The philosophy behind the modern enviro-nazi movement.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008

Gasman’s thesis is that fascism was a coherent intellectual doctrine advocating a scientist-led social transformation. The biological sciences were key factors in fascism’s birth and development. Fascist intellectual doctrine crystalized before 1919 in a process inseparable from the widespread Haeckelian cultural reformation. Monism, Haeckel’s religion, was a common denominator among various national fascisms.

They referred to themselves as: ecologists, naturalists and socio-biologists.

They were pseudo-scientists bent on subverting real science.

Their mantras were: natural, holistic, and organic.

Their Religion of Nature was basically a revival of Pantheism. They worshipped Earth as a divine living organism. Human achievements were disparaged as scant and fleeting compared to Nature’s glory.

They desired scientist-led governance. Scientists probed Nature’s divine realm, hence scientists alone understood the political implications of Nature’s laws.

They were pessimistic and denied the existence of progress.

They exhibited a longing for primitivism.

They were organizationally and ideologically linked to the organic foods movement.

They were organizationally and ideologically allied with the occultist/neo-pagan milieu.

They were divided between those who wanted to replace Christianity and those who wanted to modify Christianity.

They dreaded human overpopulation and were active in eugenics/population control strategizing.

They considered humanitarianism to be scientifically incorrect.

They described society as an organism that grew organically out of Nature.

They saw direct continuity between biological and sociological laws, and contended that bio-evolutionary laws should literally be the basis for human laws.

They believed human survival required abject conformity to the environmental totality. Human liberation would come not through dominion over Nature but through submission to Natural Law.

They opposed capitalist industrialization and sought to reinvigorate beleaguered countryside interests undermined by the rise of industrial cities. Hostility to industrial capitalism manifested in criticism of what was deemed lifeless scientific-mechanical thinking.

They stridently opposed democracy.

Gasman did not set out to expose similarities between environmentalism and fascism. His book makes no reference to environmentalism nor ventures off the topic of European academic trends circa 1870-1920.

Gasman’s The Scientific Origins of National Socialism (1971) exposed German zoologist Ernst Haeckel’s role in the rise of Nazism. His sequel, Haeckel’s Monism and the Birth of Fascist Ideology (1991), discusses Haeckel’s contribution to fascism elsewhere in Europe. For the sequel Gasman visited Jena’s Haeckel Haus library, which became accessible after the fall of the Berlin Wall. He discovered a trove of letters to Haeckel from proto-fascist intellectuals.

You are too easy:

"As I pointed out in my essay, some few writers, like Heinz Brucher, did initially attempt to recruit to the Nazi side the shade of Ernst Haeckel, as well as that of many other famous intellectuals of the past. But, as I also indicated, that effort was quickly staunched by Nazi Party officials writing in a Party organ (not just some random Nazis, as Gasman suggests). They regarded Haeckelian monism antithetic to the volkisch biology they promoted. I did not mention in my article that the suppression of Haeckel's ideas also extended to all of his books. The warnings of the Nazi Party were enforced by an official edict of the Saxon ministry for bookstores and libraries condemning material inappropriate for "National-Socialist formation and education of the Third Reich." Among the works to be expunged were those by "traitors", such as Albert Einstein, those by "liberal democrats", such as Heinrich Mann, those by sexologists, such as Magnus Hirschfeld, books by "all Jewish authors no matter what their sphere", and books by individuals advocating "the superficial scientific enlightenment of a primitive Darwinism and monism", such as "Ernst Haeckel" (Richtilinien fur die Bestandsprufung in den Volksbuchereien Sachsens, Die Bucherei 2 (1935): 279-280). While Gasman may find Haeckel's monism supportive of the Nazis, the Nazi officials I named did not. to Daniel Gasman.pdf
You are too easy:

What are you trying to say?

Ecofascism / Fascist Ideology: The Green Wing of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents by Peter Staudenmaier

"We recognize that separating humanity from nature, from the whole of life, leads to humankind’s own destruction and to the death of nations. Only through a re-integration of humanity into the whole of nature can our people be made stronger. That is the fundamental point of the biological tasks of our age. Humankind alone is no longer the focus of thought, but rather life as a whole . . . This striving toward connectedness with the totality of life, with nature itself, a nature into which we are born, this is the deepest meaning and the true essence of National Socialist thought." 1

Once again you failed to connect to Kevin Bacon.

