Recruiting Football Talk VII

Yep. It's a tightrope. You double up Mincey and the rest of the o-line says, "Hey, what about me?!" Soon you're overpaying everybody and throwing money at backups to stay. The strategy is to avoid getting in this position, but we're in it and working our way out isn't as simple as any of us would like it to be.
You think Mincey might come back under original terms? Not so sure he is getting much run since going in.
KingVFL and VQ both saying its not an NIL issue with the OL recruiting, which means that it falls on Elarbee
Do the 5 really high quality OL recruits in the 24 class fall on Elarbee too? What about the class of 7 in 23 that have yet to have a chance to see the field? What about the product that we put on the field in 22-23 that propelled us to the #1 offense in the country? What about the OL that spearheaded one of the top rushing offenses in the country in 23-24? Does Elarbee get "blamed" for all of that too?
I hate stories like this.

It just puts out a negative vibe about Tennessee and ignores that it was a previous staff.
It's a sleazy combination of cheap-shot "hit piece" and extreme-downmarket clickbait. Get this. Bruh published the same story 4 days ago! He just changed the headline in a clear and sleazy effort to deceive readers that his garbage is new.

There was no news value at all in even his earlier clickbait. Penix confirmed this in late 2017!!! And the article itself, which repackages for the 2nd time this 6-year-old story, eventually admits this is a story about Pruitt's first year.🙄 The buried lede. But the truth wouldn't sell.
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That’s with our starting line mostly in tact. We saw what it looked like in the bowl game without all the starters.
Most of the starters will be back by spring ball and the younger guys will step up and take over in the positions where people vacated. People act like nobody will improve from one year to the next when the first HS guys that this staff brought in are just now heading into their 3rd year when they would really be expected to contribute. Let's all settle down and let the staff that produces top offenses produce top offenses.
It’s been a good Sunday…we got a 2025 TE that looks like he’s ready to play right now, I got to use my ignore button on someone who’s been on VN for 10 days, and I read comments that verbally attacked a Vol Club captain for information he provided in a player thread. We’re only 6 days into the off season and some people have already written off the 2024 season based on 3 portal guys.

I’ve had enough negativity over the last couple of days to last me awhile. If that makes me a sunshine pumper then so be it, but coming on here is usually enjoyable and it just isn’t right now.
Portal is much easier to evaluate as you have game film against college competition. High school is much harder to evaluate.
I will concede that as fact, but as I have stated in several posts today, our coaches are juggling the roster better than most programs. They are not going to overpay or bring in a player that could undermine their culture just to satisfy recruiting expectations from the fans. They know what they have and what they want and what they NEED. If they feel they NEED more OL then they will find the right ones. It may not be the ones VN wants, but we will have a good offense to put on the field come August 31.
Going into the offseason after drubbing a ranked opponent in a New Years Day bowl 35-0 feels pretty darn good.
Makes all the epic hand wringing and trouble borrow all the more frustrating. We can't even enjoy the dominate performance our O put on a highly touted defense because it has already been pre-ordained that our OL sucks 8 months from now.
You better be concerned about your culture. You pay too much to an OL guy then even if you don't lose a guy like Cooper Mayes, you do show these new guys coming in they can't trust you for your word and they will expect more or portal sooner than later. They have a plan concerning how much they pay and what they expect and how you can make more, if they waver from it, you can expect problems you do not want. It is not a hard concept. Like Ace said, these guys are wanting more than we would give Seaton and they want guarantees to start and if you screw Campbell over and pay more to bring a guy in then you have an issue with trust for the entire team. You can't say one thing as a staff and then do the opposite if you want long term success.
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This announcer for the Titans game must be a huge Jaguars fan, he gets SO hyped for anything close to positive for them.
Thing is, portal OL are almost as much of a gamble as HS OL are. Sure they have had a year or two at higher level ball but a lot of them are transferring because they either want a payday or they weren't good enough to start on their former team. The portal is a double edge sword. There are undoubtedly some good/great players to be had. There are also some divas and some duds. The portal will take you so far but the bread and butter of a program will still be solid HS recruiting and development.
I don't know that the evidence shows proven portal OL are just as effective as unproven OL you recruited out of HS, but I agree it would be nice to not need the portal.

I don't believe we're in that position though. The returning starting OL aren't championship caliber, so we're stuck hoping the young guys will be.
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Getting top talent, and developing it. That easy.
So putting top rated offenses on the field doesn't count as a stop gap while they develop the talent they started bringing in two years ago and should really probably just now be expected to start contributing?

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