Current Players View of Dooley

the voice from Bucksnort hath spoken! any coaching insider news since you broke the Chuck Sith news from last year?

The job I have requires me to sign a confidentiality agreement, so I cannot disclose anything at this time unfortunately. I'm sorry I know that doesn't help. I can tell you that we are looking at Larry Porter seriously. I can also tell you that a lot of our coaching changes that would upset the fanbase (Wilcox, Sirmon, Bagget) are circumstantial... I know that isn't a lot, if I'm allowed or see an opportunity to be more specific I will do so I promise.

Also, I am not from Bucksnort. I saw the sign going to Memphis while driving down the interstate shortly before creating this account and thought it was a funny town.
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Give this man a chance. Next year if we don't see signs of improvement (that's doesn't mean winning the SEC championship) then all of you so called fans can begin to question Dooley and whether or not he is the guy for the job... These are hard times on Rocky Top and this past season did not go as the fans had hoped, but quit acting like a bunch of crazed ignorant fools and either get on board and accept this past year for what it was, or leave and go torment someone else's program.

No how about we question him now and if he doesn't produce then fire his losing ass next year. How about that???
To my last post I will add that Billy Gonzalez not returning to LSU next year really hurts us obviously with Larry Porter... Hoping to be able to offer him more money than the Tigers, but it's not looking good as of right now.
I always loved the Bucksnort sign. Also liked the Cuba Landing sign. Kept me looking for Fidel or the Bay of Pigs.

Thanks for the posts FW2. Good stuff.
To my last post I will add that Billy Gonzalez not returning to LSU next year really hurts us obviously with Larry Porter... Hoping to be able to offer him more money than the Tigers, but it's not looking good as of right now.

I really enjoyed reading this post, and i am also really disappointed in our fan base..Yes, the Ky lost was terrible and something that never should have happened..But check this..I live outside of Lexington and they are saying this was the biggest win in Ky football history...How sad is that?...I am not 100% sure if Dooley is the right man for the job, but i am sure you can not judge him on these 2 years (the first yr not really being his) seeing how late in the game it was, when he got hired...

No doubt, i believe this was the worst team i remember us ever putting on the field..BUT...Those teams we got drilled by, should have ran us off the field...I don't believe some of our position coaches improved their guys over the season, and i think there should be some changes in the staff, but changing the HC after just 2 years would set us back even more, and it really bothers me that it seems like Vol fans (which i had always loved) really can't see that...Everyone is taking about losing to Ky and even made references about bringing Fulmer back, what kind of sense does that make..He had 5-6 teams 2 out of his last 3 seasons (i believe) and had much more experienced and talented players than this team had (check out players from those teams, that are doing really well in the NFL)...Look at our senior leadership...If we were the old UT, these guys would have never made it to the field, yet we depended on them on the field, as well as in leadership roles..It did not happen..

Yes, we had a terrible year, but with some leadership, it might have been more enjoyable to watch..If we had a kicking game at all, we might have pulled off a win against Ga and certainly would have beaten Ky..Think about it..I remember one season were Culquitt was our MVP..Asking for Fulmer back or believing if we fire Dooley now, we can get a Homerun Coach, is just crazy talk...Remember Fulmer lost to Vandy and we had beaten them somewhere around 20 straight years when that happened..Trying to compare Dooley to what Saban has done is just as crazy..Saban is in AL, where they have many, many 4 and 5 star high school recruits..We will never have those type of recruits in our high school pool, and most of the kids that grew up Vol fans will never be SEC worthy players, just the reality..

The UT head football job is not desirable right now so we might as well stick with our guns..At least Dooley is representing us with class, and that is something we have not had in many years..
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All of the rhetoric that comes with struggling and loosing really doesn't matter because I love the Tennessee Vols and just like our troops, I support them and while I am disappointed, I am still with them. I will be with them throughout this struggle and climb back to the top!
Listen, the bottom line is this... Dooley WILL be here next year. Period. End of story. So, all of you who are calling for his head and/or are upset with that can either accept it and get on board or continue to ***** and moan causing more tension within the fan base and program in general. You are crazy if you think players aren't affected by the negativity some fans can create...