OK, you're a ham, does that sizzle your bacon?
Seriously, this is one of your worst comebacks. It's so ****ing pitiful. Even for you.

Well you must admit he gave me nothing to work with.

Ecofascism / Fascist Ideology: The Green Wing of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents by Peter Staudenmaier

Germany is not only the birthplace of the science of ecology and the site of Green politics' rise to prominence; it has also been home to a peculiar synthesis of naturalism and nationalism forged under the influence of the Romantic tradition's anti-Enlightenment irrationalism. Two nineteenth century figures exemplify this ominous conjunction: Ernst Moritz Arndt and Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl.

In 1867 the German zoologist Ernst Haeckel coined the term 'ecology' and began to establish it as a scientific discipline dedicated to studying the interactions between organism and environment. Haeckel was also the chief popularizer of Darwin and evolutionary theory for the German-speaking world, and developed a peculiar sort of social darwinist philosophy he called 'monism.'

The pioneer of scientific ecology, along with his disciples Willibald Hentschel, Wilhelm Bölsche and Bruno Wille, profoundly shaped the thinking of subsequent generations of environmentalists by embedding concern for the natural world in a tightly woven web of regressive social themes. From its very beginnings, then, ecology was bound up in an intensely reactionary political framework.

The specific contours of this early marriage of ecology and authoritarian social views are highly instructive.

The Führer was particularly fond of stressing the "helplessness of humankind in the face of nature's everlasting law."27 Echoing Haeckel and the Monists, Mein Kampf announces: "When people attempt to rebel against the iron logic of nature, they come into conflict with the very same principles to which they owe their existence as human beings. Their actions against nature must lead to their own downfall."28

To what extent did the Nazis actually implement environmental policies during the twelve-year Reich? There is strong evidence that the 'ecological' tendency in the party, though largely ignored today, had considerable success for most of the party's reign. This "green wing" of the NSDAP was represented above all by Walther Darré, Fritz Todt, Alwin Seifert and Rudolf Hess, the four figures who primarily shaped fascist ecology in practice.

The prominence of nature in the party's philosophical background helped ensure that more radical initiatives often received a sympathetic hearing in the highest offices of the Nazi state. In the mid-thirties Todt and Seifert vigorously pushed for an all-encompassing Reich Law for the Protection of Mother Earth "in order to stem the steady loss of this irreplaceable basis of all life."55

The experience of the "green wing" of German fascism is a sobering reminder of the political volatility of ecology.

BTW, you can't get bacon in an Ohio prison any more, not that it has anything to do with ecology or environazism unless you tie in the islamofacism aspect.

PS; I hope you aren't offended that I may appear to be biased against your anti-enlightenment irrationalism, actually I'm just trying to study the history of the philosophy behind the irrational thinking.

You would make an excellent example, why not divulge to us your own personal philosophy?
I believe we, as a species, are bad for this planet. If you don't believe industry is bad for the planet, you are an idiot. If you don't believe cleaner, more efficient alternatives to waste disposal are of immediate necessity, you are an idiot. If you are linking the Green Party to fascism, you are an extreme idiot.

You're lumping the perfectly rational tenets of environmentalism with the bad ones that advocate dietary restrictions and demonize anyone who doesn't drive a hybrid sedan.

You seriously need to learn to moderate your own views. Everything you post is so extreme. It only emboldens the notion that you're just a right-bot instead of an actual conservative.
I believe we, as a species, are bad for this planet. If you don't believe industry is bad for the planet, you are an idiot. If you don't believe cleaner, more efficient alternatives to waste disposal are of immediate necessity, you are an idiot. If you are linking the Green Party to fascism, you are an extreme idiot.

You're lumping the perfectly rational tenets of environmentalism with the bad ones that advocate dietary restrictions and demonize anyone who doesn't drive a hybrid sedan.

You seriously need to learn to moderate your own views. Everything you post is so extreme. It only emboldens the notion that you're just a right-bot instead of an actual conservative.

We certainly do need a winnowing.

Separating the wheat from the chaff.

First we need to throw out the idea that CO2 causes GW aka GCC.

