Measure your Words Guys...........

A few years back, UT had recruited a kid hard to come to Knoxville and shore up the defensive line. He decided to go elsewhere, and called Fulmer to notify him of this. Fulmer basically said, "I'll be honest and say that I'm disappointed, but I wish you the best of luck and it was great getting to know you." At that point, he handed the phone to John Chavis, who basically said the same thing; Chavis then handed the phone to the DL coach (whose name escapes me), and he said the same thing.

Less than a year later, when that player was looking to transfer after having his scholarship pulled (for being 10 minutes late to practice as a result of a class he was taking), UT was the only place that he called, and he said that it was because the coaching staff had handled it with class.

And that is how Darwin Walker became a Volunteer.
I agree 100% with the OP. I posted in the recruiting forum a few mins ago wishing them luck. It's obvious Ambles was never coming here now, and that he was just playing with us. Put in his situation (& If I were a man) I would do the same. We have Rogers who I am excited about!
If recruits like Ambles and Copeland are going to turn their backs on the Vols after stringing us along, then they deserve all the vitriol that comes their way. To hell with both of them. Vol fans have a right to vent in this, or any other, forum.
VOL fans do have the right to vent in this or any forum... and we are classy regardless..


Espn just showed that Ambles signed with Tennessee and had the power T beside it, while talking about how he signed with USC.. Conspirators help me out what does this mean?:dunno:
ambles is a prick, and he deserves to fall and break his leg to knock him down a peg. hes one of those thats let all the attention go to his head
Espn just showed that Ambles signed with Tennessee and had the power T beside it, while talking about how he signed with USC.. Conspirators help me out what does this mean?:dunno:
it means ESPN hates us, and is rubbin it in our faces, j/k
coach dd still thinks he is coaching at and getting a bunch of 2 stars and losing a bunch of 4 stars is no big deal. This dude is a nice guy but nice guys finish last in this race. It is going to be a long, long, couple of years until we realize we need an experienced high profile coach to get back from the impending mediocrity.

g t f o
Coach DD still thinks he is coaching at La.Tech and getting a bunch of 2 stars and losing a bunch of 4 stars is no big deal. This dude is a nice guy but nice guys finish last in this race. It is going to be a long, long, couple of years until we realize we need an experienced high profile coach to get back from the impending mediocrity.

Hey Queefin, go visit your own boards.
please don't say stuff like this (From a UGA board about Da'rick)

Started praying for him to tear an ACL yesterday.....Reply and I've never given a :censored: about Derek :censored: Dooley.

Hell, I didn't even know Vince had a son until UT hired him.
This is what I find hilarious about message boards.

1.) People on message boards think they actually matter.

2.) If players do read remarks on message boards and actually take heed in them, then they have no fortitude and probably won't cut it at this level, if thats all the heat they can take.

In summary, be kind, courteous, and talk on a message board like you would if you were talking to someone face to face.
If recruits like Ambles and Copeland are going to turn their backs on the Vols after stringing us along, then they deserve all the vitriol that comes their way. To hell with both of them. Vol fans have a right to vent in this, or any other, forum.

Any negative posts knocking our coach and team players can only make it harder to keep this team moving in a positive direction. Just figure they drop in on this site from time to time. Just keep that in mind whenever posting. It reflects poorly on VolNation.
It's an open message board.

Suck it, Hall Monitor.
To hell with them both.... like Special Ed said they strung UT along & turned their backs on the BigOrange...they knew all along where they were going....the only kind of luck i hope they have while @ Lsu & Usc is bad luck!
Any negative posts knocking our coach and team players can only make it harder to keep this team moving in a positive direction. Just figure they drop in on this site from time to time. Just keep that in mind whenever posting. It reflects poorly on VolNation.

Go run around with a stick in your hand or play with some scissors.....Geesh
Any negative posts knocking our coach and team players can only make it harder to keep this team moving in a positive direction. Just figure they drop in on this site from time to time. Just keep that in mind whenever posting. It reflects poorly on VolNation.

Take your own advice when your bad mouthing Bruce and the basketball team :ermm:
Glad they're gone. You could tell Ambles was stuck on himself all along. Let's bring in some character instead.
VOLS. Lets be men about this. Lets wish Ambles and Copeland and whoever luck, thank them for considering the VOLS and then move on to praising those guys that have chosen to join the Volnation! These guys are making decisions at 17/18 years old that 99.9% of us never could imagine.
You really want Ambles et al to regret not coming here? Then show them that UT is about class, wish them luck and quit with the BS! "We didn't want him anyway", "He is the next Kelley Washington". What crap. We would be slobbering all over the internet if we landed Ambles. These guys picked great programs in LSU and USC. They should be proud that they had such great options.
Llook, 1 thing I learned the hard way about getting rejected/dumped. When time has passed, all that really matters is how I acted. Lets be able to look back, and have these recruits look back and say that we acted like adults. This way those recruits might always wonder if UT would have been a better choice. And who knows who they might say the same to down the road in the form a future recruit, HS coach or other. Or not, but at least we can be proud of how we acted.
We have a great class as it stands, with guys fired up to be a VOL. Lets get behind them and represent UT in a way we can be proud of.

Uhh, You do realize this is Volnation don't you??? :naughty:
Stay Classy???????????

Have you forgotten? We're trailor park trash according to ESPN :eek:lol::lolabove:
Ambles will regret his decision when USC is on probation and he is staying in smog filled LA instead of playing in a bowl game. GO VOLS

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