Yap yap yap and then runs away with it's tail between it's legs

Unfortunately there are more than a few of them who would like to use the IRS in much the same way Obama uses it.

Your points underline the reason why I'm waiting for someone to stand up and promise to launch an all-out assault on the nation's tax code and its thuggish enforcement entity. I don't expect to see it from the likes of Bush or Christie.

But maybe there is someone in this field who understands just how much the Internal Revenue Service is hated by Americans in general and conservatives of all shades in particular. A message of outright war on the tax code would resonate, particularly against candidates who only offer status quo statism.
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It's all over folks. The IRS corruption is the new norm. Nothing will be done. We now live in a Communist nation.
I'd vote for anybody who could get a fair tax. JMO
The IRS is an illegal organization that does nothing but extorts American citizens with no fear of the law. They can make up any laws and codes they want and there is nothing that can be done about it. Between the IRS and the Federal Reserve, this country is a financial sewer. I really don't know which one is worse.
The IRS is an illegal organization that does nothing but extorts American citizens with no fear of the law. They can make up any laws and codes they want and there is nothing that can be done about it. Between the IRS and the Federal Reserve, this country is a financial sewer. I really don't know which one is worse.

So the real questions becomes, "where do we go from here?" Soon it will be too late to do anything (if it isn't already). Our country is run by corporations. Do we launch an attack on the heads of corporations and the Chamber of Commerce? How do we regain control?
The GOP is nothing more than a mouthpiece group of gutless pansies..... They remind me of some piss itself lap dog..... Yap yap yap and then runs away with it's tail between it's legs

I've come to the conclusion the GOP isn't gutless - they're complicit.
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I thought since the late 80s that both parties are complicit on everything.

They both have the same goal, it seems, to split this country in two. The political class and the rest. To divide and conquer. They have succeeded on the latter.

No one could ever run on disolving the IRS. To many people make a living in the private and public sectors dealing with tax issues. Opposition would point out how many jobs would be lost.

What could be the alternative to the IRS? Solve this and maybe I'll vote for you.

I believe that if we do away with the "legal Bribary" between government and lobbyist, this would stop the insanity long enough to start the unraveling process.

A death sentence for corruption would help also. :)
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So the real questions becomes, "where do we go from here?" Soon it will be too late to do anything (if it isn't already). Our country is run by corporations. Do we launch an attack on the heads of corporations and the Chamber of Commerce? How do we regain control?

I wish I had the answer. I honestly don't know. I don't know if it's even possible to regain control at this point. Another revolution maybe. But who knows? Personally, I think it's too late. The corporations are just way too entrenched in everything. Is there any part of the government that isn't filled with corruption? It's all about money. Always has, always will be.
The only chance for any sort of meaningful change is to bring down the two party political system in the US. Why do you think the media networks spewing non stop red vs. blue rhetoric?

Both sides need to gtfo
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.....and Obama has told the IRS to back off his butt buddy Al Sharpton. Anyone else would already be in prison or sold every asset they have to pay the debt.
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No one could ever run on disolving the IRS. To many people make a living in the private and public sectors dealing with tax issues. Opposition would point out how many jobs would be lost.

What could be the alternative to the IRS? Solve this and maybe I'll vote for you.

We existed as a nation for almost 140 years without a direct tax on income.

I believe it could be proven that a national sales tax or a VAT would be far easier to collect and far less of a burden on an American public suffering under the complexity and bureaucratic ineptitude of the present system.

The fear of the 18th Century leadership of this nation regarding direct income taxation was the sense that it granted government an intrusive power over the citizenry. This was a power that could be used to influence or compel behavior or intimidate a segment of the public in opposition to the dominant political power in the Federal Government. Looking back at the last 102 years of the 16th Amendment and its impact, I think it is safe to say that it has worked exactly as a Madison or a Jefferson thought it would operate.

You have an unpopular tax administered by a corrupt and incompetent enforcement bureaucracy that has been repeatedly caught violating the most fundamental elements of American freedoms as expressed in the Bill of Rights. The target is beyond reform and is begging to be destroyed.

It requires a bold thinker, someone who is eminently capable of taking on establishment paradigms because they aren't one of them. While that eliminates a good portion of this field, there are a few who have the capacity to see the IRS for the danger it represents to American freedom.

Has that happened yet? No.

But give the IRS and Mr. Koskinen time. I fully expect them to continue adding fuel to their own pyre. If they continue to obstruct justice, then the call for change will grow with ever-increasing pace within the GOP and in the United States at large.

Even if the next President doesn't kill the IRS or the 16th Amendment, we will see that organization paid handsomely for their actions.
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