Is the European Union coming to it's senses??



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
The European Commission is under pressure to alter EU-wide agreed targets of replacing 10 percent of fossil fuels with renewable energy by 2020, as its own internal studies have proven that biofuels have a negative impact on the environment and food production.


Now if we can just get this idiotic legislation repealed in America, we might just start to make progress.

IPCC's new calculus.

The IPCC reports are subjected to careful review by scientists. So how did this blatant distortion of the temperature trends get through this rigorous review process? The answer to this question can now be found, because the previous drafts of AR4, and the reviewer comments, can now be seen on-line. (The IPCC was reluctant to release these comments, but was forced to do so after a number of freedom of information requests).

The answer is quite astonishing. The misleading graph was not in either the first or the second draft of the report that were subject to review. It was inserted into the final draft, after all the reviewer comments.


CO2 is NOT a polutant, no matter what you may have heard.

Due to today’s higher CO2 levels, plants on average grow 15% faster than they did 200 years ago (and some major cereals grow 40% faster). Higher CO2 levels are a major part of the green revolution, averting starvation for hundreds of million thinking breathing living human beings.

If the Greens wanted to green the world, the single fastest way to do it, is to raise carbon dioxide levels. The irony.

"Progress" toward what?

Progress toward a sane, intelligent, rational energy policy.

Not a politically, unscientific motivated policy based on hyperbole, falsified data, outright deceipt and idiotic assumptions.

After 2005 Energy Policy Act there were food riots in 21 countries in 2006 and it can only get progressively worse.

Feed grain in America nearly tripled in 18 months.

How would you like to pay $30 a lb for steak?
That's what is coming under this irrational policy.

Ethanol production can only exist with government subsidies and only increases emissions not decreasing them.

What does the whole policy do to solve a non-existant problem??

Nada, zilch, nothing.

Not only that we have exausted America's grain reserves in order to smooth over the effect of the 2005 Energy Policy Act, an insane move that also makes no sense.

The U.S. Has No Remaining Grain Reserves >> Four Winds 10 -

What do we do in case of massive crop failure, (and that has happened before in cases of massive volcanic eruption), we starve, unless you can live for a year on a half a loaf of bread, (provided resources are distributed equally.)

Progress is moving in any direction other than advancing farther into the quicksand of this distorted missuse of federal power.

Obama and the democrats fully intend to try to ram through a c&t bill before November.

Obama himself has said that under his energy policy that energy cost for consumers will skyrocket.

Does it make sense to you that food costs, energy costs should greatly increase, we have no emergency food reserves because we are trying to solve a problem that doesn't really exist??
"Progress" toward what?

The IPCC: 5,600 small white lies

It’s what they do: aggressively push a simple message, a theme, a piece of marketing, and like all the rest of their audacious PR, it’s at best a half-truth, and in this case a lie.

UN's Climate Bible Gets 21 "F"s on Report Card

21 of 44 chapters in the United Nations' Nobel-winning climate bible earned an F on a report card released today. Forty citizen auditors from 12 countries examined 18,500 sources cited in the report – finding 5,600 to be not peer-reviewed.

Perhaps I digress.

Bottom line is that CO2 caused global warming or if you prefer climate change, is a hoax.

Progress would then be anything that advances truth and knowledge rather than belief in a huge lie.
I suppose the chance of repealing the ethanol mandate is about the same as smelling a fart in a hurricane??

In any rational debate, repealing would win over keeping it in place.

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