CERN has proven that CO2 levels in the atmosphere have zero effect on temps and cosmic rays have everything to do with it.

Therefore we shouldn't be shutting down coal and oil production as well as preventing new nonpoluting oil refineries being built.

Especially in light of the fact that we don't presently have a replacement for that energy production. Sorry, wind, solar and algae just aren't going to cut it.

I don't oppose other energy sources and some with good possibilites are thorium reactors and hydrogen use.

Coal gasification could help our efforts.

At any rate we need to stop throwing hundreds of billions of dollars down political rat holes without getting any return for our money other than a national debt we soon won't even be able to pay the interest on.

If it helps you to say; "you are an idiot," I suggest you go to the bathroom each morning, look in the mirror and repeat that phrase, at least you would be addressing the right person.

There are so many irrational tenets of environmentalism that I don't have time to list them all. :hi:
I think I might go out in the back yard today and burn a tire, just because I can.
For the past 4 years my kids have been playing in an old, very large tree. Not sure the species, but it covers the ground in sort of an umbrella of branches-strong interlocking, not a willow tree. The tree is on the grounds of the local UU church and we thought they had no issue with neighborhood kids hanging out there. The kids even dubbed it 'heaven on earth.'
Yesterday a lady from the UU yelled at them, took their pictures and told them they were killing the tree, before kicking them off the grounds. What gives? After 4 years, and very little harm to the tree, now they are a problem? Maybe they just don't like kids..maybe they don't like Black kids, who knows. I haven't found the lady yet, but we'll definately have a chat.
I bet you loved the BP spill in the Gulf. We need to drill more oil wells and destroy other ecosystems and people's way of lives so we don't waste our money and resources into developing alternative energy sources.
I bet you loved the BP spill in the Gulf. We need to drill more oil wells and destroy other ecosystems and people's way of lives so we don't waste our money and resources into developing alternative energy sources.

I have no problem with alternatives that work.

The BP spill was the first and only spill in the gulf.

It is stupid to ban all drilling in the gulf while 23 other countries are doing so.
I have no problem with alternatives that work.


The BP spill was the first and only spill in the gulf.

Again, liar. 140 million gallons were spilled in 1979, for instance. And another multi-million gallan spill ocurred in 1990. Just as a sample.

It is stupid to ban all drilling in the gulf while 23 other countries are doing so.

Maybe. But it it is stupid for you to post at all. Take your meds and go down to the Big Room and shuffle around with the other aged loonies. I think they have that green Jell-O you like so much.
Maybe. But it it is stupid for you to post at all. Take your meds and go down to the Big Room and shuffle around with the other aged loonies. I think they have that green Jell-O you like so much.

Diaper rash bothering you much?

Maybe you should get your mommy to rub some AD cream on your bottom.

No I'm not lying, neither am I stupid, neither of which I can say for you.

Pardon me for mispeaking, I should have said the first American oil spill, the '79 event was a Mexican problem.

I suggest you read 'Ecotyranny.'
No I'm not lying, neither am I stupid, neither of which I can say for you.

More lies. You are both.

Pardon me for mispeaking,

..and misspelling....

I should have said the first American oil spill, the '79 event was a Mexican problem.

And the lies just keep on coming.....

Barataria Bay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Environmental groups sue Taylor Energy over leaking oil in Gulf |

These and other leaks took less than 5 minutes to find. You are not interested in posting facts, just your demented paranoid lies. Therefore you are a liar.

And what difference does it make if oil spills are "American" or British or Mexican or......?
And what difference does it make if oil spills are "American" or British or Mexican or......?

Natural seepage?

You compare apples and oranges, a minor leak and a major spill are two different things and furthermore how much natural seepage occurs without drilling at all. A lot more than you think.

The BP spill is the only major spill in the Gulf that happened under American license. Probably thousands of other well have been dug without incident, you are blowing one incident out of proportion and there is no danger of any major ecosystem being colapsed.

Thank you for illustrating the point of this thread so well.

You display all the vitriol of a nazi brown shirt.

'When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community." '
Adolf Hitler
Speech November 1933, quoted in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer

It is going to take a while to deprogram your indoctrination, let's get started now.

See if you can be open minded enough to at least view the following.

