Would you want to come work for Tennessee?



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2009
The rumor in many places is that the assistant coaches will not be missed because they did not "work hard enough".

If you are trying to build a staff that has any type of men I can respect as husbands as fathers, you had better not tell a guy his 60 hour week is not enough because his divorced compadre wakes up, rolls off the sofa in the office, works 12 hours, goes out and drinks a lot then comes back to the office.

I have seen this same thing happen at law firms. I do not want a change with Kiffin as head coach, Monte as DC or Orgeron as recruiting coordinator. What I do want is for everyone to be careful in understanding that law firms with partners who crap on associates end up with firms that are dysfunctional as the associates leave and take their clients with them.

As long as the recruiting coordinator position is filled, the defensive coordinator position is filled and the offensive coordinator position is somewhat meaningless in that the head coach calls all the plays you are going to have a hard time attracting and retaining top quality assistant coaches.

As long as 60 hours a week is not nearly enough work, you are going to be unable to attract and retain guys who understand that God and family come before football. This will lead to breakdowns in lots of other areas. A DUI for an assistant coach would be a big black eye for the program, but you will also start turning off lots of recruits if we become the "no angels" coaching staff.

Hiring someone, training them and then getting little from this in the first year but a great deal more in the second and third is a natural part of any job no matter how hard working and skilled the hire is. If we serve as a stepping stone for coach after coach, the people who hire our assistants will be getting the net benefit that our football program paid for. Wilson and Gran are obvious examples.

Reaves has personal loyalty to Kiffin obviously.

Chaney may head to Marshall.
Lance Thompson may be heading to Louisville.

People told me that Gran would be replaced by at least as good of a recruiter. Now we are talking about Jay Graham? Who could bring us Lattimore the NYT snitch?

I am concerned.
...where do i sign up? i'll even work for half of what any other assistant is making.
Mike Hamilton Fan,

Since your post is longer than the Iliad and The Odyssey combined, as usual, I had time to smoke 3 cigarettes and drink 2 cups of coffee before I finished it. But essentially you said the exact same thing as you always do. "I'm am concerned".

Well who isn't, sometimes we have to have a little faith in our athletic department. The athletic facilities are 2nd to none, we have National Champions in just about every sport, except men's bball, We have another top 10 recruiting class again this year, and right now, we don't have enough scholarships available to sign all the players that want to come here.

So chill out dude, it's going to be ok.

PS shorten your posts to a mere short story rather than the next Lord of The Rings!
I'll work there for $50k (and all the cool toys/UT merch they get)...and I'll give my all for Tennessee!
Mike Hamilton Fan,

Since your post is longer than the Iliad and The Odyssey combined, as usual, I had time to smoke 3 cigarettes and drink 2 cups of coffee before I finished it. But essentially you said the exact same thing as you always do. "I'm am concerned".

Well who isn't, sometimes we have to have a little faith in our athletic department. The athletic facilities are 2nd to none, we have National Champions in just about every sport, except men's bball, We have another top 10 recruiting class again this year, and right now, we don't have enough scholarships available to sign all the players that want to come here.

So chill out dude, it's going to be ok.

PS shorten your posts to a mere short story rather than the next Lord of The Rings!

I do wonder sometimes if people have problems reading. If you work in a professions where you read hundreds of pages and write quickly, reading less than a page that is written without large words takes about a minute. If you only read books with pictures it is understandable that every single time I post you would say "that took me a real long time to read" or "I gave up reading that nonsense, it had more than two paragraphs."

I am concerned, but I said why I am concerned. There is something small that could become a pattern. What is being said about the guys who are leaving (Gran in particular) is also what concerns me a great deal. Saying he did not work hard enough is a joke.

Do you realize that your reply was almost half the length of the OP? Have you read much Homer?
UT is a program on the rise with a great recruiting class coming in and those assistant coaches are leaving because they are now able to get better jobs. Would you rather have a bunch of tired and self-satisfied assistants or guys looking to prove themselves and move on? These guys don't want to remain assistants forever.

