Federal law enforcement undergoes a remake!



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
"I consider it part of my responsibility as President of
the United States to fight against negative stereotypes
of Islam wherever they appear".
- Barack Hussein Obama

Obama Bans Mention of Islam in Terror Training | Islam in America Right Side News

Law enforcement training can no longer refer to Islamic
terror as…well… “Islamic terror.”

Deputy U.S. Attorney General James Cole has confirmed
that the Obama administration was pulling back all
training materials used for the law enforcement and
national security communities, in order to eliminate all
references to Islam because some Muslim groups have
claimed it is offensive. That’s like taking Racists out of
the KKK. Or Italians out of the Mafia.

The very essence of investigations of major criminal
activity is to follow patterns and associations and to
correlate motives, backgrounds and anything else that
brings criminals into a single purpose. In international
terror, (like it or not) that’s radical Islam. Everyone
who has a brain, knows that.


More people are killed by Islamist terrorists in one
any one year, than in all 350 years of the Spanish
Inquisition, combined. (Note, that’s ISLAMIC terror, .....)

More civilians were killed in two hours on September 11,
2001, than in the previous 36 years of sectarian conflict
in Northern Ireland. (That’s by ISLAMIC terrorists)

Islamic terrorists murder more people each day than the
KKK has in the last 50 years. (Note: That’s ISLAMIC

Islamic terrorists have carried out nearly 18,000 terror
attacks worldwide since September 11, 2001. Read it
again. That’s Eighteen Thousand attacks worldwide
by ISLAMIC terrorists.

In the last ten years, more than 96,000 human beings
have been slaughtered by Islamic terror attacks, most
of them Muslims. (Note: ISLAMIC terror)

In the U.S., there have been twenty-one citizens
killed in Islamic terror attacks since 9/11 by seven
perpetrators. Another four were foiled before anyone
was killed. (Note: ISLAMIC terror)

This is the same administration that was illegally selling
assault rifles to Mexican drug lords which has resulted
in the killing of innocent people, including an American
Border Patrol agent.

Where’s the outcry?

This is the same president who has employed people
connected to the notorious Muslim Brotherhood —
our enemy — as trusted advisors in the White House.

Where’s the outcry?

This same administration has a woman traveling with
the Secretary of State who was raised in Wahabbi
Saudi Arabia, whose mother is a member of the Muslim
Sisterhood, and whose brother is connected to the
Muslim Brotherhood in Oxford, and who has access to
every highly sensitive national security issues in the
State Department, and we say nothing?

This woman could not pass scrutiny to be hired by any
law enforcement agency in the country, yet she is
privy to the inner workings and national security of
our government.

Where’s the outrage?

This is the same president who is aiding and abetting
illegal immigration by providing comfort, jobs, and other
benefits to illegal immigrants, while Americans are in
dire need of those jobs.

Where is the outrage?

He dropped all charges against the New Black Panthers
for intimidating voters, causing a respected U.S.
Attorney to quit and do everything he could to expose
this travesty of a Justice Department.

Where is the outrage?


This president is despicable. He’s the best friend
radical Islamists could possibly have hoped for in
the Oval Office. Yet, our media and our people,
turn a blind eye.

A black guy,

an illegal alien,

a muslim,

and a communist

walk into a bar.

The bartender asks;

“What can I get you Mr. President?”
I'm outraged that people like you prevent the discussion of real issues.

Outraged I say, totally OUTRAGED. :rofl:


Methinks you have a lot of 'issues.'


I am preventing you from nothing.

You can discuss anything to your heart's content.

I would be interested in what you think the issues are.

Why don't you start a thread on what you think the
very most important issue is and perhaps it will be
discusssed 'til the cows come home.

Until then I have to put you in the


category. :loco:
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I'm outraged that people like you prevent the discussion of real issues.

Do I hear the sound of crickets chirping??

Seriously, what is THE one issue you consider to be
the MOST important issue that we should discuss
right now?

The PJ Tatler Thursday is radical movie screening day at Eric Holder?s DOJ

It’s movie day again at the scandal-plagued Department
of Justice Civil Rights Division! Previously, DOJ staff was
invited to a documentary film on the benign character
of Islam.

On October 27, the DOJ is hosting a screening of Silent
Spring at 1pm. Click here for the must-see flyer PJ
Tatler had snatched from inside the DOJ advertising the
movie. It states the “Social Committee Proudly Presents
Silent Spring (a film about environmental activist Rachel

...Sounds pretty tame, right? Wrong. Silent Spring is
one of the most destructive books ever written. The
book claimed that DDT weakened some bird egg shells
so badly that it threatened to render some species
extinct. Leftist fans of Rachel Carson might not want
to hear it, but it is hard to deny that Silent Spring has
played a central role in the deaths of millions of human
beings. How? Because Silent Spring led directly to the
ban on DDT used to kill mosquitoes and keep mosquito
borne-illnesses at bay for the cause of bird egg shell
strength. Millions of humans died as a result of Rachel
Carson’s work and eco-activism.

..That this Justice Department is allowing the screening
of Silent Spring for DOJ employees on government time
in DOJ facilities despite the toll in human lives that it
caused illustrates the radicalism inside the Holder DOJ.
Bird egg shells taking priority over human life is part of
the gospel according to the Greens.

So much scholarship debunking Carson has been
published that it takes but a few moments to find it.

UPDATE: I had forgotten about DOJ movie time for Out
in the Silence. Hat tip to a DOJ employee for pointing
this out to me.

No doubt Al Gore's FOS propaganda must be soon to

He writes the foreword in the current edition of
Carson's bogus book.

Reality has no place in the eco fascist world.
Do I hear the sound of crickets chirping??

Could be... Did you stop talking long enough to develop an original thought? If so, then it may be the sounds of crickets you hear.
Could be... Did you stop talking long enough to develop an original thought? If so, then it may be the sounds of crickets you hear.

Well he said I was preventing discussion of important

Then he has no important issues he can come up with.

Do you have issues that need discussing also??
I am just curious, but wasn't the last major terrorist attack in the West carried out by a Christian who was anti-Muslim?
America is going down the toilet at an alarming rate and I see nothing to stop it. The decline of America, get used to it.

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