Recruiting Football Talk VII

That AP game may have been a Blessing in Disguise. The team is going down to Florida with a chip on their shoulder rather than overconfident.
I vote we make some of Barb's dip for that chip, and not use Kim Klubnik's dip recipe. I don't want her and Tod having any reason to show back up at my house and desecrate my azaleas anymore.
The coaches weren't trying to be vanilla Saturday; the offense wasn't executing to plan. Nobody wants to succeed more than Joe Milton, but Game Joe is not the same as Practice Joe, and the receivers had difficulty adjusting. When the adrenaline is pumping, Joe tends to throw high or behind the receivers. He ups the velocity. The WRs are being asked to catch difficult balls. Trying to balance a talented, but inconsistent, QB with very good WRs who're not getting the ball they expect creates what we saw Saturday. We'll just take the W and continue to find a workaround for games where Joe isn't at his best and the WRs aren't hauling in the catches.

Ugh, glad you said it though. I was afraid this was a possibility. We tried to throw it around but scrapped it after the bad passes and easy drops.

My concern is that this game is Florida’s Super Bowl. Winning this will save Napier’s job and possibly their recruiting class. If Milton or the WRs are off again then it’s a loss.
Then what happened to that "top notch" staff the week before?...cause they sucked that week.
I wouldnt say they sucked. Southern illinois is a good football team. For Austin Peay playing Tennessee was their 1 shot at playing a top ranked school and they rose to the occasion.

Austin Peay is a good team that will win their conference. Tennessee should have blown them out but didnt due to them looking ahead to Florida
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Pretty much my thoughts. In the last 4 games since Joe has been a starter Tennessee is 11/45 (24.4%) putrid on 3rd downs. 3 of those games were against cupcakes. Going to need WAY more consistency than that to win 10 games this season IMO. Can’t leave the rest of the team out to dry like that
Yeah, then you run into the Nico talk. I understand CJH showing loyalty to Joe since he showed loyalty to you. But if he can’t take that step to bring practice into game. When is time? Such a tough situation for everyone involved. But at the end of the day. It’s about win/loses.
Danny White is going to have to start venting the referees.

(I do mean venting, as in cutting these fools.)

Rant incoming:

It's unbelievable how many alabama alumni/residents are part time officials in this league and are allowed to call TN games. They hate us and we hate them. An Alabamain born referee will not call a straight up game if the Volunteers are involved, it's impossible. Professional referees need to be hired and held accountable for the calls they make, especially the ones that are blatantly biased towards one team. The referees have too much power and can/will/have determined the outcome of several games. They dictate the pace of the game, spotting the ball, pass interference/holding, when to blow the whistle, injury timeouts, etc. The review team in Birmingham is the biggest joke ever. There's way too much money in college athletics not to have full time, honest officials.... especially in football and basketball. At least get the SEC Headquarters out of ALABAMA.... move it to Alaska if necessary. I saw earlier this week, that the SEC originated in Knoxville TN, who was the brainiac that said "let's move it to Birmingham. What could go wrong? 🤷"

End rant

One thing I can admit the NFL holds their officials accountable for their actions... their performance is reviewed every week..... but they get paid well officials Idk what compensation they receive money wise....
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We're beating Florida this week. I was more mad about the game Saturday because the drops/bad throws are making the talking heads right about Joe Milton. They're not right. The AP game has let the hype and expectations return to reality and some of the pressure is off. The defense is awesone and the offense will click this week. I believe in Joe and he's going to get us to the SEC Championship game.

Gates 24

15-0 til we ain't

If your making 50 million a year yes not the little cash he makes now....
So just cuz he gets paid 250k he shouldn’t be scrutinized? I’m just saying. It comes par with the sport and the national exposure that comes with being a QB on any team at every level.
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One thing I can admit the NFL holds their officials accountable for their actions... their performance is reviewed every week..... but they get paid well officials Idk what compensation they receive money wise....
With as much money as the P5 conferences make, they should be able to afford full time officials and pay them well. Then you can hold them accountable and nobody can use the excuse of "these guys are just part time refs on the weekends" bull crap. There is too much money involved in CFB to have the embarrassing level of officiating that we witnessed on Saturday.
I mean, seriously they should try to give him half a Xanax tomorrow for practice just to see how he does... anything to chill him out... The good thing is he's already mentioned not losing in the state of FL so he will be ready, just gotta keep him cool headed.
That's a great idea------give him drugs so he can play ball o_O o_O o_O o_O o_O
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To me, it doesn’t make sense. It’s killing Joe’s one strength. Why can he do it against Clemson and not against UVA and APSU. My hope is they’re doing everything they can to not reveal anything. That seems pretty counterintuitive though. You would think you’d want Joe to get reps at it. And if we are going to limit him to 1/4 of our playbook, we may as well do that with Nico. The entire thing is weird. I know Joe is inconsistent, but the dude regressed in a massive way, and it’s not really adding up.
He CAN do it against NFL teams. It's all in his head.

Same reason why a golfer can make a 30 foot putt in crunch time to win a major, but the next week he 3 putts from ten feet. It's all mental.

I think the early drops REALLY wrecked his mind game against APSU. I think (in hindsight) the coaches should have gone to the ground game for a while to let his head clear.
Yeah, then you run into the Nico talk. I understand CJH showing loyalty to Joe since he showed loyalty to you. But if he can’t take that step to bring practice into game. When is time? Such a tough situation for everyone involved. But at the end of the day. It’s about win/loses.
Seems like we've been down this road once before, but at this moment in time, there is no Hendon waiting to come save it.

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