As long as the positions at UT lead to better career opportunities they will attract ambitious candidates. The assistants aren't just fresh meat. A few have NFL experience and the others have been involved in high level college football. We didn't exactly train these guys. I'd say the return on the investment is a top 5 recruiting class.
Nobody feels sorry for guys working only 60 hours a week and knocking down $250k.
I look at this way. The turnover just means there won't be any complacency on this staff. The new guys will be eager to prove themselves and they'll have top shelf talent to work with. Not all bad guys.
I just believe you are so accustomed to us not losing staff. Fulmer kept his guys for a long long time. Look at Saban. He is the same as Kiffin when it comes to recruiting. I am with you on I don't want these guys to lose their marriage or anything for TN but they get paid a lot of money to do this job. I would work extremely hard for that pay check and plus I love the VOLS. I get where you are coming from but their spouse should know what they are getting into. I like your posts but this is a new thing for all of us that we have a dynamite staff and of course people will come calling. Maybe thats what happened to our old staff? They weren't the hot commodaty (spelling? lol I went to a golf college) like our guys now.
Nobody feels sorry for guys working only 60 hours a week and knocking down $250k.

If you work 60 and have out of town travel that makes your weeks more like 80 and you are called lazy, but you are being compared to guys who have abandoned their families, you will realize that if you want to be a husband and father, you cannot stay.

In the end I do not think it was about the money for Gran.

Also 175k when you are 30 and you are just starting in a law firm is not bad, but when you are 40 if you are making the same and the partners take the money you bring the firm and give it to each other, you leave.
All are leaving for pay increases....that sets a pretty good precedent. Work for Monte or Lane and reach your career goals. When we run out of qualified applicants I'll show some concern. Until then, onward and upward.
Anyone tied into the coaching profession should know and do know it's not a 9-5 job. Time away from families is common and i promise coaches like Nick Saban and a lot of other ones demand and get long hours from their assistants. Comes with the territory.
If you work 60 and have out of town travel that makes your weeks more like 80 and you are called lazy, but you are being compared to guys who have abandoned their families, you will realize that if you want to be a husband and father, you cannot stay.

In the end I do not think it was about the money for Gran.

Also 175k when you are 30 and you are just starting in a law firm is not bad, but when you are 40 if you are making the same and the partners take the money you bring the firm and give it to each other, you leave.

And you admitted this was just a rumor. Way to run with it to continue the paranoia and doom.
I do wonder sometimes if people have problems reading. If you work in a professions where you read hundreds of pages and write quickly, reading less than a page that is written without large words takes about a minute. If you only read books with pictures it is understandable that every single time I post you would say "that took me a real long time to read" or "I gave up reading that nonsense, it had more than two paragraphs."

I am concerned, but I said why I am concerned. There is something small that could become a pattern. What is being said about the guys who are leaving (Gran in particular) is also what concerns me a great deal. Saying he did not work hard enough is a joke.

Do you realize that your reply was almost half the length of the OP? Have you read much Homer?

Does the following bring back any memories from your literature classes at UT? Surely some of these must have been marked up on your papers. :)

Hodge's Harbrace college handbook
Chapter 15 Conciseness: Avoiding Wordiness and Needless Repetition w/rep
15a Making every word count
(1) Redundancy
(2) Unnecessary words
15b Revising to eliminate wordiness
15c Necessary repetition
15d Revising to eliminate needless repetition
15e Style, overwriting
Nobody feels sorry for guys working only 60 hours a week and knocking down $250k.

I work more than 60 hours a week and for a lot less money than that.

So, BPV is on to something here. I just can't find it in my heart to feel sorry for them.

If people who earn this kind of money aren't happy, let 'em try to make ends meet on minimum wage.
At minimum, working at UT is a great resume builder. It may be a burn out job after a couple of years but I personally wouldn't mind putting in the time. Not forever mind you, but at least a couple years.
One thing that is being overlooked here, with all the hand-wringing about assistant coaches being hired away, is what does this really say about our staff?
It says that other schools are looking at us and saying, "We have to get one of these guys because they are GOOD!"
Does the following bring back any memories from your literature classes at UT? Surely some of these must have been marked up on your papers. :)

Hodge's Harbrace college handbook
Chapter 15 Conciseness: Avoiding Wordiness and Needless Repetition w/rep
15a Making every word count
(1) Redundancy
(2) Unnecessary words
15b Revising to eliminate wordiness
15c Necessary repetition
15d Revising to eliminate needless repetition
15e Style, overwriting

hahahah that is funny. I admit that I do not regularly revise my message board posts. Volnation is usually one of 20 or so Firefox windows up and sometimes I will type something out for a few minutes and post and then hear people complain that it took them longer to read than it took me to compose. Kind of funny.

