Recent content by 20UH12

  1. 20UH12

    The 75th Cotton Bowl Classic Thread

    Good luck to the Aggies. As previously stated, it is hard to believe that this game falls so late. I remember attending Texas A&M's last trip to the Cotton Bowl in '06 against Tennessee... that game was played on Jan. 1.
  2. 20UH12

    The Vent

    I hate shopping for a Halloween costume. I end up searching and searching then throwing down $35-$50 on something I will only wear once.
  3. 20UH12

    The Official Boston Red Sox Thread

    Globe said today that V-Mart could be back catching for Angels series. Great outing for Lackey last night. If Beckett looks good tonight, I will feel even more confident about the prospect of catching the Rays. Then again, I won't be surprised to see some rust like we did when Buchholz came...
  4. 20UH12

    GQ ranks best, worst local MLB broadcast teams

    Top 5 1. Los Angeles Dodgers: Vin Scully 2. New York Mets: Gary Cohen, Ron Darling and Keith Hernandez 3. San Francisco Giants: Duane Kuiper and Mike Krukow 4. Boston Red Sox: Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy 5. Los Angeles Angels: Victor Rojas and Mark Gubicza Bottom 5 1. Chicago White...
  5. 20UH12

    The Official Boston Red Sox Thread

    Despite losing 3/4 to the Rangers, it looks like there are a lot of positives with players about to return from the DL. It would have been nice to pick up a game on the Rays today, though.
  6. 20UH12

    Don Zimmer "I've Seen It All"

    Don Zimmer: The designated gerbil
  7. 20UH12

    The "I've had a little to drink" thread

    Checking in. I work valet for an upscale restaurant here in Houston. Anyway, this hole in the wall pub next door gives our employees discounts on alcohol. I was over there... like I have been four of the last six nights. :toast:
  8. 20UH12

    The Official Boston Red Sox Thread

    That could very well be true. I just keep hoping the late inning win sparked the Sox. We have Lester going tomorrow for the opportunity at a split. The news concerning V-Mart, Pedroia and Beckett among others on the DL continues to be good. One day at a time.
  9. 20UH12

    Favorite Drink of Choice at Tailgate Parties

    It depends on what we are cooking up that particular tailgate. Most of the time, I am good with Bud Light/Coors Light/or Miller Lite to go with wings or burgers. With the heat and humidity down here (especially early in the season), I stay away from anything too strong.
  10. 20UH12

    8 Notre Dame football players arrested for underage drinking

    Agree with the two posters above. Just another example of cops with nothing better to do on a Friday night in small town America but arrest 19 and 20 year olds for drinking. Pathetic.
  11. 20UH12

    WTB: UT at LSU

    I am looking to purchase tickets in the Tennessee section (401-405) for the Vols game in Baton Rouge. I am not sure if there is a no scalping policy on here, but if there is not, I am willing to pay up to $125 a piece. I need two tickets. Just PM me or respond here.
  12. 20UH12

    The Official Boston Red Sox Thread

    Well, I posted that a little too drunk last night. I think the Sox can come back, but it's going to be an uphill road. 71 games left (double check me on that). Only 3.5 out of the Wild Card. Same old story... if we be resiliant enough to hang around until we get healthy, we have a legitimate...
  13. 20UH12

    The Official Boston Red Sox Thread

    R.I.P. Dead Sox
  14. 20UH12

    Same Name Thread

    Without Me -- Eminem
  15. 20UH12

    Pictures from around campus...

    One last post:

VN Store
