Why does he always look like a REAL President?

You totally missed part of the point he was making with the link in the video. Why would you do that?
Should I comment on the post made or the tiktok videos included? They are 2 completely separate and unrelated items. Why would he do that?
He did a lot of what you said, and now he is a bully. Any scenario where he doesn't come out looking like the bad guy?
He does his job.

I don't care about the bully aspect outside of this thread trying to beef up his presidential-ness. But it does fold back into his job, he is a bully and it doesn't work; from that standpoint alone he should try something else.
he had a republican congress for 2 years. He didn't get much done because he wanted to treat the system of checks and balances like a typical business where he just gets to tell others what to do. too bad for him, but good for the rest of us, that's not how it works.

Every president has to work with Congress to get things they want passed. Trump is no different. just another example of him NOT being presidential.

I do agree. That gop congress was bad and pretty spineless. They didnt want to work with trump either.

Too bad the dems dont care about those checks and balances.
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He does his job.

I don't care about the bully aspect outside of this thread trying to beef up his presidential-ness. But it does fold back into his job, he is a bully and it doesn't work; from that standpoint alone he should try something else.

We know joebama isnt a bully, he doesnt get the DOJ to come after political enemies at all. Goodness, how can you not see who the real bully is.
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Any white collar employee in the accounting and finance industry would laugh at these charges as ridiculous.
As would most judges. What we're seeing from New York, is nothing more than an unconstitutional lynching of a political opponent. Everyone knows it even the hack leftist lawyers know( well, maybe not)
We know joebama isnt a bully, he doesnt get the DOJ to come after political enemies at all. Goodness, how can you not see who the real bully is.
multiple things can be true. they can all be bullies. but if they aren't getting the job done them being a bully becomes a liability to their cause imo.

I am results driven, I can forgive a bully as the president if he is effective and at least meeting his campaign promises, as the bare minimum base start.

that same bully who can't get anything done isn't going to garner any of the same latitude an effective bully would.

as of this moment, there is no effective bully. both are being bullies simply because they know they can get away with it because of the two party system.
multiple things can be true. they can all be bullies. but if they aren't getting the job done them being a bully becomes a liability to their cause imo.

I am results driven, I can forgive a bully as the president if he is effective and at least meeting his campaign promises, as the bare minimum base start.

that same bully who can't get anything done isn't going to garner any of the same latitude an effective bully would.

as of this moment, there is no effective bully. both are being bullies simply because they know they can get away with it because of the two party system.

You're right, i thought trump did some good stuff but he should done more with the gop congress. We knew the dims would block him at every turn, except when to came to spending,.
You're right, i thought trump did some good stuff but he should done more with the gop congress. We knew the dims would block him at every turn, except when to came to spending,.
this is why I always get a chuckle from people claiming that Trump is something different. They are all there to spend way too much money, the only difference is what it is spent on.
Have you in your memory ever seen an Ex President continue to look so presidential? How is it this ex President looks much much more presidential then the current administration? He seems to always have the prestige, the command, crowds of people cheering him. Huge motorcades. Surrounded by capable Secret Service with the suits and glasses and briefcase like one would expect to see with the current President? Do we ever see Obama like that these days? Or W? For that matter when was the last time Biden looked Presidential in public and didn't just draw hecklers and protestors? Some here would have you believe that Trump is in "Hot Water" over the lawfare Soviet worthy indictments. Yet he draws cheering crowds all over the U.S. and always has local law enforcement wanting to get pictures with him. Is there anywhere local law enforcement would be caught dead in a Biden photo op? It Raises the Question. Why does this X President look so much more Like a Current President then an Ex President? Thoughts?

That word "presidential" ....

Yall got trolled so very hard.

Dude posted a "stirring the pot" gif on Monday.
I cannot believe how many he hooked to be honest.
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Once again... Trump exuding Presidential demeanor, and a man of the People....vs the Vegtable ice cream cone guy. The TDS people are sooooooo out of touch. THIS is what Americans see.

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Was it though?

@Sgt_Nick_Fury were you being sarcastic and trolling us over Trump being "polished?"

I'm beginning to wonder....
If Any of my posts have got you wondering or using your limited mental capacity in any form to try and rationalize reality outside your echo chamber then my entire thread is a success. I have doubts though.

ANy idiot can See Trump is mor epolished the The Vegtable pretender, and more so then several of the last presidents for that matter. No other President in modern memory has had crowds close to the kind he pulls off. You are in so much denial. If i trolled anything it was merely your TDS that kicks off any time your given a dose of reality.

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