Program stability is a must for us right now, it's plain and simple. Again, I've never said Dooley is the ultimate answer because I don't know. Nobody does. But the guy deserves to get his fair shot and that means AT LEAST one more year without every single jo shmo questioning and getting pissed off at his every move. Yes, he needs to take care of some things in house, but let him take care of that this offseason.

Cannot wait to see improvement and what we have to offer in 2012! GBO
What knowledge do you have to say anyone is doing a terrible job? Are you strickly going by wins and losses? Boy that would be easy. Or do you have some expertise in coaching college football, do you watch practice, are you on the inside of the program? How in the hell do you know what kind of job Dooley or any other coach in America is doing?

Some peoples children.......
All of these reports and rumors of "Dooley has lost the locker room" or "the players hate Dooley" couldn't be further from the truth and honestly shows how awful and ignorant some of our fan base truly has become.

I am best friends with several members of this team, one a starter. I talk to him every week and he assures me that they players respect and like Dooley. Sure during a sub par year with a lot of adversity there are going to be rifts on every team, that's to be expected when everyone cares about something and you come up short. And yes, there are always going to be a few when times get tough that start pointing the finger (Rodgers) He tells me what this team lacked and desperately needed was leadership among the players, which never came.

Maybe if our so called fans quit bashing the absolute crap out of 18-22 year old kids and actually cheered for and not against our team and our coach, it would help these boys relax. Derek Dooley stepped into a job that NOBODY wanted. It's that simple... I'm not saying he's the next Nick Saban, but the man deserves our respect and support for AT LEAST another year before our fan base starts to show this level of ignorance and insanity toward him and our program.

I am not sitting here saying he has done everything right, but the guy has represented us with class and has worked his butt off to try to bring in the best talent he can recruiting wise, which will help us get better the quickest b/c we have VERY LITTLE talent on our roster. As I've mentioned before, you cannot expect to win games especially in this conference with two or three good players. Then, when two of the three go down with injuries you have to accept that that's football and play with what you have and not be shocked when Dooley cannot pull out a miracle.

Give this man a chance. Next year if we don't see signs of improvement (that's doesn't mean winning the SEC championship) then all of you so called fans can begin to question Dooley and whether or not he is the guy for the job... These are hard times on Rocky Top and this past season did not go as the fans had hoped, but quit acting like a bunch of crazed ignorant fools and either get on board and accept this past year for what it was, or leave and go torment someone else's whos your fprogram.
whos your friend?
If you were actually at the Kentucky game like me, you probably noticed how divided the team was on the sideline, half of them dancing around like they were in the club with 4 minutes left, the other half sitting silently on the bench, and coaches were not making any effort to get team motivated. That was more frustrating than the loss, the lack of effort by was like they thought we would automatically beat UK. This is a good post by OP and I fully support the team and Dooley, but something needs to change fast.
At this point most people have made peace with the fact that Dooley will be here another year, but that still doesn't mean he's a good coach. If his team was disciplined, prepared, and played hard every game for the entire game then I would have hope for Dooley regardless his record this season. Nothing I saw on the field this season coaching and player development wise that made me think Dooley will do better next year and eventually win championships at UT.
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Some of y'all hate the devil... but put him in an orange suit ,place him on the Tenn. athletic dept. payroll, and give him the title football coach and y'all would be cheering him on!
Ask Dooley what he did when Da'rick Rogers cussed out and totally disrespected Charlie Bagget? Ask Dooley what some of his role players think about fair treatment on the team.
If you were actually at the Kentucky game like me, you probably noticed how divided the team was on the sideline, half of them dancing around like they were in the club with 4 minutes left, the other half sitting silently on the bench, and coaches were not making any effort to get team motivated. That was more frustrating than the loss, the lack of effort by was like they thought we would automatically beat UK. This is a good post by OP and I fully support the team and Dooley, but something needs to change fast.
DITTO. It was a stomach wrenching thing to watch. Never saw a group of players in a close game that really seemed not to care.
i suppose that anybody stupid enough to think dooley is an sec quality coach is stupid enough to swallow this hogwash.

fwiw: on the hogville (arkansas) board they're crying in their beer because it looks like the conference expansion will take the vols off their schedule next year. the thinking is that dooley is in over his head and the game would amount to a light scrimmage for their team. they want to catch tennessee before he gets canned (which he assuredly will be, be it now, next year, or two years from now.)

This just shows their fans don't have much more sense that the supposed fans on here.

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