2024 Presidential Race

Just to be clear Trump backers are not only dumb, uneducated, unwashed and void of curiosity. They appear as a whole to be an inbred clan of refugees from Deliverance. Even worse they have endeared themselves to a convicted and self confessed sexual abuser of women. What in God's name is wrong with you people. How could anyone not feel superior to this rabble of sub humanity.
As pointed out by another poster, how gross is this post. Sub human? Ok Adolf. Who else do you find subhuman bc they disagree with you?
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Quite now. He couldn't possibly understand how his labeling is how every mass genocide has ever happened. But he knows he's a good guy
The othering really ratcheted up during Covid.

People were dirty, and dangerous to society.
Wanted them confined to camps in the interest of public safety.

Now we have groups being designated as “sub-human”.
As pointed out by another poster, how gross is this post. Sub human? Ok Adolf. Who else do you find subhuman bc they disagree with you?
If you take part in electing this convicted and self admitted sex offender to the office of President you have lost your humanity. Sub human is probably too mild. Cockroach or maggot may be more accurate.

History suggests it will be tough for him to recover. Biden’s 38% approval rating at this stage in the calendar is lower than that of the last three presidents who went on to lose re-election: Trump (48%), George H.W. Bush (39%) and Jimmy Carter (43%), according to Gallup survey data.
Quiet now. He couldn't possibly understand how his labeling is how every mass genocide has ever happened. But he knows he's a good guy
When speaking at the a rally in Vandalia, Oh on March 16 Donald Trump said of migrants: "In some cases, they're not people, in my opinion."

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It is our God given right as Americans to be pompous, insufferable, lying assholes. And Trump is certainly American.

What is decidedly un-American is the State seeking to set up a partisan Disinformation Governance Board (DGB… can’t make this up) that will proclaim “Truth”, and censor Americans.
Your last sentence describes TrumPutin with absolute precision. His being voted out of office was the only thing that stopped him from completing the job.
When speaking at the a rally in Vandalia, Oh on March 16 Donald Trump said of migrants: "In some cases, they're not people, in my opinion."

So you have become what you hate.
Your last sentence describes TrumPutin with absolute precision. His being voted out of office was the only thing that stopped him from completing the job.
Holy crap.
You’d have to be a moron to buy into that.
Trump was no more of a tyrant that Mr mask mandates Biden
Ironically, Trump voters say the main reason to vote for him is inflation ... as Trump announces 100 percent tarrifs on imports if elected.

And before you reply with some nonsense, per usual. The point is the MSM intentionally, willingly, and ferociously created a false narrative and took Trumps words out of context. Anyone that’s watched the actual clip (I doubt you have) can see that. It’s why posters like @volfanhill, who don’t like Trump whatsoever are defending him on this issue. This is completely unacceptable. These aren’t fringe outlets either. This is NBC and CBS pushing these falsehoods.
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Lol…Imagine spewing garbage like this and thinking you’re the good guy.

Garbage? It's true. Calling J6 rioters "patriots" and saying you're going to pardon them? Four or five police officers are dead
because of Trump and his lies---fact. You've got to be pretty sick in the head to vote for that UnAmerican, treasonous scumbag. And look at
the people who show up at his rallies--lots of redneck men.

St. Pat's day parade here in the Outer Banks yesterday.


It's disturbing that people are:

(1) Ignorant enough to still think Trump won the '20 election (62 failed lawsuits later); and
(2) Bold / Dumb enough to buy a big expensive flag to wave at a parade - thinking what... this is patriotic? That you'll actually convince someone else that he won?

Just stop. You'll get your chance at the polls in November (assuming The Donald evades prison until then.... hell even then you can still be dumb enough to vote for him). And there Donald will lose - at which time y'all can just can take all your misplaced anger and piss and vinegar and bottle it all up... for good.

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Garbage? It's true. Calling J6 rioters "patriots" and saying you're going to pardon them? Four or five police officers are dead
because of Trump and his lies---fact. You've got to be pretty sick in the head to vote for that UnAmerican, treasonous scumbag. And look at
the people who show up at his rallies--lots of redneck men.

Is this supposed to be an insult?
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