Recruiting Football Talk VII

Whoever is advising Baron has given him awful advice. I can’t imagine trying to play a school for 3 years that you were entering the portal, finally leaving, and then going to your 3rd (maybe 4th if he doesn’t go back to Ole Miss) is a good look in the eyes of NFL teams
I think he is just trying to cash as many checks as possible before next year
In backed up traffic, needed to switch lanes to get around a blockage. Had my blinker on for a while, found an opening and got over. Guy behind sped up like he was gonna hit me and honked his horn. There was plenty of room, he just didn’t want to let me over. I brake checked him a little ( how much can you even brake check someone when you’re going less than 5mph stop and go) and gave him a look in the mirror. He then flipped me off and motioned for me to bring it on. So I hopped out of the car and about the time I got to the front of his truck he had a pistol pointed in my face. I said thought you wanted me to come back here and talk? He yelled get back in the car! I rolled my eyes and laughed…may have called him a thing or two, another name for a cat….. And got back in the car. Never know what kind of crazy you will run into on the road or what people will do when they are scared.

I thank the Lord for watching over me in the days when I used to let my temper get the best of me, and for grace and forgiveness.
This is funny if you know what a hoss @LaagerVol is. Dude thought he would be tough until he sees Laager step out. He then had the "oh $h!t" moment and told Laager to get back in the car.

Same energy...

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Reggie Bush is getting his Heisman Trophy returned to him.
Perfect. He broke rules that were in place and universally known at the time that he broke them. No problem.

It was literally impossible for us to break wholly imaginary rules that were not in place when we allegedly "broke" them. NCAA tried to destroy our program. And notice the NCAA still hasn't dropped its heinous corrupt case against us. A judge has stayed enforcement against the will of the NCAA.

Meanwhile, Michigan. Walks.

This so-called "wild west" at the moment -- or "freedom" as the wise refer to it -- is infinitely better than power vested in criminal NCAA.

I know the Heisman decision wasn't an NCAA decision. Just sayin'.
My son had a pretty bad HS/groin pull almost two years ago when making a tackle in football…. It took 3-4 months before he could play sports again. He can do all weight training that has to do with his legs…. Does great with box jumps… The only issue is when he runs…. you can tell he has difficulty with that right leg…. Does anyone have any ideas on what to try?
Start with physical therapy imo.

Whoever is advising Baron has given him awful advice. I can’t imagine trying to play a school for 3 years that you were entering the portal, finally leaving, and then going to your 3rd (maybe 4th if he doesn’t go back to Ole Miss) is a good look in the eyes of NFL teams
If he has 15 sacks this season they won't care if rapes puppies. But he won't and he's moving because he thinks he's elite and he's not.
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