interesting article about islam and America

It is (I hope) not futile to resist the Islamic Borg | Right Wing News

One of the things the Leftist multiculturalists refuse to acknowledge is that Islam does not assimilate. Individual practitioners of the faith may, periodically and superficially, espouse the culture in which they live, but the fact remains that Islam, by its nature, is the Borg.

Borg-like, the Islam collective's motto is "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." The Borg/Islam collective does not recognize the possibility that it might be the entity that assimilates. As with the fictional Borg populating Star Trek : The Next Generation, when the Islamists move in on a territory, they move in to conquer and for no other reason.

Singapore’s Lee: we can’t integrate Muslims | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

In the book, Mr Lee, when asked to assess the progress of multiracialism in Singapore, said: “I have to speak candidly to be of value, but I do not wish to offend the Muslim community.

“I think we were progressing very nicely until the surge of Islam came, and if you asked me for my observations, the other communities have easier integration - friends, intermarriages and so on, Indians with Chinese, Chinese with Indians - than Muslims. That’s the result of the surge from the Arab states.”

He added: ”I would say today, we can integrate all religions and races except Islam.”

From the muslim brotherhood handbook.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Goal For North America-Secret Government Document Comes To Light | Centurean2′s Weblog

(a good history of the mb at the bottom of the page)

The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan* must understand that theThe process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan* must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.
I've been hearin lots of talk that these protests are a conspiracy by liberals to weaken America. That sounded exagerrated, but is there any truth to it? (dont shoot the messenger)
I've been hearin lots of talk that these protests are a conspiracy by liberals to weaken America. That sounded exagerrated, but is there any truth to it? (dont shoot the messenger)

Obama's pal Ayers and code pinko were over there a year ago inciting unrest, although I would hardly call them liberals, they are out and out communists.

Various socialist groups from the nazis to the ussr and including socislists from America have been involved with islamic extremists for most of the past century.

Today the 800 pound gorilla is the International Crisis Group.»+Discover+the+Networks)

As Rosary Joe Biden says, Brussels would make a dandy world capitol.

Check out their leadership list, you'll recognize many of the names.

El Baradei is their pick to be the next head of state in Egypt.
I've been hearin lots of talk that these protests are a conspiracy by liberals to weaken America. That sounded exagerrated, but is there any truth to it? (dont shoot the messenger)

there are multiple quotes from many powerful Americans who consider themselves as globalists who have specifically said the world should be under one government.
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I've been hearin lots of talk that these protests are a conspiracy by liberals to weaken America. That sounded exagerrated, but is there any truth to it? (dont shoot the messenger)

The following link has a list with excerpts and links to twenty or more articles on that topic:

Useful Idiot’s Guide to Global Marxism at the Egyptian Uprising’s Core

Obama wasted no time in telling us. He supports Mubarak’s opponents, and probably has been all along. The Los Angeles Times reported on Sunday that the Obama administration favors a role for the Muslim Brotherhood in a new Egyptian government…

Many Westerners struggle to understand that radical Islam, is in many ways a tool of the Marxist – Leninist left.

The British Socialist Workers Party (the main force behind last years student rioting in Britain) and other European and American Trotskyists and communists have been working with the Egyptian left and muslim brotherhood for years.

Phyllis Bennis is in Egypt, monitoring the revolution for the far left Washington DC based “think tank”, the Institute for Policy Studies.

Bennis was a leading member of Oakland California based Line of March, a Maoist turned pro Soviet Marxist-Leninist organization.

Former Obama “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones, worked closely with former L.O.M. cadre during his Bay area activist days.





there are multiple quotes from many powerful Americans who consider themselves as globalists who have specifically said the world should be under one government.

Why Outreach to the Muslim World Is Always Doomed to Failure | NewsReal Blog

“In the historical imagination of many Muslims, bin Laden represents nothing short of the new incarnation of Saladin, defeater of the Crusaders and conqueror of Jerusalem. In this sense, the House of Islam’s war for world mastery is a traditional, indeed venerable, quest that is far from over. If, today, America is reviled in the Muslim world, it is not because of its specific policies but because, as the preeminent world power, it blocks the final realization of this same age-old dream of a universal Islamic community, or umma.

Karsh knows his subject; he is the author of Islamic Imperialism, which chronicles the Muslim world’s expansionist history. And his argument holds up–if Muslims were only interested in protecting their home turf, they wouldn’t be attacking erstwhile territories of their empire. And if they were only interested in current and former territories of the caliphate, they wouldn’t be putting their expansionist energies into France, Britain, and Germany.

It is the failure to recognize this state of affairs that accounts for the resounding lack of success of Obama’s policies toward the Middle East and the Muslim World.”

Islamist Appeasement Alert: Obama Administration Lifts US Ban on Muslim Brotherhood Leader :: Political News and commentaries :: Hyscience

The Barack Obama administration has decided to lift a ban preventing Muslim Scholar Professor Tariq Ramadan from entering the United States. Ramadan, an Egyptian currently living in Switzerland, is a leading member of Europes Muslim Brotherhood branch and the grandson of the movements founder Hassan al-Banna. The Muslim Brotherhood is the parent organization for Hamas and some of the groups that recently merged into al-Qaeda, including Ayman al Zawahirs Egyptian Islamic Jihad.


I am the Infidel (that your Imam warned about) | Across the Back Fence

Political correctness has placed us on a dangerous slippery slope as Islam becomes the religion du jour in America. Already children in public schools are being taught the religious Pillars of Islam and are given assignments to test their sensitivity to the so-called religion of peace. Yet because of the twisted opinions of a few, what people like to trumpet as the “separation of church and state” prohibits teaching the Beatitudes and 10 Commandments in those same schools.

Both are religions — Islam and Christianity — yet one is prohibited, even though our nation was founded on it and most of the state constitutions in America directly cite God in their preambles.

Except that islam is also a political, economic and legal system as well and not only seeks but preaches and indoctrinates that it should dominate every aspect of peoples lives.

A good example was when we went into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban from power and rid the country of terrorist training camps, Bush called the operation 'infinate justice' but was told by islamic authorities that he couldn't call it that because allah was the author of all justice and we were a juffar infidel nation, so Dubya renamed it 'operation enduring freedom.'
I 100% believe that he tried to spell it that way.

You won't get much argument from me about the intellecual deficit of dubya except that he was way smarter than Alphonse Gore or John Freaking Kerry (whose tombstone I promise to piss upon) and that all three are more intelligent than the present resident of the White House.

What we need is someone with both brains and balls.


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