Recruiting Football Talk VII

I love everything about history and tradition. Genealogy has always been a hobby along with scrapbooking. Read a lot of books about history you would probably find boring. I rarely watch movies especially the action packed ones. I just don’t like baseball unless I have someone I want to watch playing it. Insulting other’s intelligence because they don’t like a sport is unwarranted.
I wasn't insulting anyone. I was making a general statement about society, sorry that was not clear. Everyone has personal preferences and I understand baseball isn't for everyone nor is football (ask my momma). I was just saying that society in general has become too dumb and desensitized for baseball. If you don't think society has gotten a lot dumber, I will die on that hill, average people of a hundred years ago would be considered genius today.
And I doubt you could find a history book that I would find boring, I am usually reading three books (depending on what room I am in) at a time and currently one is the six volume history of WWII by Winston Churchill. I am a math/science man by trade but history is one of my loves.
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I wasn't insulting anyone. I was making a general statement about society, sorry that was not clear. Everyone has personal preferences and I understand baseball isn't for everyone nor is football (ask my momma). I was just saying that society in general has become too dumb and desensitized for baseball. If you don't think society has gotten a lot dumber, I will die on that hill, average people of a hundred years ago would be considered genius today.
And I doubt you could find a history book that I would find boring, I am usually reading three books (depending on what room I am in) at a time and currently one is the six volume history of WWII by Winston Churchill. I am a math/science man by trade but history is one of my loves.
That sounds better. And I was in education so I know all about the dumbing down of America.
I wasn't insulting anyone. I was making a general statement about society, sorry that was not clear. Everyone has personal preferences and I understand baseball isn't for everyone nor is football (ask my momma). I was just saying that society in general has become too dumb and desensitized for baseball. If you don't think society has gotten a lot dumber, I will die on that hill, average people of a hundred years ago would be considered genius today.
And I doubt you could find a history book that I would find boring, I am usually reading three books (depending on what room I am in) at a time and currently one is the six volume history of WWII by Winston Churchill. I am a math/science man by trade but history is one of my loves.
Baseball lost out to football and basketball because it's simply not as entertaining.

I dont see how baseball is all that complex either? It's slow moving, doesn't display near the athleticism of the other too, isn't as complex as football and is on par with basketball for complexity.

You can leave a baseball game for an hour and the score stays the same. Has nothing to do with people being less educated. It's been surpassed for good reason.
Baseball lost out to football and basketball because it's simply not as entertaining.

I dont see how baseball is all that complex either? It's slow moving, doesn't display near the athleticism of the other too, isn't as complex as football and is on par with basketball for complexity.

You can leave a baseball game for an hour and the score stays the same. Has nothing to do with people being less educated. It's been surpassed for good reason.
It's like chess
If it's true that he didn't bet against his team/himself in any game he played, I don't have a problem with that.
I generally agree. The only catch is if you have a close friend on another team and you two scheme together to change outcomes and win money.

Is it just really that hard to not bet on the sport you play? Like, bet on any other sport.

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