Global Warming, What We Are Not Being Told
Climate Science – What You Are Not Being Told – With Videos – With UPDATE « PA Pundits – International


Dr David Evans: Global Warming is Manmade? (1 of 2)
Dr David Evans: Global Warming is Manmade? (1 of 2) - YouTube
15 minutes

Dr David Evans: Global Warming is Manmade? (2 of 2)
Dr David Evans: Global Warming is Manmade? (2 of 2) - YouTube
8 minutes

Dr David Evans: Politics of Global Warming
Dr David Evans: Politics of Global Warming - YouTube
12 minutes

Joanne Nova: The Other Side of Climate
Joanne Nova: The Other Side of Climate - YouTube
13 minutes
I have no problem with alternatives that work.

The BP spill was the first and only spill in the gulf.

It is stupid to ban all drilling in the gulf while 23 other countries are doing so.

This is your exact quote. It is a lie. there have been many "spills in the gulf". I don't give a shat about your demented rantings about the environment. I am calling BS on your lie about the BP spill being either the first or the only spill in the gulf. When your BS is exposed as BS you always make a feeble attempt to backpedal or restate your BS.

No dice, old man..
Spain Ejects Clean-Power Industry With Europe Precedent: Energy - Yahoo! Finance

Saddled with a budget deficit more than twice the European Union limit and a ballooning gap between income and costs in its power system, Spain halted subsidies for new renewable-energy projects in January.

Spain's power-system debt swelled to 23 billion euros as successive governments set electricity prices for consumers that didn't cover the revenue utilities booked.

The brains in Spain lay mainly in the drain.

And Hussein is copying Spain, that's plain.

Spain scuttles clean-energy subsidies; promptly watches the industry go down like a sinking ship « Hot Air

Spain’s $69 billion of investment in power capacity from 2004 to 2011 was about triple the spending per capita in the U.S. in that period, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance data and U.S. Census Bureau population estimates. Most of the 2012-2013 spending will be for the legacy of projects approved before the aid cuts to wind, solar, biomass and co-generation.

Investment in solar photovoltaic alone is headed to skid to as little as $107 million in 2013 from $879 million this year and $1.5 billion last year, New Energy Finance estimated. For new wind projects, investment should plunge to $963 million in 2013 and $244 million in 2014 from $2 billion this year.

this gsvols guy loves politics. I can tell he is an intelligent conservative poster. I respect his conservatism and I like looking at some of the pictures he posts but I just don't agree with it all.
What's the point of the yellowflesh watermelon picture?


More on the topic.

Spain Ejects Clean-Power Industry With Europe Precedent: Energy - Yahoo! Finance

In the 2000s, Spain copied the German clean-power aid model, as did nations from Portugal to Israel and Japan, increasing subsidies to a pinnacle in 2007. That's when a law granted 444 euros ($556) a megawatt-hour for home rooftop solar panels feeding the power grid, compared with an average 39 euros paid to competing coal- or gas-fired power plants.

By 2009, the consumer bill for clean-energy aid had risen to 6 billion euros a year, ahead of the 5.6 billion euros in Germany, whose economy is almost four times bigger, according to the Council of European Energy Regulators.

After four successive reductions in subsidies since then, the government on Jan. 27 this year announced the moratorium on aid for new projects. The next month Spain saw itself drop out of the 10 most attractive markets for renewable-energy investors for the first time, due to reduced aid, on an Ernst & Young ranking.

The decline started before this year. The 75,466 renewable energy jobs that existed in Spain at the industry's peak in 2008 shrank to 54,925 in 2010, according to the Renewable Energy Producers Association's most recent data.

Solar energy was the biggest drag on the system, accounting for almost half of the annual 6 billion euros of liabilities and producing just above 2 percent of the power, said Eduardo Tabbush, an analyst in London at Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Spain's power-system debt swelled to 23 billion euros as successive governments set electricity prices for consumers that didn't cover the revenue utilities booked. Even with January's moratorium, the electricity system racked up another 762 million euros of debt in the first two months of the year, according to the energy regulator.

Spain scuttles clean-energy subsidies; promptly watches the industry go down like a sinking ship « Hot Air

Environmentalists may argue that our worldwide fossil fuel-based energy infrastructure isn’t sustainable in the long term — even though the evidence for imminent climate-change and peak-oil crises are extremely dodgy, at best — but fiscal insolvency is demonstrably unsustainable in the long term.

