New Policy on animated avatars



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
Guys, I've tried to find a compromise on this issue but it's just not helping. On some pages we have 5-7 people with animated avatars that post and they are usually at least 500k each. A person who is new or doesn't have images cached would need to load 2.5-3.5 megs of images not to mention the rest of the board.

I know some of you really like to animated avatars but unfortunately its just gotten to be too much and it's affecting the board experience for some. From this point we won't be adding any new animated avatars and will be removing others as we have time. Of course, it would help us out if those of you that have them go ahead and change them.

I know this won't be a popular decision with everyone but thanks for understanding and feel free to contact me if you have any comments or questions.

maybe VIA can keep his. no one else though.

you better pull something out of your bag of tricks to top the last one, VIA.
This is great...I always wanted one, never got one, now everyone has to go without one...communal misery! yay!:dance2:
I know. I wish there was a way we could keep avatars but people could choose to enable or disable animations. If I could ever figure a way to do that....
I removed mine the day before this proclamation and now I'm sad I did. I should have made you rip it from my screen!
Freak, is it a site speed/bandwidth issue?

No not really. I don't think it's causing any server issues and we have plenty of bandwidth. I think it's taking it's toll mostly on people with slow connections or slow computers. Loading 4-5 of the animated images on a page is taking to long and I would rather the site be zippy fast for everyone versus having the animations.

Now if we can just get the ad issues solved once and for all.
i've been having the ad issues today.

once the page loads, i'm good as long as i don't leave the board. if i go away and come back, i have to wait for the ads to load again.
i've been having the ad issues today.

once the page loads, i'm good as long as i don;t leave the board. if i go away and come back, i have to wait for the ads to load again.

The issue won't be fixed until tomorrow so I've disabled ads in the meantime. If you are still seeing them you can choose the volnation 2007 skin from the dropdown on the bottom left of the page.

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