2024 Presidential Race

There have been some decent 3rd party candidates that, in my humble opinion, were more reasonable than either of the two-party candidates beholden to their respective extreme wingnut constituencies.

I explore 3rd party and most seem radical in one-direction and offer little across the board.

Libertarian is all about legalizing drugs but have no other policy about how to run the nation. It might be the closest one that peaks my interests but I feel like the Libertarian Republicans are more popular. Green Party is just environmental focus and is half crazy. Constitutional party is very interesting but candidates are so-so. A lot of the rest of the parties are either far left or far right parties.
Not sure on the ‘installed like toilets’ comment but the fact that Trump did get elected and likely will be elected again by voters in this country is AWESOME. The dudes a freak pure and simple. The only solace to be had is that he consistently loses the popular vote and likely will again.
fixed it for you
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fixed it for you
Not even sure why we look at or discuss the national popular vote. 270 is all that matters. When our Vols spank Oklahoma in the SEC opener this year, all the fans are gonna care about is the final score. The CF world is not gonna be like “Yes. The Vols did win 35-18 today. But Oklahoma fans should feel good that they outgained the Big Orange by 14 total yards.”

The strategy is to win the game! Trump’s campaign will develop a strategy to get him to 270. Losing the popular vote only hurts his ego and gives the left something to complain about. I do not care whatsoever about the national popular vote and no one else should either. It’s a secondary stat at best.
to say either choice is abhorent doesnt do justice to the implications of policy and ideology…not even close.

Reagan had it in his last term
Reagan, more than likely did.... and Biden does too.. and that’s where we are now boys and girls (and I am going to get slammed again for saying all of these folks are too old to be doing what they are doing from Senators to Supreme Court Justices to POTUS.. if you have to take naps.. you probably shouldn’t be doing it.. I know I would get fired lol… 3..2..1…’but, but I’m an engineer and own my own my own business I’m 78 and you believe in euthanasia’ 😂 which is fantastic, but you are an anomaly.. most people want to relax
Democrats know this is true. They just don’t care.

Joe Biden's plan for "winning" in November:

Buying votes with taxpayer money and calling it "student loan forgiveness."
Paying college students federal money to register voters and calling it a "work study program."
Issuing an executive order demanding 600 federal agencies serve as part of the Democrat GOTV machine and calling it "Promoting Access to Voting."
Opposing voter ID and signature verification measures by calling it "Jim Crow 2.0."
Importing votes by refusing to enforce our laws and calling it "humane immigration policy."
Blocking ballot access for RFK Jr. and other third-party candidates and calling it "defending democracy."
Indicting his top opponent on four separate legally unprecedented charges and calling it "justice."

Joe Biden is the biggest threat to "democracy" and the rule of law of any president in American history. -Kirk
Not even sure why we look at or discuss the national popular vote. 270 is all that matters. When our Vols spank Oklahoma in the SEC opener this year, all the fans are gonna care about is the final score. The CF world is not gonna be like “Yes. The Vols did win 35-18 today. But Oklahoma fans should feel good that they outgained the Big Orange by 14 total yards.”

The strategy is to win the game! Trump’s campaign will develop a strategy to get him to 270. Losing the popular vote only hurts his ego and gives the left something to complain about. I do not care whatsoever about the national popular vote and no one else should either. It’s a secondary stat at best.

It's a way for losers to beat on their chests.
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Installed like toilets meaning candidates are preselected in advance and pushed by the party regardless of how the people feel.

Facing facts here, Biden was DOA until the miracle in South Carolina. Someone wanted him to be the front runner.

Hillary was selected well in advance and nobody else was even considered in 2016.

Jeb Bush was "the man" in 2016 until Trump took over that race.

Mitt Romney had "his turn" in 2012 when Newt or Ron Paul might have made better choices. (Though nobody was going to win against Obama)

Obama was a little known Senator in 2008. Rose to prominence over Hillary then too?

John McCain was given his chance in 2008 as well.

Point being, the Party picks who they want in advance and lobs money at them to get them nominated. Trump was honestly from the grassroots and not the party choice.
All pretty obvious but mostly true points. Trump could have come from heaven and I still would not vote for him. My guess on that would be he was cast out like some other famous fool we all know of…

and BTW I’ve installed a few toilets in my day. No party and nobody tells me how to do it. I simply follow the facts and boom bang bam…it works! What a novel concept to follow… real facts not made up.
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If you look as far back as Clinton, voters tend to put Presidents on a short leash. In that, I mean the voters have typically given them very little time when a President had their party in control of congress before turning over either the House, Senate or both. Happened with Clinton, W, Obama, Trump and now Biden. Assuming Trump wins, a lot still depends on the Senate as it stands now wrt legislation. If a red wave never materialized as expected with Biden in office, not sure it will with Trump and voters may take the House away from him. They may not show up to vote for Biden in November as much as they show up to limit Trump in the next election cycle by focusing on the congressional races. It’s pretty much been like clockwork since the 90’s.
By-in-large those checks and balances have worked pretty well in the US of A over our history. I pray it continues.
There have been some decent 3rd party candidates that, in my humble opinion, were more reasonable than either of the two-party candidates beholden to their respective extreme wingnut constituencies.
I agree. Unfortunately they have never generated enough support to gain traction whether it be by lack of popularity or more likely via a power play by one or both of the parties in power. My guess is the later. I do not know of a solution but I think there is one. I tend to be optimistic at heart.

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