UT was a lot of fun. The English department was not too tough.
All are leaving for pay increases....that sets a pretty good precedent. Work for Monte or Lane and reach your career goals. When we run out of qualified applicants I'll show some concern. Until then, onward and upward.

If they were jumping ship to take a pay cut or to a lower level position it would concern me.

The fact that each have improved their positions and have received raises makes finding a replacement much easier. Gives Lane the chance to offer the ability for the next guy to better their career.

And as far as the OP saying that they don't like putting in 60+ hours. If that was the case they need to get out of college football.

That is the new norm.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
You are basing your worries off of rumors. Maybe he does require more work, maybe he doesn't. Would you rather them barely work or just put in their 40 and go home? Recruiting can be a full time job and most of these coaches know this when they sign up. If you don't want to do it then go home. You are getting paid well to do a job. If they were making minimum wage then they would have a complaint. If you want to achieve something you have to work for it. Sometimes that means adding extra time. I know they have families and all, but it comes with the territory. For example, if you sign up to become a truck driver you expect to be away and on the road. If you sign up to be a recruiter you have the same. You don't just make a few calls and go home for the day. You have to talk to them constantly and see them, otherwise someone will outwork you.

We want the coaches who will work and get the job done. The others can stay home or recruit for their local college. This is the big time. You are in one of the biggest conferences and you go against tough competition. You either put up or shut up. If the rumor is true, I am glad these coaches are leaving. I don't want another Fulmer staff where your D coordinator is too lazy to recruit.

Worry not, if you want less worry maybe you could be a fan of Vandy or another school that does not expect results on the field.
One thing that is being overlooked here, with all the hand-wringing about assistant coaches being hired away, is what does this really say about our staff?
It says that other schools are looking at us and saying, "We have to get one of these guys because they are GOOD!"

This is a valid point. Lane Kiffin did a tremendous job coming into this job with people questioning his resume because of the destructive power of insane Al D putting together a top notch staff.

He should be able to bring in more top notch guys, but I am hoping it is young and hungry guys who he can evaluate correctly as having the skill set to build a reputation here for several years. This turnover will happen to any successful staff (see my post back in August where I predicted Gran and Thompson would leave) but it will also drag down productivity if it happens on a regular basis.
I agree. I loved the coaches for their dedication to the program, but somehow feel odd knowing that they are living lives out of balance. Ultimately, their sacrifice will end up causing me enjoyment on Saturdays so it is really strange.

Anyone who can't see this is exactly the reason Gran took off is missing the boat in my opinion. It wasn't cash or location, it was values. Can't say so much about Frank Wilson, I don't know. Good post MHF.
I agree. I loved the coaches for their dedication to the program, but somehow feel odd knowing that they are living lives out of balance. Ultimately, their sacrifice will end up causing me enjoyment on Saturdays so it is really strange.

Anyone who can't see this is exactly the reason Gran took off is missing the boat in my opinion. It wasn't cash or location, it was values. Can't say so much about Frank Wilson, I don't know. Good post MHF.

This is a gig not unlike the career path to a corporate finance Managing Director at an reputable investment bank. On the other end is a several million dollar per year salary. In between is playing competitors for more salary, even though everyone makes great money. 100 hour weeks are the good ones.

You're bucking for millions per year. It ain't easy.
Kiffin has made no bones about wanting an NFL staff. He expects an NFL workload. Coaches who can't handle that should probably work somewhere else.

I don't care what the profession is, highly successful people don't lead "balanced lives." They don't eat dinner at home every night with the family and spend Saturday afternoons at the zoo with the kids. They're not going to church three times a week and staying for the potluck afterwards. They are working. And that is why they are successful.
These coaches make big money for working a few months during the year. 60 hour weeks during the season---no big deal.

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