While some of the eurozone members’ clean-energy ‘investments’ may not be the root cause of their present crisis, they are wildly indicative of the type of no-holds-barred, feel-good spending binges that have brought them down this road.

Europe just keeps on proffering examples of precisely what governments shouldn’t do, but alas, will the United States ever listen?

this gsvols guy loves politics. I can tell he is an intelligent conservative poster. I respect his conservatism and I like looking at some of the pictures he posts but I just don't agree with it all.

Going green and green jobs is pie in the sky politics and is based on bad science.

Government-Backed Green Energy Company Sweetens Package For Top Executives Despite Mounting Problems [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

One of the showcase companies of the green energy movement propped up by the federal stimulus questioned in recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission whether it can survive with its mounting debt and problems with defective batteries.

Yet, even with its struggles, its top executives were awarded sweetened severance packages that would give them an extra six-figures in payout if they lose their jobs.

The company laid off 125 workers at its Michigan plants in November 2011 and announced it was closing its factory in Korea in February.

A123 Systems, which received $249.1 million from President Barack Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also stated in its SEC filing on May 15 that it is counting on $100 million from the state of Michigan to help keep it going.

The Michigan Economic Development Corp. said A123 Systems hasn't received any state money from them yet. But A123 Systems stated it expects to receive $100 million for its $200 million in expenses when it meets its filing requirements for the tax year ending Dec. 31, 2012.

One of A123's top customers, Fisker Automotive, had its own $529 million Department of Energy loan reworked after missing deadlines in February. But that didn't stop A123's Board of Directors Compensation Committee from approving increased severance deals with four of its top executives from 12 months base pay to 18 months base pay.

Vice President and General Manager of Energy Solutions Group Robert Johnson, for example, would see his severance increase an extra $200,000 from the agreement, boosting it from $400,000 to $600,000. Johnson’s base salary is $400,000 this year, up 21 percent from his 2011 base salary of $331,250. That raise is consistent with a pattern of large pay increases top executives at A123 Systems have received.

A123 Systems has had problems with the batteries it makes at the Livonia plant. Some of the batteries were found to be defective and it cost the company $51.6 million to replace them. One A123 Systems car battery died while being tested by Consumer Reports.

As of its last financial statement, A123 Systems said it had a net loss of $125 million with revenue of $10.8 million for the quarter ending March 31, 2012.

We are pouring taxpayer money hand over fist down a hole without getting a return, the whole thing is based on fraud and is corrupt in thatmany if not most of the grants and loan guarantees go to those who are kicking back campaign contributions to democrats.

This is part of the reason BHO is the pirst presidential candidate to raise a billion in campaign funds.
More global warming bad news, well, that is depending on how you view the issue of global warming - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register

Here’s the latest, which just happens to devastate another assumption of the warming theorists (emphasis ours):

“A paper published today in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics finds that clouds located in the stratosphere over the poles act to cool the stratosphere by adiabatic cooling, which is the cooling of air parcels as they rise and expand, rather than by ‘trapping heat’ below the clouds resulting in ‘radiative cooling’ of the stratosphere above. This finding contradicts a tenet of AGW theory, which predicts that infrared radiation from greenhouse gases will ‘trap heat’ to create a ‘hot spot’ in the troposphere and cooling of the stratosphere.

This study finds that cooling of the stratosphere is instead due to rising air parcels rather than a decrease in radiation due to heat ‘trapped by greenhouse gases’.”

As if it weren’t bad enough that European schemers are jumping off the bandwagon, and Spanish profiteers are failing at profiteering, and real life disproves the theory that CO2 brings devastating heat…

…now we find that the stratosphere could be cooling, not heating, things up.

Gee, who knew all this would lead nowhere, bankrupt the players and be based on fraud and wrong-headed science? Oh wait. Yeah. That’s what we’ve been saying for about a decade now.

Of course, more and more folks are coming around, recognizing this obsession is counterproductive and a more productive path would be to help poor people become better off, not deny them cheap electricity.

And more and more folks are understanding that the “science-is-settled” crowd that shouts down dissenters isn’t better informed. Just louder.

And of course, more and more folks are accepting the fact: there is no global warming crisis.

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